Experimental validation of Monte Carlo and finite-element methods for the estimation of the optical path length in inhomogeneous tissue (original) (raw)
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A Monte Carlo model of light propagation in tissue
ABSTRACT The Monte Carlo method is rapidly becoming the model of choice for simulating light transport in tissue. This paper provides all the details necessary for implementation of a Monte Carlo program. Variance reduction schemes that improve the efficiency of the Monte Carlo method are discussed. Analytic expressions facilitating convolution calculations for finite flat and Gaussian beams are included. Useful validation benchmarks are presented.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 1989
Abstruct-Using optical interaction coefficients typical of mammalian soft tissues in the red and near infrared regions of the spectrum, calculations of fluence-depth distributions, effective penetration depths and diffuse reflectance from two models of radiative transfer, diffusion theory, and Monte Carlo simulation are compared for a semi-infinite medium. The predictions from diffusion theory are shown to be increasingly inaccurate as the albedo tends to zero andlor the average cosine of scatter tends to unity.
Monte Carlo methods for light propagation in biological tissues
Mathematical biosciences, 2015
Light propagation in turbid media is driven by the equation of radiative transfer. We give a formal probabilistic representation of its solution in the framework of biological tissues and we implement algorithms based on Monte Carlo methods in order to estimate the quantity of light that is received by a homogeneous tissue when emitted by an optic fiber. A variance reduction method is studied and implemented, as well as a Markov chain Monte Carlo method based on the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. The resulting estimating methods are then compared to the so-called Wang-Prahl (or Wang) method. Finally, the formal representation allows to derive a non-linear optimization algorithm close to Levenberg-Marquardt that is used for the estimation of the scattering and absorption coefficients of the tissue from measurements.
Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2007
The use of perturbation and differential Monte Carlo ͑pMC/ dMC͒ methods in conjunction with nonlinear optimization algorithms were proposed recently as a means to solve inverse photon migration problems in regionwise heterogeneous turbid media. We demonstrate the application of pMC/dMC methods for the recovery of optical properties in a two-layer extended epithelial tissue model from experimental measurements of spatially resolved diffuse reflectance. The results demonstrate that pMC/dMC methods provide a rapid and accurate approach to solve two-region inverse photon migration problems in the transport regime, that is, on spatial scales smaller than a transport mean free path and in media where optical scattering need not dominate absorption. The pMC/dMC approach is found to be effective over a broad range of absorption ͑50 to 400%͒ and scattering ͑70 to 130%͒ perturbations. The recovery of optical properties from spatially resolved diffuse reflectance measurements is examined for different sets of source-detector separation. These results provide some guidance for the design of compact fiber-based probes to determine and isolate optical properties from both epithelial and stromal layers of superficial tissues.
Abstruct-Using optical interaction coefficients typical of mammalian soft tissues in the red and near infrared regions of the spectrum, calculations of fluence-depth distributions, effective penetration depths and diffuse reflectance from two models of radiative transfer, diffusion theory, and Monte Carlo simulation are compared for a semi-infinite medium. The predictions from diffusion theory are shown to be increasingly inaccurate as the albedo tends to zero andlor the average cosine of scatter tends to unity.
Controlled Monte Carlo method for light propagation in tissue of semi-infinite geometry
Applied Optics, 2007
The controlled Monte Carlo method is generalized to model photon migration in turbid media of arbitrary geometries. Its implementation for the reflection geometry is exemplified in this paper. The most probable diffuse direction of light is used as the local attractive vector that serves as the basis of biased sampling of scattering angles. Consequently, path-length resolved photon trajectories can be generated with a significantly improved efficiency. We report a more than 29 times reduction in simulation time for early arriving photons in a typical configuration.
Estimation of Optical Pathlength Through Tissue From Direct Time of Flight Measurement
Physics in Medicine …, 1988
Quantitation of near infrared spectroscopic data in a scattering medium such as tissue requires knowledge of the optical pathlength in the medium. This can now be estimated directly from the time of flight of picosecond length light pulses. Monte Carlo modelling of light pulses in tissue has shown that the mean value of the time dispersed light pulse correlates with the pathlength used in quantitative spectroscopic calculations. This result has been verified in a phantom material. Time of flight measurements of pathlength across the rat head give a pathlength of 5.3 i 0.3 times the head diameter.