A magyar nyelv kis történeti nyelvtana (original) (raw)
The coursebook entitled Short History of the Hungarian Grammar intends to present the history of Hungarian grammar in two distinguished chapters. The first chapter (Historical Phonetics) presents the causes of phonetical changes and changes occurred in the system of Hungarian consonants and vowels. The second chapter (Historical Morphology and Syntax of Hungarian Language) has many sub-chapters concerning the grammatical system: changes occurred in the morpheme structure (stems and suffixes), the history of parts of the speech (nomenverbum; verb; infinitive, gerund and participle – which in Hungarian are considered parts of the speech; nouns, adjectives and numerals; articles; pronouns; adverbs, postpositions and verbal prefixes; conjuctions and particles). As one can observe from this enumeration, these parts of the speech are structured and treated in a manner to link the morphemes that are historically interconnected. Moreover, this chapter deals with some very important syntactical issues connected to suffixes or parts of the speech. Presenting the suffixes I could not overview the problem of using the plural, the structure with a possessive attribute, verbal inflection, tense and mood, modality and aspect. After presenting nouns, adjectives and numerals, those interested can find a short presentation of the subject–predicate structure. The presentation of the articles is viewed also not only as a morphological issue but as a syntactical one, too. The sub-chapter dealing with adverbs, postpositions and verbal suffixes includes also a syntactical presentation, changes occurred in the usage of phrasal verbs. And the part presenting conjuctions and particles has also a presentation of changes occurred in the various types of sentences. Chapter II is not only a presentation of different morphemes, but also treats many aspects of the history of Hungarian syntax. Every chapter contains further bibliography including articles and books written for non-specialists, too. In addition, students can find exercises which might help them in broadening their knowledge and which might encourage them to conduct further research.
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