Proposed Bluetooth Middleware Profile for On-Location Universal Format Announcement (original) (raw)

UbiqMuseum: A Bluetooth and Java Based Context-Aware System for Ubiquitous Computing

Wireless Personal Communications, 2006

This paper evaluates the use of Bluetooth and Java based technologies in ubiquitous computing environments. Ubiquitous computing strongly depends on leveraging appropriate contextual information to users, according to their preferences and the environment in which they reside. We present UbiqMuseum – an experimental context-aware application that provides context-aware information to museum visitors. UbiqMuseum combines the productivity of Java with the universal connectivity provided by Bluetooth wireless technology. We describe the overall architecture and discuss the implementation steps taken to create our Bluetooth and Java based context-aware application. We demonstrate practicality of building a context-aware system by using UbiqMuseum as a proof of concept that integrates a combination of Bluetooth, WLAN and Ethernet LAN technologies. Finally we run some experiments in a small testbed to evaluate the performance and system behaviour. We evaluate the impact on throughput with varying packet size, coding types and device separation distance sending both images and text. We also present our findings in term of inquiry delay with respect to distance. Numerical results show that Bluetooth offers a relatively steady throughput up to 10 m while the inquiry delay does not increase significantly with distance.

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UbiqMuseum: A Bluetooth and Java Based Context-Aware System for Ubiquitous Computing Cover Page

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Bluetooth Information Exchange Network Cover Page

The BlueBooster – Mobile Bluetooth Range Expansion

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering , 2012

Abstract— Bluetooth is widely used technology in today’s mobile phones. It enables a device to communicate wirelessly without being in line of site of other device, but Bluetooth has its own shortcomings such as it is applicable between only two Bluetooth enabled mobile phones at a time and it is limited by range So to overcome these disadvantages we propose a new system BlueBooster system. This BlueBooster system will extend physical range of Bluetooth without using any external hardware. Also by using this BlueBooster system , more than two devices can communicate with each other which forms a network of devices. It is based on AODV (Ad-hoc on demand distance vector routing) algorithm used to create Ad-hoc networks, and providing some enhancements to it.

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The BlueBooster – Mobile Bluetooth Range Expansion Cover Page

Secure Bluetooth services in an m-learning environment


Abstract: The paper describes an M-Learning system, implemented on the J2ME platform, that uses Bluetooth wireless networks in a Piconets architecture to offer services for mobile devices. The access to these services is made possible by using Bluetooth capabilities of a mobile device that is part of an distributed system. The paper analyzes the security aspect of accessing the Bluetooth service from a CIA, Confidentiality, Integrity and Authenticity, point of view. There are described the security options implemented by the Bluetooth Protocol, ...

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Secure Bluetooth services in an m-learning environment Cover Page

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Bluetooth design configurations to support agricultural applications Cover Page

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On the Use of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks for the Support of Ubiqui-Tous Computing Cover Page

Wireless ad hoc networking-The art of networking without a network

Ericsson Review, 2000

What is an ad hoc network? Perhaps the most widespread notion of a mo-bile ad hoc network is a network formed without any central administration which consists of mobile nodes that use a wireless interface to send packet data. Since the nodes in a network of this kind can ...

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Wireless ad hoc networking-The art of networking without a network Cover Page

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A Generic Framework for Bluetooth Promoted Multimedia on Demand (BlueProMoD) Cover Page

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Bluetooth's Compatibility for Large Scale Wireless Sensor Network Cover Page