Human rights in Islam and the west (original) (raw)

Origin and Development of Human Rights in Islam and the West: A Comparative Study

International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 2013

Human rights are the most complicated issue and challenge for the twenty first century. Islam has granted some fundamental rights for the whole humanity, without any discrimination that needs be practiced under all situations. The West claimed to be the founder of human rights due to which the people of the world are blessed with all human rights, otherwise they were steeped in ignorance. The question arisesare human rights absolute and bestowed on men by God or they are caused by the development of society or created by the society itself? Basically to answer this question, the present research is conducted by making a comparative study of the human rights granted by Almighty Allah in the Holy Quran and contemporary human rights practiced in the west. The objective of this study is to explore the origin and development of Human rights in Islam and West. After detailed study it is clear that Islam has laid down a comprehensive charter of universal fundamental rights for humanity fourteen hundred years ago. This charter granted a very noteworthy profound declaration of rights. Furthermore it is concluded that there is no substantial difference between some of the fundamental principles set forth in the West and the Islamic precepts, whereas, there is difference in their approaches. On the basis of research it is concluded that the inherent dignity of man and his fundamental freedom tracing its origin back to God or divine inspiration.


The Human Rights have become a most significant issue of the modern history in Muslim and the Western perspectives. It can generally be defined as " those rights that are inherent in human nature and without which human beings cannot live a decent life ". There is a basic deference in Islamic and Western concept of human rights. According to Islamic claim Almighty Allah has granted the human rights to human being due to his honour and dignity. The western human rights are acquired after a long and endurable human struggle and demands. Another important difference is that in Islam the sources of human rights is divine revelation (Wahi) but in West the source of human rights is human mind and experience. This Article provides an over view and comparison of human rights from Islamic and the Western perspectives as a concept and a practice in the perspective of the Last sermon of the Prophet and the UDHR. I hope it will be proved an excellent struggle for those who interested in committed to the cause of human rights and establishing Justice, peaceful, tolerant and model humane societies throughout the Globe. It will be introduced the readers to some of the themes of Human Rights in the Light of UDHR and the Last Sermon of the Prophet towards creating a better understanding and awareness about human rights in modern societies. This article elaborates and analyzes the definition, approaches to the human rights, human rights in the UDHR and the last sermon of prophet and the analytical comparison of two documents.


The present paper examines Human Rights in the light of western and Islamic thought. Western concepts; particularly the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is analyzed in comparison with Islamic perspective. It is done by examining the historical documents of west and religious scriptures of Islam. The aim of the paper is to highlight the relevance and importance of human rights in the contemporary global society.

Human Rights in Islam

[Introduction] Throughout history, the philosophy of human rights has been to ensure human dignity, irrespective of race, religion, creed, caste and color. Theories, codes and behaviors have been established to ensure this basic principle. However, as Thomas Hobbles wrote, “human beings are fallible.” Hence, such theories and laws were not always practical and were often full of contradictions. People try to trace the genesis of human rights back to ancient to Greece and Rome where natural law governed the institutions, but these rights are not in due order process of law. The Magna Carta (1215) of England is seen as a remarkable achievement, but it has its own defects. It has been established through case law, that members of Judaism and Sikhism are fully protected; under the Race relation act, but no such protection exists for members of other faiths1. More recently, the Bill of Rights of the United States was written but it too has shortcomings. The U.S. considers itself to be a righteous nation but it is prejudiced toward other nations and minority races. Despite the so-called established laws of Human rights, there is much discrimination in United States on the basis of color, caste and creed.

Islam and Western Debates on Human Rights

Eventhough there are overlapping and intersection in defining the concept of Human Rights, Islam and Western have serious debates on it. The debates started from the different sources of human rights. Islam put the revelation as the foundation of its rule and Western mostly depend on the individual freedom. In term of its implementation, Western critizes Islam as the ideology as well as actor behind the violation of human rights. In its point of views, Islam distinguishes the rights of the people based on the concepts of Islamic state, gender inequality, and various kinds of inhumane shariah law. On the other hand, Islam argues that Islam has more complete and advance concept of human rights than the Western since Western does not concern on the social rights of people. Even if the concept is analyzed based on the Islamic values and history, it would be clear that Islam promote human rights seriously. For some of controversial issues in Islamic shariah such as qishos, amputation and inheritance, Islam assures that they have many benefits for the common rights of the people.


How religious freedom has been understood by Muslims is the main aim of this paper. This understanding is important to receive a universal consensus on “the universal declaration of human rights”. Claimant of this essay is that there are some civilizational differences between Islamic view and contemporary human rights. Then the universal declaration of human rights is not so universal. ”. Protecting of human generosity and avoiding from international disputes are theoretical and practical outcomes of this article. Key words: religious freedom

Harmonizing Islam and Human Rights Through the Reconstruction of Classical Islamic Tradition

Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam

As international human rights norms are increasingly ratified by many nation-states, including in the Muslim world. There has been an increasing debate among Muslims on the universality of human rights and their compatibility with Islam. Like any religious tradition, however, Islam is open to various and frequently conflicting interpretations about its inherent normative demands. This research is a normative legal research using a legal philosophy approach. Sources of data come from literature in the form of articles, books and all materials related to the discussion. This study concludes that there are various interpretations among Muslims regarding human rights issues. On the one hand, due to the fact that the modern discourse of human rights emerged from the West, which historically closely associated with imperialism and colonialism, certain Muslim groups maintain hostile views towards human rights. On the other, there are also Muslims who, because of their intensive engagement ...

Perspective of Human Rights in Islam

Islam believes that God is absolute and the sole master of man and the universe. The Almighty has given each human being dignity, honour and has given him His own spirit. Islam also believes that all human beings are equal and also form one universal community that is united in its submission and obedience of God. In Islam human rights have been conferred by God. Therefore no legislative assembly in the world or any Government on earth has the right or authority to make any amendments or changes in these universal rights which are conferred by the Almighty Allah Himself. Thus we can say Islam believes in universal brotherhood and its rights are based on equality, dignity and respect for mankind. The main objective of this paper is to highlight the Human Rights in Islamic Perspective.

Human Rights Thought: Between Islamic Law and The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Asian Journal of Law and Humanity

The issue of human rights among Muslim countries is nothing new. Islamic Shari'a which is universal explains a lot of basic principles regarding equality of human rights and freedoms, even when the Prophet Muhammad declared the Medina Charter. The history of the enactment of Islamic law among Muslim communities has shifted from a vertical normativity point to a horizontal one. This is because the development of the enactment of Islamic law has also been influenced by socio-cultural dynamics and legal politics in Islamic society itself. Islam has first taught mankind about the concept of egalitarianism, universalism and democracy. This beautiful and comprehensive concept is allegedly adopted by the West through the emergence of universal ideas which are standardized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights convention. Islam is an ash-Syumul religion. Islamic teachings cover all aspects of human life. Islam provides regulations and demands on humans, ranging from the smallest ...