Fikiin, K.A. (2003). Novelties of Food Freezing Research in Europe and Beyond. Flair-Flow Europe Synthetic Brochure for SMEs No.10 (ISBN: 2-7380-1145-4), INRA: Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Paris (France), 55 p (original) (raw)
Related papers
A Review of Novel and Innovative Food Freezing Technologies
Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2015
Freezing is a very well-established food preservation process that produces high quality nutritious foods with a long storage life. However, freezing is not suitable for all foods, and freezing can cause physical and chemical changes in some foods that are perceived as reducing the quality of either the thawed material or the final product. This paper reviews the many innovative freezing processes that are currently being researched and developed throughout the world to improve freezing conditions and product quality. Some inn o v a t i v e f r e e z i n g p r o c e s s e s (i m p i n g e m e n t a n d hydrofluidisation) are essentially improvements of existing methods (air blast and immersion, respectively) to produce far higher surface heat transfer rates than previous systems and thus improve product quality through rapid freezing. In these cases, the advantages may depend on the size of the product, since the poor thermal conductivity of many foods limits the rate of cooling in large objects rather than the heat transfer between the heat transfer medium and the product. Other processes (pressure shift, magnetic resonance, electrostatic, microwave, radiofrequency, and ultrasound) are adjuncts to existing freezing systems that aim to improve product quality through controlling the way that ice is formed in the food during freezing. Another alternative is to change the properties of the food itself to control how ice is formed during freezing (such as in dehydrofreezing and the use of antifreeze and ice-nucleation proteins).
Advantages of isochoric freezing for food preservation: A preliminary analysis
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016
Motivated by an interest in developing more efficient and economical methods for long-term preservation of food in a frozen state, we have explored the concept of isochoric (constant volume) freezing. In this theoretical study, we have developed a new set of equations that describe the process of freezing in the isochoric system. Unlike isobaric systems, in isochoric systems, the pressure is not constant and affects the phase transition temperature in a way prescribed by equilibrium thermodynamics. Fundamental thermodynamic principles, were used to derive an equation that facilitates the calculation of the temperature of the change of phase interface during the freezing process as a function of the quality of the system (the extent of freezing). A simple one-dimensional case study demonstrates the advantages of isochoric freezing of food. These advantages include the ability to freeze only part of the system at recommended food storage temperature, which results in substantial energy savings and conditions that will likely lead to stored food of better quality.
Case Studies in Food Freezing at Very Low Temperature
Energy Procedia, 2016
Freezing is one of the most widely used and effective processes to preserve foods shelf-life during long periods of time. This paper focuses on very low temperature freezing, and a thermal model, based on literature formulations, was developed to calculate the food freezing time considering several kinds of food, with different sizes, shapes and chemical composition. Moreover, once evaluated the food freezing time as a function of temperature and velocity of the cooling fluid, a chart reporting the food production rate, the freezing time and the cooling capacity was developed to properly design the freezing equipment in terms of optimal choice of the process and type of freezer.
International Journal of Refrigeration, 2008
The freezing process is widely used in the food industry. In the 70s, French regulation authorities have created in collaboration with the food industry the concept of «surgé lation» process with the objective of improving the image of high quality frozen foods. The process of ''surgé lation'' which could be translated as ''super freezing'' corresponds to a freezing process for which a final temperature of À18 C must be reached ''as fast as possible''. This concept was proposed in opposition to a conventionally ''freezing'' process for which no specific freezing rate is expected and the final storage temperature can be of À12 C only. The objective of this work is to propose a methodology to evaluate the mean amount of frozen ice in a complex food as a function of temperature and to deduce a target temperature that must be considered as the temperature for which the food may be considered as ''frozen''. Based on the definition proposed by the IIF-IIR red book, this target temperature has been defined as the temperature for which 80% of the freezable water is frozen. A case study is proposed with a model food made of two constituents.
Transactions of the ASAE, 1974
A LTHOUGH the freezing of food has become an accepted preservation process for many food commodities, the design of the equipment utilized for freezing is usually based on experimental data which may or may not correspond to the design conditions. In addition, very few attempts have been made to design the freezing process to assure optimum product quality. Most freezing design computations lead to determination of refrigeration requirements and/ or freezing rate for the product. Although the refrigeration requirement for freezing depends only on the final temperature of the frozen product, the rate of freezing may have a significant influence on product quality. Probably the most basic characteristic of a frozen food needed in freezing design computations is the relationship between the frozen water fraction and temperature. Accurate knowledge of this relationship allows calculation of all factors required in the design of the system for freezing of food. Experimental approaches to design normally involve measurement of total heat content of the product at various temperatures in the freezing temperature range. There are several inherent limitations to these measurements including experimental errors and the inability of the experimental conditions to simulate all design conditions. The objectives of the investigation were: 1 To develop an approach which will allow prediction of the unfrozen water fraction as a function of tempera
Recent Advances in Food Thawing Technologies
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety
Serious quality deterioration can occur with suboptimal thawing, and thus innovative thawing technologies may have an important role in improving the final quality of frozen foods. In recent years, although several new thawing technologies have been extensively studied, such as ultra-high pressure assisted thawing, ultrasound-assisted thawing, high-voltage electrostatic field thawing, ohmic thawing, and radio frequency thawing, more research is needed to make them more applicable to thawing of food industrially. A better evaluation of the impact of thawing is needed to help move new thawing technologies forward. This review discusses the principles involved, the applications to different types of foods, modeling of the various processes, new evaluation techniques, and patents obtained for the different systems. The benefits and weaknesses of these systems are also discussed to provide a more complete review of these new thawing techniques. This review will, hopefully, encourage additional work that may help reach the goal of having better food thawing systems.
Modeling and control of thawing phenomena in solute-impregnated frozen foods
Journal of Food Engineering, 2000
This work was designed to give a better understanding and control of the mechanisms of simultaneous thawing and mass transfer occurring in a material in isothermal contact (T < 0°C) with an aqueous freezant. Two models of heat and mass transport in a porous medium were developed, one solved numerically and the other analytically. Despite dierent levels of simpli®cation of the phenomena, simulations using both models demonstrated similar mechanisms, including the progress of a sharp thawing front separating a frozen, non-impregnated inner layer from a thawed, highly impregnated outer (surface) layer. The work contributes not only to our understanding of the underlying mechanisms but also develops a very simple tool for predicting thawing/impregnation phenomena during cold immersion storage. The time-course changes in the thawing front and solute gain obtained experimentally with apple pieces and those predicted by the analytical model were in good agreement, with only two food structure variables being identi®ed for this purpose. The eect of process variables predicted by the analytical model was consistent with trends previously observed with real food, for instance an absence of thawing if the food was stored in a biphasic mixture.
E3S Web of Conferences, 2019
In order to conserve perishable food and extend the permissible storage and marketing period, one of the best methods that uses artificial frost is freezing. The action of low temperatures leads to a slowing down of the modifying processes, both nutritionally and organoleptically. The researches presented within the paper aims to determine some specific parameters for the freezing process using an experimental model of a fast freezing equipment with liquid nitrogen. Experimental researches use two species of horticultural products, namely blueberries and green bean pods. The results indicate that the values of total freezing time, average linear freezing rate and liquid nitrogen consumption for quick freezing of blueberries were higher than those recorded for green bean pods. Also, with the lowering of the set temperature inside the freezing chamber, the freezing time from 0°C to the temperature of -15°C decreases, resulting in lower freezing times, higher average linear freezing ra...