Semi-arid Crop Responses to Atmospheric Elevated CO2 (original) (raw)

Responses of plants to the rising concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide : An analysis


The impact of rising concentration of atmospheric CO2 on the productivity of crop plants was studied using Open Top Chamber (OTC) and Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) technologies, established under National Fellow Project at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. These investigations led to the establishment of South Asian CO2 research network of Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and India to study the effect of elevated level of CO2 on the productivity of cereals, pulses and oil seeds. Indian studies revealed that elevated CO2 significantly ameliorated the effect of adverse drought stress in Brassica species. It also demonstrated the possibility of transferring CO2 responsive characters in Brassica hybrids. The data generated from these investigations may possibly help in developing plant type and identifying a suitable crop management system for future high CO2 environment. !IIfflicHI cnfi':rr ct't ww:rr Cf)f \iFf q IdIq {O I if '!fH ~ f)-ffi ct't% ...

Influence of Elevated Co₂ on Agricultural Systems: A Review

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE - Revista de Agricultura, 2020

Agriculture constitutes the second largest biome on Earth's surface and is responsible for a third of the world's net primary production. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is directly linked to the primary production of ecosystems through its major role in photosynthesis. CO2 levels on Earth's atmosphere have increased substantially since the Industrial Revolution and increase at a rate of 3.2 ppm per year. Along with such rises, shifts in precipitation patterns and global annual temperature averages have occurred, which might affect food production worldwide. The present work aimed at assessing how elevated CO2 concentrations affect net accumulation of carbon in this biome, increasing net photosynthesis and nitrogen and water use efficiency. Interactions among elevated atmospheric CO2, temperature and precipitationmajor climate parameters driving current changes-are discussed, as well as means by which crop physiological responses to elevated CO2 can help mitigate some of the deleterious effects predicted in many agricultural systems worldwide.

Crop Responses to Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Interaction with Temperature

Journal of Crop Improvement, 2005

Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ([CO 2 ]) and other greenhouse gases have risen over the past few decades. If this continues, it could indirectly lead to increases in global temperature. Responses of grain legume crops (soybean, dry bean, peanut and cowpea) to elevated [CO 2 ] and interactions with temperature are summarized. Our research shows that, in the absence of biotic (pests, diseases and

Elevated CO2 Concentration Improves Heat-Tolerant Ability in Crops

Abiotic Stress in Plants [Working Title]

The rising concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (aCO2) and increasing temperature are the main reasons for climate change, which are significantly affecting crop production systems in this world. However, the elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration can improve the growth and development of crop plants by increasing photosynthetic rate (higher availability of photoassimilates). The combined effects of elevated CO2 (eCO2) and temperature on crop growth and carbon metabolism are not adequately recognized, while both eCO2 and temperature triggered noteworthy changes in crop production. Therefore, to increase crop yields, it is important to identify the physiological mechanisms and genetic traits of crop plants which play a vital role in stress tolerance under the prevailing conditions. The eCO2 and temperature stress effects on physiological aspects as well as biochemical profile to characterize genotypes that differ in their response to stress conditions. The aim of this rev...

Influence of Rising Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations and Temperature on Growth, Yield and Grain Quality of Cereal Crops

Functional Plant Biology, 1994

A possible scenario for the end of the 21st century is that the atmospheric CO2 concentration will be in the range of 510-760 μL L-1 and that the mean global temperature will be 1.5-4.5�C higher. Further, there may be greater incidences of extreme climatic events, which together with the CO2 and temperature changes will influence development, growth and grain yield of cereals such as rice and wheat. For these C3 plants, the driving force for the growth response to elevated CO2 is higher leaf CO2 assimilation rates (A). However, the response of A to CO2 depends on temperature with maximum absolute increases occuring at temperatures which do not cause flower abortion, while negligible increases are observed at low temperatures. At high temperatures, where A is reduced because of partial inactivation of photosynthetic enzymes, the increase in A due to CO2 enrichment is still observed. Other factors, such as changes in shoot water relations or hormone concentrations, may influence growt...

The impact of global elevated CO2 concentration on photosynthesis and plant productivity


The alarming and unprecedented rise in the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases under global climate change warrants an urgent need to understand the synergistic and holistic mechanisms associated with plant growth and productivity. Photosynthesis is a major process of sequestration and turnover of the total carbon on the planet. The extensive literature on the impacts of climate change demonstrates both positive and negative effects of rising CO 2 on photosynthesis in different groups of higher plants. Significant variation exists in the physiological, biochemical and molecular responsiveness to elevated CO 2 atmosphere, among terrestrial plant species including those with C 3 , C 4 and crassulacean acid metabolic (CAM) pathways. However, the regulatory events associated with the inter-and intraspecific metabolic plasticity governed by genetic organization in different plants are little understood. The adaptive acclimation responses of plants to changing climate remain contradictory. This review focuses primarily on the impacts of global climate change on plant growth and productivity with special reference to adaptive photosynthetic acclimative responses to elevated CO 2 concentration. The effects of elevated CO 2 concentration on plant growth and development, source-sink balance as well as its interactive mechanisms with other environmental factors including water availability, temperature and mineral nutrition are discussed.

Elevated CO2 and Water Stress in Combination in Plants: Vanguards for Adaptation to Changing Climate


The changing dynamics in climate is the primary and important determinant of agriculture productivity. The effects of this changing climate on overall productivity in agriculture can be understood when we study the effects of individual components contributing to the changing climate on plants and crops. Elevated CO2 and drought due to low variability in rainfall is one of the important manifestations of the changing climate. There is considerable amount literature that addresses these aspects in terms of effects on plants systems from molecules to ecosystems. Of particular interest is the effect of increased CO2 on plants in relation to drought and water stress. As it is known that one of the consistent effects of increased CO2 in the atmosphere is increased photosynthesis, especially in C3 plants, it will be interesting to know the effect of drought in relation to elevated CO2. The possible mechanisms by which this occurs will be discussed in this minireview. Interpreting the effe...

Quantifying field-scale effects of elevated carbon dioxide concentration on crops

Climate Research, 2012

Climate change will affect crop growth and agricultural production worldwide. Crop production will be affected not only by modified rainfall patterns, increased air temperatures and changes in evaporative demand, but also elevated atmospheric CO 2 concentrations ([CO 2 ]). This study used meta-analytic techniques to quantify field-scale effects of elevated [CO 2 ] (mainly 541 to 620 µmol mol −1 ) on agricultural crops in free air CO 2 enrichment (FACE) conditions. Overall, crops benefit from elevated [CO 2 ] by improving water productivity (+ 23% for biomass production and + 27% for yield production), which is achieved through production increases in biomass (+15% for aboveground biomass) and yield (+16%), in combination with a decrease in seasonal evapotranspiration (-5%). Increased root:shoot ratios (+ 24%) indicate a more than proportional stimulation of belowground biomass production. Less critical, yet statistically significant are changes in canopy development rate and in phenology. Certain statistically significant differences existed between C3 and C4 crops, and between levels of environmental stress (nitrogen and water availability). Once the effect of elevated [CO 2 ] is well understood and quantified, crop modellers can investigate the interactions with other climatic factors, providing better estimates of potential impacts on food production. KEY WORDS: CO 2 · Climate change · Crop productivity · FACE · Field-scale effects · Meta-analysis Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher OPEN PEN

Response of different agricultural plants to elevated CO2 and air temperature

The aim of this study was to estimate the response of different agricultural plants to elevated CO 2 and temperature and to check a hypothesis that current ambient CO 2 concentration is a limiting factor for growth of most agricultural species. Experiments were conducted in the chambers with a controlled climate. Seven most common agricultural crops and one weed species fat hen (Chenopodium album L.) were selected for the investigation. Dry over-ground biomass, concentration of chlorophylls and carotenoids were evaluated at the end of the experiments. The over-ground biomass of all investigated species significantly increased along with an increase in CO 2 concentrations and for most species the greatest biomass accumulation was observed at 700-1500 ppm. Response of fat hen biomass accumulation to elevated CO 2 concentration was comparatively small and statistically insignificant, indicating that for this species current CO 2 concentration is not a limiting factor. Analysis of the results on integrated impact of elevated CO 2 (700 ppm) and temperature (+4ºC) on the growth of investigated plants showed that the plant response is highly species specific. Tomato and soybean, which are considered the greatest warmth-loving plants under local climate conditions, produced the highest amount of biomass at elevated both CO 2 and temperature. For other investigated species, no positive interaction between CO 2 and temperature was detected and differences in biomass formation under elevated CO 2 alone and elevated both CO 2 and temperature ere not statistically significant.