Formulation and comparative evaluation of different Sitopaladi herbal syrups (original) (raw)

Physico-Chemical Evaluation of Pushyanug Churna-An Ayurvedic Compound Formulation

Although, Indian traditional system of medicine is much older in origin as well as in practice in comparison to other existing systems of medicine, still it is not fully accepted by a large group of population in Indian sub-continent. One of the important reasons for this is non-availability of quality drugs. After considering the vital importance of above fact, the organizations related to Ayurveda are now orienting its resources for the improvement of its products. Pushyanug Churna is a herbo-mineral formulation containing 25 herbal drugs and one mineral drug i.e. gairika (red ochre) as its ingredients. In the present paper, three samples of Pushyanug Churna were prepared as per the reference of Charaka Samhita and one sample was purchased from market. The market sample was having Messua ferrea as one of its ingredients instead of Crocus sativus. All the four samples were analysed for various physico-chemical parameters.


RESEARCH, World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2019

Most of herbal syrup was originally derived from plant herbal medicine refers to use extract of fruit for medicinal purpose. Along with other dosage from herbal drugs also formulated inform of syrups. Today syrup is used for treatment of many ailments and to overcome symptoms of diseases. The antioxidant syrup is used to treat the cancer because of many stress condition and other oxidative reaction in body the free radical are generated, by using these syrup the condition is overcome. The extraction of kiwi is added into orange peel it gives flavored to syrup and basil leaves extract is added as antibacterial agent to inhibit the growth of bacteria and sugar and alcohol used as preservative. Four formulation viz. F1, F2, F3 and F4 were prepared with variation in quantity of ingredients like alcohol, sugar and final volume of syrup. All prepared formulation was by parameters like density, specific gravity, pH, organoleptic characteristics. The results shown that herbal syrup formulation number 4 (F4) is more stable and elegant as compared to other formulations.

Pharmaceutical Analysis of Phalatrikadi Syrup – A Polyherbal Ayurvedic Hematinic Drug

Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International

Context: Concepts regarding standardization and quality control of Ayurvedic drugs can be traced back to the ancient times. Based on their observations, principles of drug processing and ideal qualities of finished drugs etc. have been documented. Even though the principles developed based upon the scientific parameters prevailing in those days, they are to be viewed and answered looking at the advancement of science and technology of present scenario. Material and Methods: Phalatrikadi syrup a poly herbal formulation containing Haritaki, Bibhitaki, Amalaki, Guduchi, Vasa, Nimba Bhunimba and Katuka and was prepared and subjected to pharmacopeial procedures for analysis of organoleptic, physicochemical, phytochemical and fingerprinting for standardization. Observation and Results: Findings are pH (Direct) 4.32, Specific gravity 1.389, Refractive Index 1.417, Viscosity (Ostwald) 397.82 , Loss on Drying 19.72%, and Total Ash 0.098%, Acid insoluble ash 0.00%, Total solids 80.27%, Total...

Comparative standardization of different market samples of ayurvedic formulation – Balachaturbhadra Churna

Background: Standardization of the herbal formulation is a critical and essential issue to be considered in assuring the therapeutic efficacy and safety and to rationalize their use in the health care. It is crucial to assess the quality and purity standards of the drug. Balachaturbhadra (BCB) Churna is a reputed poly-herbal formulation of Ayurveda for pediatric disorders. It is prescribed for the treatment of respiratory disorders, fever, diarrhea, and vomiting of children. Objective: The present study is aimed at comparison of physico-chemical standards of Balachaturbhadra Churna prepared In-house by following standard operative procedures and three marketed brands of the same. Materials and Methods: The selected samples were subjected to pharmacognosy study, phytochemical characteristics, physiochemical screening, and high-performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) as per standard procedures. Results: It was observed that two market samples and standard are almost similar in their organoleptic and qualitative chemical analysis with the In-house preparation except for one sample. Again HPTLC of these formulations are not matching with each other, and it may be due to the raw material collection time, geographical variation, etc., which can be further investigated for its pharmacological activity. Conclusion: The data evolved from this study can be adopted for laying down the standards for the manufacturing of BCB churna.

Evaluation of Ayurvedic compound formulations III- Laghugangadhar Churna

Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 2010

Standardization of a compound Ayurvedic formulation is essential for establishing the authenticity, quality and efficacy of Ayurvedic medicines/finished herbal product. Laghugangadhar Churna is a compound formulation containing Cyperus rotundus (rhizome), Symplocos racemosa (stem bark), Woodfordia fruticosa (flower), Aegle marmelos (fruit pulp) and Holarrhena antidysenterica (seeds) as ingredients. It is one of the most effective and widely used remedy for diarrhoea and dysentery. To achieve the desired aim four samples of Laghugangadhar Churna were procured from different Ayurvedic pharmacies and were investigated by microscopy, physico-chemical parameters and high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC). The microscopic analysis of samples revealed starch grains in three ingredients viz. C. rotundus, S. racemosa and W. fruticosa. These plant species could be differentiated with the help of other diagnostic characters. HPTLC analysis of all four samples revealed the presence ...

Scientific Evaluation of Ayurvedic Compound Formulation Dhanyapanchaka Kvatha Curna


India is vast repository of medicinal plants that a re used in traditional medical treatments. Herbal medicines as the major remedy in traditional system of medicine have been used in medical practices since antiquity. Quality assurance is an integral p art of all systems of medicine to ensure quality medicament. Thus, there is an urgent need to evalua te such parameters which can be adopted by the pharmaceutical industries. To keep this view in min d, a polyherbal Dhanyapanchaka Kvatha Curna is formulated in house, which is very effective in Amaśũla (Pain); Amatisara (Diarrhoea due to indigestion) and Aruci (Tastelessness). The Kvatha curna formul ated by five single ingredients viz. Dhanyaka (Coriandrum sativum fruit.), Nagara (Zingiber offic inale Rhizome), Musta (Cyperus rotundus Rhizome), Balaka (Coleus vettiveroides Root), Bilva (Aegle ma rmelos Fruit pulp) All the ingredients and kvatha curna were analyzed in order to assess the authenti city of the drugs based on ayurvedic r...


International Journal of …, 2012

Quality assurance is an integral part and basic requirement for all the systems of medicines to ensure their quality of the formulation. Krishnadi Churna is one of the ancient Ayurvedic formulation consisting of five simple and valuable herbs. It consists of fine powder of dried fruits of Pippal, Ajwain, Bilva and rhizomes of Sonth and Nagarmotha in equal quantities. It is used in managing of GIT disturbances, nausea, vomiting and fever. In Ayurvedic formulation the main problem is lack of quality standards, there are batch-to-batch variation in the formulation. In present communication attempts have been formulation was prepared in laboratory according to procedure given in Ayurvedic Formulary of India. The ingredients were procured locally, identified and authentication was done. Formulation was subjected to physiochemical analysis, TLC profile and botanical characterization and compared using authentic ingredients as the references. Macroscopy, Microscopy and TLC profiling complement each other for the finding of the crude drugs are present in the formulation. The data is obtained from the analysis is adopted for detection, identification of Krishnadi Churna from other powdered drug formulations.

Evaluation of Quality Control Parameters for Srngyadi Churna– A Potential Ayurvedic Formulation


Standardization of Ayurvedic formulations is essential in order to assess the quality, purity, safety and efficacy of drugs based on the amounts of their active principles. The present research work is an attempt to standardize “Srngyadi Churna” an ayurvedic polyherbal formulation used in the treatment of cough, asthma and fever. The formulation was prepared in institute pharmacy as per Ayurvedic formulary of India, Part-I guide lines and attempts to evaluate the organoleptic characters, phamacognostic study and physicochemical parameters like pH, Loss on drying at 105°C, Water soluble extract, Alcohol soluble extract, Total Ash, Acid insoluble ash and TLC. The study revealed specific identities for crude drug taken which will be useful in identification and control to adulterations of the drugs.

Development and Evaluation of Poly-Herbal Syrup from Natural Ingredients Having Expectorant and Antipyretic Activity

International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy, 2021

Ayurvedic formulations are mainly administered by oral route and most of the orally administered Ayurvedic formulations belong to liquid dosage form of drug or drug combination. However, Herbal products have to fulfil legal requirements with regards to quality including stability testing. Herbal Syrup is commonly used and popular dosage form which is used to cure cough, cold and fever because it having ease of patients compliance. In present study, Prepared Herbal Syrup contain Ginger macerated honey base and also Tulsi, liquorice, neem, amla, cinchona, fennel, peppermint, turmeric, brahmi, clove, is used as expectorant and antipyretic. Quality of final herbal syrup was evaluated for pre formulation and post formulation parameters like density, specific gravity, pH and various organoleptic characteristics. The results of stability study of the final herbal syrup that no changes were observed in all the tested physiochemical parameter as well as turbidity/ homogeneity during 24 hours...

Standardization of Marketed Churna an Ayurvedic Polyherbal Formulation


Standardization is the need of the hour in Ayurvedic system of medicine. The traditional systems of medicine are really effective but the problem with them is they lack in quality assurance. This enables us to recognise the quality of the formulation. The Central Council of Research in Ayurveda and Siddha has prescribed the preliminary guidelines for testing the quality of these formulations. It is essential to derive a protocol or develop methods for evaluation of herbal formulation to maintain uniformity between batches during production. The present work aims to standardize a polyherbal churna called Surya Sakthi Churna available in the market. The churna was procured and standardised for the parameters like organoleptic characters, physical characters, physiochemical properties and phytochemical screening etc. These parameters can determine the quality of the product. The results were found to be within the standards.