Polnisch-deutsche historische Debatten (original) (raw)

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Deutsche Entlehnungen im Polnischen - Geschichte, Sachbereiche, Reaktionen Cover Page

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Historische Debatten in Polen. Die zeitgeschichtliche Forschung nach 1989, in: “Die Politische Meinung”, Sankt Augustin, 2002, H. 12, S. 48-54. Cover Page

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Ginčai apie istoriją Lenkijoje / Streitigkeiten um die Geschichte in Polen | Rec. kn.: TRABA, Robert. Przeszłość w teraźniejszości: polskie spory o historie̜ na początku XXI wieku. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, 2009 Cover Page

Die „polnische Frage“ im Umbruch? Innenpolitische Debatten im Deutschen Reich und in Österreich-Ungarn in den Jahren 1917/18

Krieg und Frieden. Folgen der Russischen Revolution. Nordost-Archiv XXVII (2018), 193-212, 2020

Following the start of the First World War the German Empire as well as Austria-Hungary pushed for settlement of differences on the domestic political front. However unresolved conflicts erupted all the more violently during the last years of the war. Likewise, discussions regarding the so-called Polish question intensified. On the one hand the discussions were characterised by the individual domestic political situations whereby the war experiences also played a vital role. Whereas in the German Empire the debates focused mainly on continued legal discrimination and on equal civic rights, in the Habsburg Monarchy it was questions regarding national autonomy and in Austria complaints took centre stage, which concerned the infringements of rights committed by the government and the army during the war. On the other hand the changed constellation in foreign political issues had a fundamental impact. The courtship of the partitioning powers for Polish support had raised hopes amongst the Polish people for an improvement of their domestic political situation, but it had also opened up perspectives for a re-unification of Poland. Political reforms, however, were long in coming. The risk of centrifugal trends was used as an argument to block reforms. The willingness of the political players to compromise was reduced in the face of alternative political options. Whilst in 1917 discussions about the Polish question were still mostly centred around domestic political reform, in 1918 the domestic political demands of the Polish gave way increasingly to preparations to connect to an independent Regency Kingdom of Poland.

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Die „polnische Frage“ im Umbruch? Innenpolitische Debatten im Deutschen Reich und in Österreich-Ungarn in den Jahren 1917/18 Cover Page

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Germanistische Bibliographie Polen Cover Page

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Kranz polnisch-deutsche Rechtskontroversen der Nachriegszeit 2011 Cover Page

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Bilder und Vorstellungen deutscher "Ostforschung" zu Fragen der mittelalterlichen polnischen Geschichte Cover Page

Aspekte polnischer Deutschlandpolitik nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg


The relations between Poland and Germany after World War I - besides a historical burden - have been influenced in particular by two factors: on the one hand, Poland had been included in the association of the victorous powers, and especially important was a binding alliance with France as Germany's main enemy, which greatly restricted Poland's manoeuvrability as regards foreign policy. On the other hand, however, the realization of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles strongly linked together the two countries and even underlines the distinct clashes of interests of the two neighbours. Therefore, the foreign-policy doctrine of the Reich saying that it was unable to accept the existence of a sovereign Polish State, had its counterpart in the Polish maxim that only a weak and isolated Germany would be the best safety factor for the Polish State. On both sides there were again and again political forces also in influential positions looking for a constructive new beginning - ...

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Aspekte polnischer Deutschlandpolitik nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg Cover Page

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Polen - Zeitgeschichte seit 1989/90 Cover Page

Polnische Ukrainediskurse der Zwischenkriegszeit

Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung, 2017

The relationship with Ukraine and the Ukrainians played a role in all phases of planning and creating modern Polish statehood, in particular with regard to the territorial dimension of the new state to be created in the East. The ‘Ukrainian question’ was also raised in terms of the Ukrainian population, as part of the minority problem of the Second Polish Republic. Last but not least, relations with Russia, an existential problem from a Polish perspective, were also affected, contributing to their exposed position in both internal and external politics. The political camps in Poland addressed the ‘Ukrainian question’ with very different degrees of intensity and, especially, continuity. The issue was much more of a priority for the national democrats than for the conservatives and agrarians—the approach was far from consistent. Only the socialists (even before the First World War) had thoroughly dedicated themselves to the national question in general, and the Ukrainian problem in pa...

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Polnische Ukrainediskurse der Zwischenkriegszeit Cover Page