On the Analysis of the M Geo/M Geo/1/N Queue with Batch Poisson Arrivals and Service Completions (original) (raw)
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International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 2017
The present paper is an attempt to explore a discrete-time queueing models which is suitable for the performance evaluation of Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) multiplexers and switches. In these models, the time axis is divided into fixed-length slots and the service of a customer must start and end of slot boundaries. Most analytical studies of discrete-time queues assume constant service times equal to one slot, an infinite buffer capacity and/or uncorrelated arrival process. A discrete time bulk service rule (,), the inter arrival time are assumed to be independent and identically distributed random variable follows negative binomial distribution. The time arrival between the consecutive arrivals of customers is described in terms of a discrete probability mass function (p.m.f) (); () is the probability of having an interval of an integer number of x time units between the arrival customer number n and customer number n+1. The service time of customers n is given in terms of a discrete p.m.f () follows geometric distribution. The arrival and service are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d). The arrival of customer in First In First Out (FIFO) order. One server transports packets in batches of size minimum L packets and maximum K. The steady state analysis for the considered queuing system is presented and the generating functions of the number of customers in the system are obtained. We also obtained the closed form of expressions for some performance measures of the system.
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Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2011
We consider an infinite-buffer single-server queue with renewal input. The service to the queueing system is provided in batches of random size, according to a batch Markovian service process (BMSP). The queue length distribution of the number of customers in the system at pre-arrival and arbitrary epochs has been obtained along with some important performance measures, such as the mean number of customers in the system and the mean system sojourn time of a customer. Secondly, we study a similar queueing system with queue-length-dependent inter-arrival times and obtain the abovementioned state probabilities and performance measures. These queueing models have potential applications in the areas of computer networks, telecommunication systems, manufacturing systems, etc.
American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences
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