Nieznana edycja "Imagines diaetae Zamoscianae" i ich wydawca. Przyczynek do dziejów europejskiej recepcji Szymona Szymonowica, "Studia Classica et Neolatina" 14 (2016), s. 9-25 [preprint] (original) (raw)

Wydobyte z cienia O nowym projekcie: Adam Mickiewicz. Proza artystyczna: opowiadania, szkice, fragmenty. Prose artistique: contess, essais, fragments, wstęp i oprac. Joanna Pietrzak-Thébault, Wydawnictwo Instytutu Badań Literackich, Warszawa 2013

Colloquia Litteraria, 2013

Brought out of the shadow The article discusses Adam Mickiewicz.Proza artystyczna: opowiadania, szkice, fragmenty. Prose artistique: contess, essais, fragments, which is a bilingual (French-Polish) endeavour in translation and editing – broadly speaking, one of historical and literary character. The book was edited by Joanna Pietrzak-Thébault in collaboration with whom Maria Prussak, Krzysztof Rutkowski and Jacek Wójcicki. Maria Prusak initiated the project and coordinated the proceedings of the team. Mickiewicz’s works in French received new translation and were edited anew.

Zapomniany romantyk versus współczesne wydania jego utworów – przypadek Tomasza Olizarowskiego

Przegląd Humanistyczny, 2022

W artykule zwracam uwagę na usterki pojawiające się we współczesnych wydaniach twórczości Tomasza Olizarowskiego (1811–1879) – od niedbałej korekty przez nieuwzględnienie omyłek drukarskich pierwodruku po zupełne zdeformowanie tekstu. Wszystkie te czynniki wpływają na odbiór danego utworu – zarówno ze względu na jego interpretację, jak i ocenę warsztatu autora – jednakże większość badaczy, zajmujących się twórczością poety sporadycznie, kontekstowo, bez gruntownego przestudiowania całej jego spuścizny, nierzadko sięga po dowolne przekazy, często nie mając nawet świadomości istnienia całego korpusu tekstów czy niedoskonałości dotychczasowych wydań. Omówienie sytuacji pisarskiego dorobku Olizarowskiego prowadzi mnie do refleksji nad (analogiczną) sytuacją spuścizny wielu innych twórców określanych jako „drugorzędni” i obecnie niemal zupełnie zapomnianych. The Forgotten Romantic versus Contemporary Editions of Tomasz Olizarowski’s Works In this article, I point out the flaws in recent editions of Tomasz Olizarowski’s works – starting from careless proofreading through not including printing mistakes from the first edition and ending with deliberate text deformation. All these factors affect the perception of every piece – its interpretation and the author’s workshop. However, most researchers who deal with the poet’s works sporadically, contextually and without a thorough examination of his entire legacy often reach for a random text source, many times without even being aware of the whole set of texts or the imperfections of existing editions. Discussing the situation of Olizarowski’s literary heritage leads us to reflect on the (analogous) case of the legacy of many other authors once deemed as “minorum gentium” and now almost completely forgotten.

Jacek Szymala, Powstanie kozackie 1648–1658. Studium z historii wizualnej, seria „Historia w mediach”, t. 2, red. prowadzący Jacek Szymala, red. serii Ewa Kowalczyk, Piotr Kurpiewski, Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2019, 351 ss

Studia Polsko-Ukraińskie, 2020

The position deserves attention, as it opens a discussion on the important phenomenon of visual culture history, which is currently widely discussed among many researchers. A historian, even if he is not an art historian, often analyses iconographic art in his work. After all, we are dealing with a different type of perception of the described reality, one which accumulates the ability to synthetically capture it using at the same time both the historian’s and fi lm expert’s skills. Jacek Szymala sets himself an ambitious goal – to create a model, “a set of tools helpful in the future research of historians, especially modern historians, going beyond traditional historiography”. The author brilliantly shows that history is not only a collection of past facts and events but lives in its visual dimension, becoming a continuation of history itself. It is only important that, as far as possible, every viewer or reader can and should remain exactly as critical as in the process of interp...

O elementach fantastyki w literaturze XVI i XVII wieku. Wizje niezwykłych krain, państw i miast

Literatura i Kultura Popularna, 2021

The purpose of the article is to present elements of fantasy in selected works of old literature. It focuses above all on presenting the amazing places shown in literary works created in the 16th and 17th centuries. The author also shows similarities between fantasy, fairy tale, and utopia. Science fiction was created on the basis of utopia or anti-utopia, which lost their cognitive functions and began to discuss the characters’ adventures in such a way as to primarily provide entertainment to readers. In addition, the author points out that in the Renaissance era, Western European literary works containing elements of fantasy were primarily utopian or fairy-tale in nature. Their main role, however, was not to fulfill the entertainment function. It was only in the 19th century that leisure literature was discovered, when the ability to read and access to the text spread.