Root mechanical properties related to disturbed and stressed habitats in the Arctic (original) (raw)
Related papers
New Phytologist, 2007
Effects of warming on root morphology, root mass distribution and microbial activity were studied in organic and mineral soil layers in two alpine ecosystems over > 10 yr, using open-top chambers, in Swedish Lapland. • Root mass was estimated using soil cores. Washed roots were scanned and sorted into four diameter classes, for which variables including root mass (g dry matter (g DM) m -2 ), root length density (RLD; cm cm -3 soil), specific root length (SRL; m g DM -1 ), specific root area (SRA; m 2 kg DM -1 ), and number of root tips m -2 were determined. Nitrification (NEA) and denitrification enzyme activity (DEA) in the top 10 cm of soil were measured. • Soil warming shifted the rooting zone towards the upper soil organic layer in both plant communities. In the dry heath, warming increased SRL and SRA of the finest roots in both soil layers, whereas the dry meadow was unaffected. Neither NEA nor DEA exhibited differences attributable to warming. • Tundra plants may respond to climate change by altering their root morphology and mass while microbial activity may be unaffected. This suggests that carbon may be incorporated in tundra soils partly as a result of increases in the mass of the finer roots if temperatures rise.
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018
In wet tundra ecosystems, covering vast areas of the Arctic, the belowground plant biomass exceeds the aboveground, making root dynamics a crucial component of the nutrient cycling and the carbon (C) budget of the Arctic. In response to the projected climatic scenarios for the Arctic, namely increased temperature and changes in precipitation patterns, root dynamics may be altered leading to significant changes in the net ecosystem C budget. Here, we quantify the single and combined effects of 1 year of increased winter snow deposition by snow fences and summer warming by opentop chambers (OTCs) on root dynamics in a wetland at Disko Island (West Greenland). Based on ingrowth bags, snow accumulation decreased root productivity by 42% in the 0-15 cm soil depth compared to ambient conditions. Over the growing season 2014, minirhizotron observations showed that root growth continued until mid-September in all treatments, and it peaked between the end of July and mid-August. During the season, plots exposed to experimental warming showed a significant increase in root number during September (between 39 and 53%) and a 39% increase in root length by the beginning of September. In addition, a significant reduction of root diameter (14%) was observed in plots with increased snow accumulation. Along the soil profile (0-40 cm) summer warming by OTCs significantly increased the total root length (54%), root number (41%) and the root growth in the 20-30 cm soil depth (71%). These results indicate a fast response of this ecosystem to changes in air temperature and precipitation. Hence, on a short-term, summer warming may lead to increased root depth and belowground C allocation, whereas increased winter snow precipitation may reduce root production or favor specific plant species by means of reduced growing season length or increased nutrient cycling. Knowledge on belowground root dynamics is therefore critical to improve the estimation of the C balance of the Arctic.
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2018
In wet tundra ecosystems, covering vast areas of the Arctic, the belowground plant biomass exceeds the aboveground, making root dynamics a crucial component of the nutrient cycling and the carbon (C) budget of the Arctic. In response to the projected climatic scenarios for the Arctic, namely increased temperature and changes in precipitation patterns, root dynamics may be altered leading to significant changes in the net ecosystem C budget. Here, we quantify the single and combined effects of 1 year of increased winter snow deposition by snow fences and summer warming by opentop chambers (OTCs) on root dynamics in a wetland at Disko Island (West Greenland). Based on ingrowth bags, snow accumulation decreased root productivity by 42% in the 0-15 cm soil depth compared to ambient conditions. Over the growing season 2014, minirhizotron observations showed that root growth continued until mid-September in all treatments, and it peaked between the end of July and mid-August. During the season, plots exposed to experimental warming showed a significant increase in root number during September (between 39 and 53%) and a 39% increase in root length by the beginning of September. In addition, a significant reduction of root diameter (14%) was observed in plots with increased snow accumulation. Along the soil profile (0-40 cm) summer warming by OTCs significantly increased the total root length (54%), root number (41%) and the root growth in the 20-30 cm soil depth (71%). These results indicate a fast response of this ecosystem to changes in air temperature and precipitation. Hence, on a short-term, summer warming may lead to increased root depth and belowground C allocation, whereas increased winter snow precipitation may reduce root production or favor specific plant species by means of reduced growing season length or increased nutrient cycling. Knowledge on belowground root dynamics is therefore critical to improve the estimation of the C balance of the Arctic.
Plant and Soil, 2000
Spatial distributions of root systems of Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr. trees were examined in two stands in central Siberia: an even-aged stand (ca. 100 yrs-old) and a mature, uneven-aged (240-280 yrs-old) stand. Five larch trees of different sizes were sampled by excavating coarse roots (diameter > 5 mm) in each stand. Dimensions and ages of all first-order lateral roots were measured. Micro-scale conditions of soil temperature and soil water suction (each 10 cm deep) were also examined in relation to earth hummock topography (mound vs. trough) and/or ground floor vegetation types (moss vs. lichens). All larch trees developed superficial root systems, consisting of the aborted short tap root (10-40 cm in soil depth) and some well-spread lateral roots (n = 4 − 13). The root network of each tree was asymmetric, and its rooting area reached about four times the crown projection area. Lateral roots generally expanded into the upper soil layers of the mounds where summer soil temperature was 1-6 • C higher than inside nearby troughs. Chronological analysis indicated that lateral root expansion started successively from lower to upper parts of each aborted tap root, and some lateral roots occurred simultaneously at several decades after tree establishment. The process of root system development was likely to be primarily linked with post-fire dynamics of rhizosphere environment of the permafrost soils.
Effects of soil freezing on fine roots in a northern hardwood forest
Canadian Journal of Forest Research-revue Canadienne De Recherche Forestiere, 2008
We reduced early winter snowpack in four experimental plots at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hamphire for 2 years to examine the mechanisms of root injury associated with soil freezing. Three lines of evidence suggested that direct cellular damage, rather than physical damage associated with frost heaving, was the principal mechanism of root injury: (i) decreases in root vitality were not greater on sites with more frost heaving, (ii) in situ freezing damage was confined to first-and second-order roots in the organic horizons rather than entire root systems, and (iii) tensile strength of fine roots was not significantly compromised by experimental stretching to simulate ice lens formation. Although significant differences in the intensity of soil freezing (depth, rate, and minimum temperature) were observed across the plots, no clear effects of soil freezing intensity on root injury were observed. Snow manipulation had no effect on mycorrhizal colonization of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) roots. A significant increase in root growth was observed in the second summer after treatments, coincident with a significant pulse of soil nitrate leaching. Through their effects on fine roots, soil freezing events could play an important role in forest ecosystem dynamics in a changing climate.
Variability in short root morphology of the three main tree species of Europe's boreal forest (Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth)) was investigated in four stands along a latitudinal gradient from northern Finland to southern Estonia. Silver birch and Scots pine were present in three stands and Norway spruce was present in all stands. For three fertile Norway spruce stands, fine root biomass and number of root tips per stand area or unit basal area were assessed from north to south. Principal component analysis indicated that short root morphology was significantly affected by tree species and site, which together explained 34.7% of the total variability. The range of variation in mean specific root area (SRA) was 51-74, 60-70 and 84-124 m 2 kg -1 for Norway spruce, Scots pine and silver birch, respectively, and the corresponding ranges for specific root length were 37-47, 40-48 and 87-97 m g -1 . The range of variation in root tissue density of Norway spruce, Scots pine and silver birch was 113-182, 127-158 and 81-156 kg m -3 , respectively. Sensitivity of short root morphology to site conditions decreased in the order: Norway spruce > silver birch > Scots pine. Short root SRA increased with site fertility in all species. In Norway spruce, fine root biomass and number of root tips per m 2 decreased from north to south. The differences in morphological parameters among sites were significant but smaller than the site differences in fine root biomass and number of root tips.
Journal of Ecology, 2016
1.Climate warming is faster in the Arctic than the global average. Nutrient availability in the tundra soil is expected to increase by climate warming through 1) accelerated nutrient mobilization in the surface soil layers, and 2) increased thawing depths during the growing season which increases accessibility of nutrients in the deeper soil layers. Both processes may initiate shifts in tundra vegetation composition. It is important to understand the effects of these two processes on tundra plant functional types. 2.We manipulated soil thawing depth and nutrient availability at a Northeast-Siberian tundra site to investigate their effects on above and belowground responses of four plant functional types (grasses, sedges, deciduous shrubs and evergreen shrubs). Seasonal thawing was accelerated with heating cables at 15 cm depth without warming the surface soil, whereas nutrient availability was increased in the surface soil by adding slow-release NPK fertilizer at 5 cm depth. A combination of these two treatments was also included. This is the first field experiment specifically investigating the effects of accelerated thawing in tundra ecosystems. 3.Deep soil heating increased the aboveground biomass of sedges, the deepest-rooted plant functional type in our study, but did not affect biomass of the other plant functional types. In contrast, fertilization increased aboveground biomass of the two dwarf shrub functional types, which both had very shallow root systems. Grasses showed the strongest response to fertilization, both above and belowground. Grasses were deep-rooted, and they showed the highest plasticity in terms of vertical root distribution, as grass root distribution shifted to deep and surface soil in response to deep soil heating and surface soil fertilization, respectively. 4.Synthesis-Our results indicate that increased thawing depth can only benefit deep-rooted sedges, while the shallow-rooted dwarf shrubs as well as flexible-rooted grasses take advantage of increased nutrient availability in the upper soil layers. Our results suggest that grasses have the highest root plasticity, which enables them to be more competitive in rapidly changing environments. We conclude that root vertical distribution strategies are important for vegetation responses to climate-induced increases in soil nutrient availability in Arctic tundra, and that future shifts in vegetation composition will depend on the balance between changes in thawing depth and nutrient availability in the surface soil.
Main conclusion Evergreen plants are more vulnerable than grasses and birch to snow and temperature variability in the sub-Arctic. Most Arctic climate impact studies focus on single factors, such as summer warming, while ecosystems are exposed to changes in all seasons. Through a combination of field and laboratory manipulations, we compared physiological and growth responses of dominant sub-Arctic plant types to midwinter warming events (6 °C for 7 days) in combination with freezing, simulated snow thaw and nitrogen additions. We aimed to identify if different plant types showed consistent physiological, cellular, growth and mortality responses to these abiotic stressors. Evergreen dwarf shrubs and tree seedlings showed higher mortality (40-100%) following extreme winter warming events than Betula pubescens tree seedlings and grasses (0-27%). All species had growth reductions following exposure to − 20 °C, but not all species suffered from − 10 °C irrespective of other treatments. Winter warming followed by − 20 °C resulted in the greatest mortality and was strongest among evergreen plants. Snow removal reduced the biomass for most species and this was exacerbated by subsequent freezing. Nitrogen increased the growth of B. pubescens and grasses, but not the evergreens, and interaction effects with the warming, freezing and snow treatments were minor and few. Physiological activity during the winter warming and freezing treatments was inconsistent with growth and mortality rates across the plants types. However, changes in the membrane fatty acids were associated with reduced mortality of grasses. Sub-Arctic plant communities may become dominated by grasses and deciduous plants if winter snowpack diminishes and plants are exposed to greater temperature variability in the near future.