Excavations at Kazlacha near the village of Chokoba, Sliven municipality (original) (raw)

Results of the Excavation at the Archaeological Site in the Kashlata/Vidanlak Locality, on the Land Belonging to Brestak Village, Valchi Dol Municipality, Varna Region


The archaeological site is situated in Kashlata/Vidanlak Locality, 1.5 km southeast of the center of the village of Brestak, Valchi dol Municipality. It falls entirely in cultivated land. It is located on the lower part of a west-facing slope, on the eastern bank of a ravine, along which flows a stream, a tributary of the Karaman dere River. The main scientific goals of the present study are to specify the type and chronology of the newly registered archaeological site. Stacks of remnants of secondarily fired wall plaster fragments were discovered in several places. In the remaining studied area, fifteen dug-in structures were entirely excavated. Some of them were round or elliptical, and others were square. The fill of the pits had an identical composition – dark earth, with inclusions of charcoal, small fragments of plaster, and a small number of ceramic pieces. For some pits, it can be noted that their narrowing at depth is formed by one or two indentations, clearly visible in the bedrock.

Excavations of the burial mound near the Yalta village in 2019

Bulletin of Mariupol State University. Series: History. Political Studies, 2020

The article presents the results of new research of the archeological expedition conducted by Mariupol State University in the North-East Azov Area. Archaeological research was carried out in the South of Donetsk region near the village of Yalta in 2016. In the mound 9 graves of the Bronze Age and 1 burial of the early Iron Age were investigated. The primary embankment was built during the Early Bronze Age by the tribes of the Pit Grave culture. The oldest burials in the mound are 4, 5 and 7. The most interesting was the children's burial 7. The buried child was accompanied by four ceramic vessels. Subsequently, another grave of the Pit Grave culture was built in the mound – burial 8. During the Late Bronze Age the population of the Zrubna / Timber-grave culture continues to use the necropolis. Researched at least three burials of the Zrubna / Timber-grave culture – 1, 2 and 10. Based on the typological analysis of the ritual-inventory complex, they can be attributed to the seco...

Lazukin A.V. Preliminary results the research in the necropolis in southern part of the Bolgar settlement (excavation trench CLXXIV) in 2012. Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №2 (8). 2014.

The results of excavation the architectural ruins of the mausoleum and adjasent cemetery plot held near the South Gate of the Bolgar are represented in the article. More than 90 ground burials in rectangular grave pits were found there. A major percentage is made by the burials of representatives of Islamized population to be buried in compliance with Muslim traditions. But some examples of the burials with «deviations» from these traditions have been observed here. Such as partial cremation of dead bodies, burial with remains of «memorial feasts» in form of disassembling of the vessels and funerary remains of food, burials of sacrificial animals, «gifts for dead». В статье представлены результаты раскопок архитектурных развалин мавзолея и прилегающего участка открытого кладбища, проведенных в 2012 г. возле Южных ворот Болгара. В раскопе найдено более 90 грунтовых захоронений в прямоугольных могильных ямах. Основной процент составили погребения представителей исламизированного населения, захороненных с соблюдением мусульманских традиций. Но здесь же отмечены случаи погребений с «отклонениями» от этих традиций. Это частичная кремация умерших, захоронения с остатками «поминальной тризны» в виде развалов сосудов и остатков погребальной пищи, захоронения жертвенных животных, «дары умершему».

Mausoleum Complex near the Village of Lapas, Astrakhan Region (from the Field Diary of V.V. Dvornichenko). Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №2 (44) 2023


The materials obtained during the work on the complex of mausoleums of the Golden Horde era near the village of Lapas in the Astrakhan region by the Volga archaeological expedition led by V.V. Dvornichenko in 1995 – 1997 are introduced into scientific circulation. These were the first scientific studies of the largest cult complex of the Golden Horde nobility, little known in the scientific community. It was then that the idea of the true size, composition and potential of the archaeological monument, its significance in the culture of the Golden Horde and the development of Islam in the Eurasian space appeared.