Impact of moisture level in atmosphere on Biomass Gasification: A Bioenergy for Sustainable Development (original) (raw)


In this study a theoretical modelling has been done to predict the composition of producer gas, calorific value and gasification temperature of reduction zone of downdraft biomass gasifier for different biomass fuels. Three different biomass fuel mainly, wood, bagasse and rice husk has been used for the study. Variation in gas composition, calorific value and gasification temperature with moisture content and equivalence ratio have been observed. The gas composition has almost remains constant for all the biomass fuels. The calorific value of gas has found to have decreased with the increase in moisture content of biomass from 0 to 30% and with the increase in equivalence ratio from 0.25 to 0.45, where equivalence ratio is defined as ratio of actual air-fuel ratio to stoichiometric air-fuel ratio. The gas derived from the gasification of wood has found to have highest calorific value. The gasification temperature has found to have highest for wood as biomass and lowest for bagasse as biomass. Gasification temperature of reduction zone has also found to have decreased from 1124 o C to 901 o C with the increase in moisture content and from 1130 o C to 773 o C with the increase in equivalence ratio for all biomass fuels.

Green Gasification Technology for Wet Biomass


The world now is facing two energy related threats which are lack of sustainable, secure and affordable energy supplies and the environmental damage acquired in producing and consuming ever-increasing amount of energy. In the first decade of the twenty-first century, increasing energy prices reminds us that an affordable energy plays an important role in economic growth and human development. To overcome the abovementioned problem, we cannot continue much longer to consume finite reserves of fossil fuels, the use of which contributes to global warming. Preferably, the world should move towards more sustainable energy sources such as wind energy, solar energy and biomass. However, the abovementioned challenges may not be met solely by introduction of sustainable energy forms. We also need to use energy more efficiently. Developing and introducing more efficient energy conversion technologies is therefore important, for fossil fuels as well as renewable fuels. This assignment addresse...

Biomass gasification technology - a route to meet energy needs


1 . India an oil -importing country, with nearly 70% of its population living in half million villages and hamlets across the country and rich in bio -resources is ideally suited for biomass-based technologies. The Ministry of Non - conventional Energy Sources (MNES) has taken the initi- ative to develop research groups within India for techno - logy and manpower

Biomass Gasification: A Modern Approach for Renewable Energy Utilization

The World is facing crucial time for energy due to consumption of fossil fuels (natural gas, coal, and oil), rise in fuel price, and unacceptable environmental effect in recent years. Biomass is a renewable potential energy source which can reduces dependency on fossil fuels. Biomass is available in various forms throughout year in India. It accumulates solar energy by photosynthesis method from sunlight. Gasification is a chemical process that converts carbonaceous material such as biomass and coal into gaseous fuel or chemical feedstock. This gaseous fuel is known as producer gas or syngas which contains CO2, H2, CO, H2O, CH4 and N2 compounds. An attempt has been made to give basic idea about gasification, gasification mechanism, types of gasifier and characteristics of different biomass in this paper.

A Comprehensive Review of Biomass Gasification Process


The gasification process can be considered as one of the greatest conservative techniques in the transformation of biomass because of certain crucial factors such as the consideration of space, reduction of substantial waste volume, flexibility of fuel used, as well as the recovery of energy. The general process of gasification inclines to involve the incomplete burning of the carbon-based part of fossil fuels, which forms an abundant flammable gas in the presence of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and methane or some saturated hydrocarbon gases. When we consider the process of gasification, the parameters deemed to affect its performance, including the type of catalyst used, gasifying agents, biomass ratio and temperatures, as well as the type of raw materials. The primary purpose of this paper is to address the gasification process, including the types of gasifier designs like the fluidized bed, downdrafts, and updrafts. It’s also responsible for addressing the production of tar from th...


Biomass is a unique renewable energy fuel in that unlike other renewables, it is naturally available as a solid fuel, but can be converted into liquid or gaseous fuels. The world in 2005 used around 48 EJ of biomass energy, nearly all of which was combusted at low thermal efficiency as fuelwood in developing countries. Around 4.6 EJ was used in modern biomass systems, either as liquid transport fuels or as a solid fuel for boilers in power stations or heating units. At present, very little is gasified. The future use of gasified biomass will increasingly depend on its ability to deliver higher greenhouse gas savings at lower costs than other ways of using bioenergy. Because of the high efficiencies possible for combined cycle gas turbines, the potential for gasification is considerable, but cost reductions and further technical progress are still needed. Its potential could be enhanced if gasification combined with carbon capture becomes feasible.

Green Energy Production:The Potential of Using Biomass Gasification

Journal of Green Engineering, 2014

Biomass gasification shows a great potential to displace fossil fuels. In this paper, the potential of bioenergy production from biomass feedstock has been investigated, focusing on gasification technology as an environmentally friendly alternative. The present research is principally focused on a down draft gasifier equipment kit (GEK) unit. Biomass encompasses a wide range of feedstocks such as agricultural residues, energy crops, forestry materials, food waste, municipal solid waste, grains and starch crops. An efficient gasification unit produces syngas with calorific value up to 20 MJ/kg. Syngas predominately consists of a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. This syngas can be used in a number of different processes including electricity generation, steam generation, transportation fuels, hydrogen production as well as chemical production, fertilizer manufacturing and consumer products. Results from our research highlight the potential of biomass gasification as a strong alternative for bioenergy production and a substitute for fossil fuels.

Biomass gasification for bioenergy

Achieving carbon-negative bioenergy systems from plant materials, 2020

Thermal gasification is a very relevant technological platform to assess in relation to production of carbonnegative bioenergy from plant materials as it offers high feed and product flexibility combined with highenergy efficiency. Many different biomass feedstock and organic secondary resources can be converted into a wide variety of products such as heat, electricity, chemicals, transport fuels and high-value ash and char products. The platform is undergoing fast development, and industry and academia work together to optimize the process performance, increase fuel and product flexibility as well as combine different technologies to increase the efficiency, economic viability and product yield and value. This chapter provides insight on the versatility and potential benefits of biomass gasification and the related biobased products. General key issues of gasification plant designs are discussed, and a series of new concepts and solutions within process integration schemes, polygeneration strategies and biochar uses are described.

Comparative Study of Temperature Impact on Air Gasification of Various Types of Biomass in a Research-Scale Down-draft Reactor

Energy & Fuels, 2017

A parametric study of the gasification of six biomass feedstocks (switchgrass, hardwood, softwood, fiber, cardboard and chicken manure), as representative of different types of biomass, has been performed on an experimental, pilot-scale 10 kWth down-draft gasification facility. A comparison was made of the performance of the gasifier as a function of feedstock, in terms of the producer gas production and composition. The variation of producer gas composition was analyzed in the range 600−1000°C. The results indicated that switchgrass, as representative of energy crops, has greater potential to yield the main components of the producer gas (i.e., hydrogen and carbon monoxide) in comparison with the other feedstocks. However, this did not guarantee the greatest suitability of the switchgrass for downstream applications due to low molar ratios of the ratio of hydrogen to carbon monoxide (H 2 /CO), which measured at 1.01. To enhance the utility efficiency of producer gas, the downstream engines such as combustion engines require an adjusted molar ratio of H 2 /CO to utilize certain types of fuels which typically ranges from 1.5 to 3. By means of the catalytic water−gas shift reaction, an important portion of the CO content in the cracked gas can be used for additional hydrogen generation. The temperature variation of the down-draft reactor showed that the CO concentration increased with an increase in gasification temperature followed by a drop of temperature dependent on the different biomass feedstocks. Conversely, CO 2 concentration follows an opposite trend that means an initial decreasing trend followed by an increase as the temperature increases. H 2 concentration follows a direct relationship with the gasifier temperature. The concentration of CH 4 varies very slightly with the increase in gasifier temperature. The results of this study showed that there were significant differences between the energy crops and chicken manure mixed with wood chip, in terms of composition. In general, the variations in producer gas components were smaller at higher temperatures whereas H 2 /CO showed greater variation between individual feedstocks.