Molecular interactions and theoretical estimation of ultrasonic speeds using scaled particle theory in binary mixtures of 3-chloroaniline and 1-alkanols (C 6 –C 10 ) at different temperatures (original) (raw)
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Measurement of densities (ρ), ultrasonic velocities (u) and viscosities (η) has been carried out for binary mixtures of 2-methylaniline (2-MeA) with 1-alcohols (1-propanol, 1-butanol, 1-pentanol, 1-hexanol, 1-heptanol, and 1-octanol) and their pure liquids at 298.15K and 308.15 K. These experimental data have been used to calculate excess volume (VE), deviation in ultrasonic velocity (Δu), deviation in isentropic compressibility (Δκs),deviation in intermolecular free length (ΔLf), deviation in acoustic impedance (ΔZ), deviation in viscosity (Δη) and excess Gibbs free energy of activation of viscous flow (G*E). The variation of these properties with composition of the mixtures suggests hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole interaction, specific acid-base interactions and dispersive forces. The magnitude of the property is found to depend on the chain length of 1-alcohols. The viscosity data have been correlated using three equations: Grunberg and Nissan, Katti and Chaudhri, and Hind et al. These results have been fitted to the Redlich - Kister polynomial using multiparametric nonlinear regression analysis to derive the binary coefficients and to estimate the standard deviation ().
Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 2006
The densities and ultrasonic velocities of binary mixtures of 2,4,6-trimethyl-1,3,5-trioxane + ethanol, 1-propanol and 1-butanol at 298.15, 303.15 and 308.15 K were measured over the whole mole fraction range. Experimental data were used to estimate isentropic compressibility (κ s ), intermolecular free length (Lf), specific acoustic impedance (Z) and their deviations. such as deviation in isentropic compressibility (Δκ s ), excess intermolecular free length (L E f ) and excess acoustic impedance (Z E ). The results are fitted to a Redlich-Kister equation. The results are discussed in terms of molecular interactions.
India &mities and ultmwnic speeds have been meamred in binary mixtures of benzene with 1-pentanol , 1-heptad and 1-octand, and in the pure components, as a function of ampodtion at 35 SC. "he isentropic compressibility, intermolecular free length, relative BSSOciation, acoustic impedance, isothermal comprsiiility, the& expansion coefficient, deviations in isentropic compressibility, excess free length, excess volume, deviations in ultmonic speed, excess acoustic impedance, apparent molar comprrssibility, apparent molar v o b , partial molar volume of 1-alkanol in benzene have been calculated from the experimental data of densities and ultrasonic speeds. The variation of these parameters with cornparition indicates weak interaction between the component d d e s and this interaction decreases in the order: l-pentanol> 1-heptand > 1octand. Fhther, theoretical values of ultmwnic speeds were evaluated using free length theory, collision factor theory, Nomoto's relation and VM Dael-Vangeel ideal mixing relation. Tbe relative merits of these theories and relations were dkcused for these systems.
Ultrasonic velocity, density and kinematic viscosity for the binary mixtures of benzyl benzoate with 2-methoxyethanol, 2ethoxyethanol and 2-butoxyethanol measured experimentally over the entire composition range at constant temperatures 303.15, 313.15 and 323.15 K. Using this data calculated excess thermo dynamic parameters such as excess molar volume, excess free length, excess Gibbs activation energy, deviation in isentropic compressibility and deviation in kinematic viscosity. In the light of excess/deviation parameters estimated the molecular interaction between above binary mixtures. Excess molar volume, excess free length, deviation in isentropic compressibility and deviation in kinematic viscosity are fitted to Redlich-Kister polynomial equation of fourth order. An attempt is made to express the molecular interaction based on Partial molar volumes. In this study correlate the viscosities of binary liquid mixture of benzyl benzoate with 2-alkaxyethanols using equations Grunberg-Nissan (GN), Katti-Chowdary (KC), Tamura-Kurata (TK), Hind et al.(Hind), Auslander (Aus) and Jouyban-Acree (JA). The ultrasonic study reveals that the strength of molecular interactions at all the temperature follows the order BB+BE>BB+EE> BB+ME.
Theoretical Investigation of Ultrasonic Studies and Molecular Interactions in Binary Liquid Mixtures
The ultrasonic velocity can be measured using a single crystal variable path interferometer with 2MHZ by standard procedure. Using the ultrasonic velocity, various acoustical parameters such as adiabatic compressibility(βa), free length(Lf), acoustic impedance(Z), free volume(Vf), molar volume(V), internal pressure(∏i), relaxation time( ), Rao , s constant(R), Enthalpy(H), Wada , s constant(W), apparent molar volume(фv), apparent molar compressibility(фk) can be calculated. Using the experimental and computed data excess parameters such as excess adiabatic compressibility (β E ), excess acoustic impedance (Z E ), excess intermolecular free length (Lf E ), excess volume(Δv), excess viscosity(Δɳ), can be computed. The density and viscosity for the binary liquid mixtures can be measured by using the specific gravity bottle method and Ostwald viscometer respectively. This papers investigates the theoretical aspects for the ultrasonic and molecular interactions in binary liquids.
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Intermolecular interactions in ternary liquid mixtures by ultrasonic velocity measurements
Indian Journal of Physics
The excess adiabatic compressibility (ȕ E), excess free length (L f E), excess free volume (V f E) and excess internal pressure (ʌ i E) have been investigated from density, ultrasonic velocity and viscosity measurements for three ternary mixtures of methyl benzoate + cyclohexane + 1-propanol, methyl benzoate + cyclohexane + 1-butanol, methyl benzoate + cyclohexane +1-pentanol and methyl benzoate + cyclohexane + 1-hexanol at 303, 308 and 313 K and atmospheric pressure, respectively over the entire range of composition. From the experimental data, adiabatic compressibility (ȕ), free length (L f), free volume (V f)), internal pressure (ʌ i), have been calculated. The results are discussed in terms of the molecular interactions between the components of the mixture.
Ultrasonic velocities and densities of the binary liquid mixtures of anisaldehyde with alcoxyethanols like methoxyethanol (MOE), ethoxyethanol (EOE), and butoxyethanol (BOE) have been measured at temperatures 303.15 K, 308.15 K, 313.15 K, and 318.15 K over the entire composition range of mole fractions. The theoretical values of ultrasonic velocity were evaluated using Nomoto's relation (U NR), impedance relation (U IR), ideal mixing relation (U IMR), Jungie's relation (U JR), and Rao's specific velocity relation (U R). The molecular interaction parameter (χ) has been evaluated from the values of experimental and theoretical velocities. The variation of this interaction parameter with the composition mixture has been discussed in terms of molecular interactions.
The experimental values of ultrasonic speeds and densities, of binary mixtures of methyl acrylate with 1-butanol, 1-hexanol, 1-octanol and 1-decanol have been used to calculate the internal pressures, free volumes, excess internal pressures, excess free volumes, excess free energy, excess enthalpy and excess entropy of mixing over the entire composition range at 298.15 K using regular solution theory. The results have been interpreted in terms of intermolecular interactions between the component molecules in the mixture. The variations of these excess properties with composition indicate that the methyl acrylate-alkanol interaction in these mixtures follows the order: 1-butanol > 1-hexanol > 1-octanol > 1-decanol. It is observed that the order of interactions in these mixtures depends upon the length of alkyl chain in the studied 1-alkanol molecules. In addition, the values of ultrasonic speeds have also been calculated theoretically for these mixtures using scaled particle...