Perjanica dolazećeg doba - O naučnom doprinosu Keneta Boldinga (original) (raw)

Doprinos Derviš-ef. Spahića izučavanju tedžvidske znanosti

Zbornik radova 20

Derviš ef. Spahić occupies a special place among Islamic scholars in our region. It is said that great nations have institutions and small – great individuals who ensure the continuation of their nation by their extraordinary sacrifice. This outstanding scholar held speeches, wrote, read and studied, in particular the Qur’an and hadith. He organized seminars for imams and he personally visited numerous jamaats in Central Bosnia and beyond, telling them on those occasions about the basics of pedagogical work. He gave imams school boards that he himself procured and paid for as well as wall boards for learning Arabic script, which he prepared and printed at his own expense. This came as a great relief to imams at a time when it was not easy to get textbooks for teaching Arabic script and similar professional literature. At the same time, he gave imams advice on how to teach others in the best possible way. This paper presents a short overview of the work of the well-known muallim, mud...

Bibliografija Šefketa Arslanagića (Nastavak)


Sažetak. U broju 19(1)(2013) časopisa MAT-KOL (Banja Luka) publikovali smo tekst ''Šefket Arslanagić-70 godina života i 45 godina rada'' u kojem je izložena njegova bibliografija Ovim tekstom dopunjavamo informacije o publikovanim tekstovima ovog bosansko-hercegovačkog matematičara.

Interpretacija djela Bartola Felbingera kao mogućnost uspostavljanja škole

Prostor, 2020

This paper deals with the architecture of Bartol Felbinger in the context of the relevant and positively evaluated conceptual levels of design. The archi tect's work is thus perceived in the context of building up the City of Zagreb and the initiation of Croatian Modern architecture. Furthermore, the paper looks into Classicism and Biedermeir inherently linked with Felbinger's work. They are viewed here in the context of the architectural culture of continental Croatia.

Još jednom o problemima književne historije: Vodička — Guillén — Perkins

Теорија и интерпретација, 2021

Ovo su naslovi tih pet studija: "Polazište i predmet književne istorije" (str. 5-12), "Razvoj književne strukture" (str. 13-30), "Geneza književnih dela i njihov odnos prema istorijskoj stvarnosti" (str. 31-54), "Istorija odjeka književnih dela" (str. 55-75) i "Književnoistorijske celine" (str. 76-100). historiography, namely its two synthetic genres, which Perkins designates as "narrative literary history" and "postmodern encyclopedia". Nevertheless, the American theorist demonstrates a certain closeness to structuralist approaches or a kind of conservatism by critical preference for narrative literary histories and immanent approaches (explanations of literary changes) over postmodern encyclopedias and contextualist approaches to literary text. The methodology of literary history of F. Vodička is still relevant today. If the future of literary historiography is a systematically coherent encyclopedia, reflecting both the literary past and the literary-historical (disciplinary) present, then Vodička's immanent approach may be an important part of it, just as modern poststructuralist/thematic interests should be included in that system.

Znanstvena djelatnost mr. sc. Darka Dekovića

kovića-filologa, književnika, dugogodišnjega predsjednika riječkoga ogranka Matice hrvatske, neumorna istraživača hrvatske glagoljaške baštine. U njegovu na više polja javnoga djelovanja još od rane mladosti izuzetno aktivnome životu neizostavnu sastavnicu čini znanstvena djelatnost, ponajprije usmjerena istraživanju hrvatske glagoljice i glagoljaštva. U ovome se prilogu iznosi opći pregled znanstvenoga rad mr. sc. Darka Dekovića, s posebnim naglaskom na rad u okviru Akademijina Zavoda za povijesne i društvene znanosti u Rijeci.

Bibliografija akademika Nenada Cambija

Archaeologia Adriatica, 2009

Drugo godište časopisa Archeologia Adriatica posvećeno je akademiku Nenadu Cambiju, stoga se u ovom broju objavljuje i bibliografija svih njegovih radova. Bibliografija obuhvaća razdoblje od 1967. do 2007. godine, što znači od prvog objavljenog rada akademika Nenada Cambija pa do današnjih dana. U navedenom razdoblju akademik Nenad Cambi objavio je 396 bibliografskih jedinica. Radovi su podijeljeni u grupe prema sadržaju i prema vrsti publikacija u kojima su tiskani. Unutar grupa bibliografske jedinice su poredane kronološkim redom prema godini objavljivanja.