The Disturbing Truth- Milk, Sugar and Chocolates (original) (raw)

Many foods today contain industrial contaminants, pesticide and herbicide residues, preservatives, and other unhealthy ingredients. One nuclear industry in US official publicly announced that plutonium was safe for human consumption and could be sprinkled on breakfast cereal and eaten without hazard. But when an anti-nuclear organization invited him to prove his claim by attending a plutonium breakfast, he declined to attend. Even major newsmagazines, TV and radio networks offer daily advice on exercise, weight control, cholesterol levels, heart care, and more. But much of this information is contradictory or unsupported by scientific studies. Most of it is market-driven - geared to promote related programs, products, or services. Some of it is downright dangerous. For over eighty years the milk industry, through relentless advertising and the cooperation of our public school systems and the medical professions, has hammered a myth into the collective American psyche: that cow ' s milk is a healthy, calcium-rich food essential to building and maintaining strong bones and teeth. Surprisingly, our obsessive consumption of calcium derived from dairy products seems to be a detriment to our bones and our general health. Consider these facts: societies with low-calcium diets and only a fraction of our dairy consumption have less risk and prevalence of bone fracture. For years, numerous studies have shown a link between dairy consumption and a variety of common ailments including allergies, acne, constipation, colitis, eczema, colic, and ear infections, to name just a few. More recently, leading researchers have uncovered an aberrant protein in milk whose presence may explain why it is so strongly correlated to risk for heart disease, Type I diabetes, and symptoms of autism. A host of insidious diseases, including bovine tuberculosis, Johne ' s disease (implicated as a cause of Crohn's disease in humans) , leukemia and an AIDS-like condition, now infect many dairy herds. In this book we'll learn about the extensive list of dangerous contaminants routinelyfound in dairy foods. Yet this is not a book of doom, gloom and terrible truths presented without hope or remedy