Book Review: From Toads to Queens: Transvestism in a Latin American Society. By Jacobo Schifter. Harrington Park Press, New York, 1999, 155 pp., 39.95(hardcover),39.95 (hardcover), 39.95(hardcover),14.95 (paperback) (original) (raw)
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International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, 2015
Lesbian communities have emerged in the public sphere in Euro-America since at least the early 1900s. This entry charts the history of Euro-American lesbian communities, with additional discussions of contemporary lesbian and queer spaces. The politics of lesbian communities span issues related to: lesbian feminism; the inclusion-exclusion of transgender men and women; questions about bisexual women and sexual fluidity; the treatment of women of color; femme invisibility; and generational differences in the use of “lesbian” versus “queer” within lesbian, queer, and LGBTQ communities.
Cuadernos De Filologia Inglesa, 1998
Thepupse of thk paper is to disclose and analyse the themes, techniques and devices whereby in Go Fish lesbian messages, so often silenced and mude invkible in a heterosexist sociep, are disclosed and therefore 'communicated' to a wide film audience. In order to c a r v out this analjsis, some of the most relevant Lesbian literas. theories that have anempted to accountfor the doubly silenced voices ofLesbiam in a patriarchal society, and for their 'invisibiliy' as part of the social conshuction of a supposed Lesbian identiy, will be applied to the interpretation of the film. RESUMEN El propósito de este artículo es revelar y analizar los temas, técnicas y recursos por medio de los cuales en la película Go Fish memajes lesbianos, tan a menudo silenciados y relegados a la invisibilidad en una sociedad heterosexista, son puestos de manifiesto y, por conriguiente, 'comunicados: a una amplia audiencia. Con el fin de llevar a cabo este análisis, se aplicaran al estudio e interpretación de la película algunas de las teorías críticas lesbianas más relevantes, en tanto en cuanio han intentado reafirmar o dar voz a las voces doblemente silenciadas de las lesbianas en una sociedad patriarcal, a la vez que han denunciado la vkibilidad de éstas como parte fundamental de la conihucción social de una supuesta identidad lesbiana.
Bisexuality: The Great Divide. Feminism and the Gulf between Heterosexuality and Homosexuality., 1996
In this thesis, I wish to discuss bisexuality as a possible alternative for women who, within the confines of western culture, are expected to maintain a static sexual identity which upholds heterosexuality as its ideal. In attempting to explore the viability and attractiveness of bisexuality for women, the premise will be that the binary oppositions of heterosexuality and homosexuality are a deliberate and alienating social construct. They are not exclusive categories, yet they are compartmentalised in order for society to avoid having to confront and deal with the many variations of behaviour that occur in between. Heterosexuality worldwide is dominant, and most acceptable modus O\operandi for all humans. I believe that it is a pervasive means of control and regulation. As a construct, it supports entrenched patriarchal imperatives through which women are socialised from birth into their particular gender roles in the heterosexual equation, quite often believing that this is the only path they can take. Thus, heterosexuality can be a trap in which many women become ensnared. Heterosexuality also requires the rejection of homosexuality, which discounts the possibility of valuable, rewarding and life-enriching relationships with members of one's own sex. It precludes liberating freedom of choice whilst helping to reinforce patriarchal doctrines.