The contribution of «History of Education & Children's Literature» (HECL) to a recent international workshop on the scientific journals of history of education (original) (raw)

Scientific journals on Education in Spain: evolution and prospects for the future

Relieve. Revista Electrónica de Investigación y Evaluación Educativa, 2014

The Spanish scientific journals on education have experience an exponential growth in recent decades. The reasons are closely related to the supranational policies of university quality assessment, with specific emphasis on research output with "impact". This way, in just twenty years, Spanish journals have become, in detriment of books, in the main channel of communication of the also increasing educational research. In an extremely competitive global context, dominated by Anglo-Saxon culture, the Spanish journals have made a significant improvement in the quality of editorial management processes, in accordance with international quality indicators. However, access to the most recognized indexing, such as Web of Science or Scopus, and especially competing in impact factor (number of citations), is a mission almost impossible for our journals. This article focuses, on the one hand, on the evolution of the Spanish educational journals, the analysis of its growth and its international presence. On the other hand, quality indicators and the indexing that categorize journals, both nationally and globally, as well as its problems and limitations, are discussed. It is a descriptive study that analyzes indicators and classifications of various selective data bases consulted through documentary and digital sources.Finally, it presents a prediction of the short term evolution of impact metrics (altrimetrics) and how they should be addressed. It also discusses the importance of establishing government policies on the assessment of research that are transparent and in accordance with the area where there is a need to combine our scientific production in Spanish and international journals.

Global territory and the international map of history of education journals. Profiles and behavior

IJHE, 2019

This study analyzes the impact of internationalization on history of education journals. It provides an overview of the global territory of the periodical publications that specialize in this field of knowledge, then mapping those journals that are commonly considered to be quality scientific media of dissemination on an international level. We then analyze aspects of editorial management and output associated with internationalization. The sample for this study includes research articles published in the

International Bibliography of History of Education and Children's Literature (2010-2012), edited by Dorena Caroli, Roberto Sani, Macerata, eum edizioni università di macerata, 2014


The present contribution, concerning the three years period 2010-2012, starts off a specialised bibliographical overview (articles published in journals, monographs, collections of essays, proceedings and textbooks) concerning the studies and researches about the history of education edited around the world. From 2014, this overview will by annual and will exclusively focus on the scientific publication of the previous year. At the basis of the enterprise there are different motivations. The first purpose is to offer the scholars an effective tool for bibliographical updating and the second one, not less relevant, is to provide a completed and systematic overview of studies and researches in this field not limited to the national neither to the continental dimension. In order to build such work tool, addressed in particular to the scholars of history of education and of children’s literature, one believed it opportune to systematically go throught an outstanding quantity of national and international specialized Publishers’ catalogues (historical studies, social and human sciences, educational sciences), as well as throught the catalogues of almost 120 scientific reviews belonging to the same field or related to it, published in the main European countries (Italy, United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Hungary, Ireland, Holland, Russia, Bulgaria, Poland, Cyprus, Albania), in the American continent (USA, Canada, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Argentina) and in other parts of the world (Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Israel and South Africa).

History of Education in the Iberian Peninsula (2014-2019). Societies, Journals and Conferences in Spain and Portugal

Histoire de l’éducation, 2020

This article analyses the main channels for the dissemination of advances in History of Education, and the arenas for communication, representation and social construction of academic communities in Spain and Portugal. In particular, three tools are examined here: specialist journals, academic societies and conferences organised by those societies in the area of History of Education. The study is centred on the period between 2014 and 2019, and focuses on: the means and methods employed by the academic community in weaving together their shared existences; the spaces (conferences, symposiums and/or talks) created for participative debate and collective construction of the project; transnational collaborations and influences; the avenues of academic interest expressed at conferences and in monographs in periodicals; and the channels of academic communication (journals and newsletters) fostered in Spain and Portugal.

Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation - A Journal's Journey From Past to Present

Scholarly and Research Communication, 2018

Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation is the peer-reviewed journal of the Canadian History of Education Association/ Association canadienne d’histoire de l’éducation. This bilingual, online, open-access journal is now in its 29th year of publication and appears twice yearly. In addition to scholarly articles, it publishes research notes, book reviews, and a biennial bibliography of publications on the history of education. Authors represent a full range of constituencies in terms of gender, race/ethnicity, age, research interests, and seniority within the field of history of education.

Conectando la historia de la educación. Tendencias internacionales en la investigación y difusión del conocimiento


El libro que tiene el lector en sus manos es fruto del trabajo desarrollado en los últimos años al amparo del proyecto de investigación I+D+i Connecting History of Education. Redes internacionales, producción científica y difusión global (ref.: PID2019105328GB-I00), financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación del Gobierno de España. En él, investigadores e investigadoras de España, Italia, Grecia, el Reino Unido, Suiza, Australia, Brasil y Chile hemos intentado mapear, cartografiar y analizar en el último cuarto de siglo los espacios de producción y socialización del conocimiento histórico-educativo, las sociedades científicas, las revistas académicas y los congresos y encuentros científicos de historia de la educación de la forma más global posible. La idea de «conectar» e identificar puntos de encuentro, temas, períodos y espacios de construcción de conocimiento y socialización de este es el leitmotiv que nos ha impulsado a ello. En el siglo xxi no tiene ningún sentido que nuestras investigaciones no se construyan en red y de manera colaborativa. Esta obra colectiva está estructurada en tres grandes bloques: 1) Agentes, espacios y herramientas: contiene trabajos que abordan de una manera global el panorama histórico-educativo en cuanto a revistas y sociedades científicas, así como las aportaciones que las TIC y la inteligencia artificial pueden comportar a la hora de trabajar en red. 2) Territorios: se estructura en torno a los estudios que atienden a análisis globales en diferentes áreas geográficas de producción del conocimiento histórico-educativo. 3) Temáticas: estudia la producción y la evolución historiográfica, durante los últimos veinticinco años, de temas histórico- educativos clave que pueden proporcionar elementos de reflexión y análisis para los retos educativos actuales.

International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE)

El Futuro del Pasado, 2022

The objective of this study is to map the international networks of research, circulation, and scientific communication in the history of education, at a global level. In order to do so, we analyse the activity of the International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE). The focus is placed on the following: the make-up and organisation of the community of education historians; the arenas set up to encourage collaboration, debate and consensus in research in the field; collaboration among researchers, and the influence of transnational perspectives; avenues of research and areas of focus; and the communication channels by which ideas and findings are published and exchanged. The documentary sources used are the minutes of ISCHE annual congresses and general assemblies, * This work is part of the research project Connecting History of Education. International networks, scientific production and global dissemination (CHE) (Ref.: PID2019-105328GB-I00. 2019 call for projects: 'Proyectos de I+D+i'. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Spain).