Orienting behavior by rats with visual cortical and subcortical lesions (original) (raw)

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Visual orientation in the rat: a dissociation of deficits following cortical and collicular lesions Cover Page

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The effects of lesions of the superior colliculus on locomotor orientation and the orienting reflex in the rat Cover Page

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Reinstatement of orienting behavior by d-amphetamine in rats with superior colliculus lesions Cover Page

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Disinhibition of the superior colliculus restores orienting to visual stimuli in the hemianopic field of the cat Cover Page

Movements resembling orientation or avoidance elicited by electrical stimulation of the superior colliculus in rats

The Journal of Neuroscience, 1986

Some studies have reported that stimulation of the superior colliculus in rats produces orienting responses, as it does in a number of species. However, other studies have reported movements resembling avoidance and escape, which are not characteristic of collicular stimulation in other mammals. This apparent discrepancy was investigated by systematically recording the effects on head and body movements of electrical stimulation at a large number of sites throughout the superior colliculus (SC) and surrounding structures. It was found that the nature of the movements observed depended on the location of the stimulating electrode. Contralateral head and body movements resembling orienting and approach were obtained from sites in the intermediate and deep layers in rostral colliculus, the intermediate white layer and immediately surrounding tissue in central colliculus, and in all layers except deep white in caudal colliculus. At the remaining responsive sites, movements resembling av...

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Movements resembling orientation or avoidance elicited by electrical stimulation of the superior colliculus in rats Cover Page

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Ibotenic acid lesions of the substantia nigra pars reticulata ipsilateral to a visual cortical lesion fail to restore visual orienting responses in the cat Cover Page

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Exploratory behavior of rats following visual cortical and subcortical lesions Cover Page

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Lateral neglect in a head movement task: More impairment with unilateral than bilateral lesions of the superior colliculus in the rat Cover Page

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Detection of visual stimuli in far periphery by rats: possible role of superior colliculus Cover Page

Difference in context-dependency between orienting and defense-like responses induced by the superior colliculus


Previous electrical stimulation and lesion experiments have suggested that the crossed descending output pathway from the deeper layers (SCd) of superior colliculus (SC) controls orienting responses, while the uncrossed pathway mediates defense-like behavior. Here we extended these investigations by using selective optogenetic activation of each pathway in mice with channelrhodopsin 2 expression by double viral vector techniques. Brief photo-stimulation of the crossed pathway evoked short latency contraversive orienting-like head turns, while extended stimulation induced contraversive circling responses. In contrast, stimulation of uncrossed pathway induced short-latency upward head movements followed by longer-latency defense-like behaviors including retreat and flight. The novel discovery was that the evoked defense-like responses varied depending on the environment, suggesting that uncrossed output can be influenced by top-down modification of the SC or its downstream. This furth...

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Difference in context-dependency between orienting and defense-like responses induced by the superior colliculus Cover Page