«Nostre parti procul dubio patet iustitia…»: the Image of Ideal visigothic King of VII s. in the Correspondence of Braulio of Saragossa (in Russian) (original) (raw)
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Образ правителя в стихах Евгения Толедского и его параллели с «Книгой приговоров» (Liber Iudiciorum), 2012
"This article covers the image of ideal visigothic sovereign in the second half of VII c. Eugene of Toledo (646 – 657) glorified the image of good ruler in his poetry. His ideal agrees in whole with that of Isidore of Seville. The main royal virtue is piety. The monarch must obey the Scripture and show the justice, wisdom and clemency. The ideal sovereign is rewarded by purple garments and gold crown. This is the same image like an image of legislator in visigothic code of laws (Liber Iudiciorum), promulgated in 654. This code was adopted by VIIIth council of Toledo, presided by Eugene. In all likelihood he included any additions in the text of code. This article is written in Russian."
Вестник древней истории, 2013
The author studies the problem of continuity of Roman Law in the Romano-Barbarian kingdoms. Modern scholars (K.F. Eichhorn, F. Dahn, K. Zeumer, W.Reinhardt, A. Schultze, P. Merêa, A Guarino, H. Wolfram, E.A. Thompson, P.D. King, R. Collins and others) often support the view that different legal regimes existed at that time for the Romans and for the barbarians (the so-called «personal character» of law). This view is based on a broad interpretation of an article in the Burgundian Code (Lex Gund [8]). If one assumes this interpretation to be correct, this would mean that western legislation of the 5th–6th centuries witnessed a breach in the tradition of the post-classical Roman law (Theodosian Code and novellae issued by emperors of the middle and the second half of the 5th century), which was territorial in its character, i.e. applied equally to all the inhabitants of the Empire. The article shows that the idea of broken tradition contradicts both the structure and contents of the barbarian kings’ legislation of the 5th and 6th centuries. Analysis of the legislatorial activity of the Visigothic king Euric (466–484/485) and other Romano-Barbarian rulers of the period in question (Vandal, Frankish, Ostrogothic, Burgundian) shows that they not only copied the outer form of the late Roman edicts issued by prefects of the pretorium, but were guided by the essential contents of Roman Law. There was no special law for the barbarians: the law of the barbarian kings (like emperors’ constitutions before them) were equally valid for the barbarian and Roman population. At the same time Visigothic and Burgundian kings sanctioned the usage of the books of excerpts from the imperial law in court (excerpts from the Theodosian Code, from 2nd half of the 5th century novellae, etc. – the so-called Lex Romana Visigothorum and Lex Romana Burgundorum), thus underlining the continuity of the legal system and their status of direct successors of Roman law-givers. Very typical in this respect is the edict of the Visigothic king Theudis (531–548), included, together with imperial constitutions, in the very part of the Lex Romana Visigothorum which reproduces the Theodosian code. Taking all this into consideration, the author of the paper joins those who support the view of the territorial character of the law system in the Romano-Barbarian kingdoms (A. García Gallo, A. D’Ors, R. Gibert, A. Iglesía Ferreiros and others).
Наукові записки НаУКМА. Історичні науки Том 5, 2022
У статті проаналізовано сприйняття шляхтою трьох сеймикових кіл Руського воєводства короля Міхала І Вишневецького. Джерелом для цієї розвідки стали формули пошанування, вміщені в інструкціях послам на сейм 1669-1673 рр. Згадка та подяка монаршій особі були обов'язковою їх частиною. Здебільшого її прописували у вступній клаузулі, після зазначення часу й місця парламентського зібрання та імен обраних послів. У шляхетському соціумі Речі Посполитої сформувалися дві опінії щодо особи правителя: ідеальна, що побутувала в мовно-писемній традиції, та реальна, яка опиралася на реляціях панівної еліти з троном. У документальних джерелах, що проливають світло на діяльність шляхетських зібрань, відображено «портрет зразкового правителя», якого би бажали бачити політично активні репрезентанти шляхетського стану. Ідеальні образи короля-батька й мужнього рицаря були елементами світоглядної культури шляхти. У статті продемонстровано, як відрізнялося реальне ставлення річпосполитської еліти від описаного в інструкціях послам на сейм на прикладі одного короля.
This article refers to conception of legitimacy of politic power in medieval Castile and later, in early modern Spanish Empire, reflected in the “Siete Partidas” of Alphonse the Wise, king of Castile and Leon (1252–1284) and in its gloss composed by Gr. Lopez – court lawyer and counsellor of the king Carlos I (the emperor Charles V in the case of Holy Roman Empire). Jurists of the 13th century construing the well-known legal maxim “Rex est imperator in regno suo” (Decretal “Per venerabilem”, 1205, by Pope Innocent III) insisted on the supremacy of royal power not only in relation to imperial but also to papal power. Thereby a king, according to jurists of Alphonse the Wise, was represented as supreme sovereign of his kingdom either in secular and spiritual affairs. In the 16th century the court lawyer of a Spanish emperor, Gregorio Lopez, emphasized the supremacy of imperial power in the secular affairs and papal – in the spiritual. Yet he marked the possibility for the emperor to be deposed by the Roman people, who gave him his power and, by means of the renovated social contract, could recall it.
Вестник РГГУ. Серия: История. Филология. Культурология. Востоковедение / RSUH/RGGU Bulletin. “History. Philology. Cultural Studies. Oriental Studies” Series, 2017
В статье исследуются особенности образа императора в апологетических сочинениях II-III вв. Сам факт адресации апологий римским правителям, приписывание им христианских качеств и мыслей, переосмысление исторических решений римских властей в более позитивном для христиан ключе - все это формировало образ «христианского императора». Этот идеальный образ пока не мог соответствовать напряженным взаимоотношениям церкви и государства в рассматриваемый период. Однако в апологетической литературе конструируется модель желаемого будущего, в которой можно даже встретить вопрос о возможности появления императора из числа христиан (Tert. Apol. 21.24). Представление об императорской власти как о необходимом и важном элементе установленного свыше христианского миропорядка способствовало интеграции христиан в жизнь Римской империи и было частью стратегии выстраивания групповой идентичности. The paper presents a study of the image of the emperor in the apologetics of the 2nd - 3rd centuries. The very fact that first apologies were addressed to Roman rulers with and that there was an adscription to them of Christian qualities and notions as well as a reinterpretation of Roman authorities decisions - all that contributed to the formation of “Christian emperor” image. In the considered epoch such an ideal image could not so far be in tune with tens relations between the church and state. Apologetic literature was however constructing a model of the desired future, one can even find there an issue of possible nascence for an Emperor from among Christians (Tert. Apol. 21.24). A vision of Imperial Power as a necessary and important element in the providential Christian world order helped Christians to incorporate into the life of the Roman empire and was part of the strategy for forming-up a group identity.
Nizhnevolzhskiy Arheologicheskiy Vestnik, 2018
Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus' treatise De Administrando Imperio contains unique information on the country of Papagiya located in the Northwest Caucasus between Zikhiya and Kasakhiya. The present paper deals with the issues of Papagiya localization in the Trans-Kuban region and the ethnocultural features of the Papags on the basis of the complex analysis of archaeological and written sources. We make a conclusion that the territory of Papagiya corresponds to the area of cremation burials of the end of the 7 th-9 th cc. Besides, we assume the multi-ethnic character of the country's population, which includes the representatives of сremation rites, the prabolgar tribes and local settled tribes of the foothills. The general reconstruction of history of Papagiya is proposed. At the time of the Khazar Khaganate, Papagiya played the leading role on a left bank of Kuban, but in the first half of the 10 th century under the pressure of nomads and in the conditions of a general crisis of Khazaria, Papagiya lost its status. The name of this country was no longer mentioned in written sources, and its population accepted the name of the Kasogs.
The Concept of Justice in the Works of Isidore of Seville (in Russian)
The article is dedicated to the Latin concepts aequitas and iustitia in the works of Isidore of Seville. The “first Encyclopedic mind of the Middle Ages”, Isidore was guided in his works (the “Etymologies”, “Differences” and “Sentences”, studied in this article) by the Roman legal tradition as well as the Christian tradition of use of these concepts. According to Isidore, justice (iustitia) is related to the written law (ius); this word is primarily used with reference to mundane justice and legislation. In the same time it may be a just legal order, established by God, and in this sense iustitia is partly associated with aequitas. On the contrary, an equity (aequitas) is based on natural law (ius naturale) and signifies the primordial order, natural and obvious to everyone. It’s main feature is equality of all the people. Nevertheless (even in the same Isidore’s works) the concepts of aequitas and iustitia look like interchangeable synonyms: the original distinction between them disappears little by little, as long as God is accepted to be an ultimate source for both iustitia and aequitas and a passage in the “Differences” I.32 (68) appears a mere scholastic exercise in distinguishing the concepts which no longer differ in practice.
Quaestio Rossica, 2020
This article studies serf ideas about their regions at the turn of the nineteenth century. Paul I’s reforms changed Russian realities, especially affecting serfs, who became true imperial subjects and found new hope that landlord oppression was going to decrease. Although serf complaints about their masters remained formally prohibited, Paul himself examined more than a hundred during his reign. The author aims to reveal how serfs described their regions in petitions. In this article, serf regional identity in eighteenth-century Russia is examined for the first time. The study refers to published and unpublished materials from the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts and the Russian State Historical Archive, which contain legal proceedings on serf petitions filed to Paul I in 1797. That year saw a phenomenal increase in peasant unrest, as well as in serf petitions to the monarch. Entire communities often took part in drafting complaints. This study uses methods from regional history, including the analysis of mental maps, ideas about the region, and territorial identity. The author studies the structure of addresses in petitions, serf ideas about the administrative and territorial structure of the Russian Empire, and their reaction to Paul I’s provincial reform. The author also analyses how peasants described the world outside of their place of residence, developed their regional identity, and constructed collective memory. Additionally, the author identifies seven complaints whose authors were worried about the fate of their region. They represented the interests of historical regions and not administrative-territorial units. The author concludes that serfs considered themselves residents of a unified space meant for everyone under the rule of the emperor, not just for an autonomous estate. Исследуются представления крепостных о своем регионе на рубеже XVIII‒XIX вв. Реформы Павла I изменили реалии российской действительности, особенно повлияв на крепостных, которые стали настоящими имперскими подданными и прониклись новыми надеждами на уменьшение помещичьего гнета. Несмотря на то что жалобы крепостных против помещиков формально оставались под запретом, Павел I рассмотрел более ста таких жалоб за время своего правления. Цель статьи ‒ выявить, как крепостные представляли в петициях свой регион. Впервые анализируется региональная идентичность российских крепостных в XVIII в. В качестве материалов использованы малоизвестные опубликованные и неопубликованные документы из фондов РГАДА и РГИА, содержащие делопроизводство по прошениям крепостных Павлу I. Подсчитано, что на 1797 г. пришелся всплеск не только крестьянских волнений, но также подач крепостными петиций монарху. В составлении жалоб часто принимала участие вся община. При работе с источниками используются методология региональной истории, анализ ментальных карт, представлений о регионе и территориальной идентичности. Изучены структура адресов петиций, представления крестьян об административно-территориальном устройстве Российской империи, их реакция на губернскую реформу Павла I. Анализируется, как именно крестьяне описывали внешний по отношению к их месту обитания мир, конструировали региональную идентичность и выстраивали коллективную память. Авторы семи жалоб беспокоились за судьбу своего региона в целом, представляли интересы исторических областей, а не административно-территориальных единиц. Делается вывод, что авторы петиций считали себя жителями не только автономной вотчины, но единого для всех пространства Российской империи.
The article notes that the words of Ulpian that Roman law was the “knowledge of divine and human Affairs”, and that the lawyers were “the priests of the law”, this is not empty rhetoric. In Rome even in II–I centuries BC terms periti and prudentes often called the priests (the pontiffs, the augurs, the fetials and the quindecimviri). It is to them in the first place anciently belonged the right to give answers (responsa) as to the Senate and to the people in their questions about public (especially sacral) law, and to individuals about ius civile, as is evidenced by their practice of VI–I centuries BC. The information of Iuvenal about “legal expert Apollo”, as well as the data of Cicero and Ennius about the analogy of a lawyer answers with the oracles of Apollo suggest that the priestly colleges of the era of the Republic gave his answers, relying on “authority” (auctoritas) of the gods and above all of the God Apollo. Emperor Octavian Augustus-“Apollo”, as the head of all the four major priestly colleges, has made the temple of Apollo Palatinus not only religious but also legal centre of a vast Empire. Providing Roman jurists with ius respondendi ex auctoritate principis, he sought to extend their authority from the city of Rome throughout the whole of Empire.