With adoption İslam, Turks, who have a rooted literature culture, have entered into a real interaction process with Arabic and Persian civilizations.Turkish poets have given the best work of mathnawi, whose form they have just acquainted with, thanks to their own rooted nuncupative and inscriptive literature tradition. Written both as prose an as verse in Turkish and Persian literatures, tales of Mihr ü Mâh, as well as other tales, are much important from aspect of symbolical usage. And in these works, the names of the characters are from the names of celestial bodies and the names given to their actions. Mihr ü Mâh, mathnawi of Mustafa Âlî, who is from Gelibolu, is one of these. Written with symbolic expression, this work is available to different evolutions and commentaries. The matter that forms the theme, in the literary works is the love of Mihr and Mâh. In theme, there are also the celestial bodies’ actions. Furthermore with symbolism that is based on Mihr and Mâh, the love between the human and God is expressed by Islamic mysticism. Written in the 16th century, the work has three manuscripts known in the libraries Turkey and the world. The comparative transcription of the mathnawi of Mihr ü Mâh will be done in this analysis. The analyzing of the text, whose transcription has been done, is going to be based on the analyzing method of the works which are based on narration.