Regional Groundwater Prospect Assessment: Role of Hydrogeomorphological and Lithological Indicators using Geoinformation (original) (raw)
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Evaluation of Groundwater Resource Potential using GIS and Remote Sensing Application
Environment and Development are the two wheels of the cart. However, they become antagonists at some points. It has been witnessed many a times that development is done at the cost of environment. Analysis and assessment tools like GIS along with Remote Sensing have proved to be very efficient and effective and hence useful for management of natural resources. Groundwater is a precious resource of limited extent. In order to ensure a judicious use of groundwater, proper evaluation is required. There is an urgent need of planned and optimal development of water resources. An appropriate strategy is required to develop water resources with planning based on conjunctive use of surface and subsurface water resources. Integrated remote sensing and GIS can provide the appropriate platform for convergent analysis of diverse data sets for decision making in groundwater management and planning. Sustainable water resources development and management necessarily depends on proper planning, implementation, operation and maintenance. The interpretation of remote sensing data in conjunction with conventional data and sufficient ground truth information makes it possible to identify and outline various ground features such as geological structures, geomorphic features and their hydrologic characters that may serve as direct or indirect indicators of the presence of ground and surface water. Remotely sensed data provides unbiased information on geology, geomorphology, structural pattern and recharging conditions, which logically define the groundwater regime of an area. Groundwater resource potential has been evaluated in Pulivendula-Sanivaripalli, Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh, India, using remote sensing and Geographic information system. Under this study, three thematic maps viz. Geological map (Lithology and Structure), Geomorphological map and Hydro morphological maps were prepared. These thematic maps have been integrated with the help of GIS. Appropriate weightage has been assigned to various factors controlling occurrence of groundwater to assess the groundwater potential in each segment of the study area. The area has been classified into high potential, moderate potential, low potential and non-potential zones landforms ground water development on the basis of hydromorphological studies. Some of the favorable locations have been suggested to impound the excessive run off so as to augment the ground water resources of the area.
Groundwater resources evaluation using geospatial technology
Groundwater is water located beneath the ground surface in soil pore spaces and in the fractures of lithologic formations. The advent of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) has opened up new vistas in groundwater prospect evaluation, exploration, and management. This paper mainly deals with the integrated approach of remote sensing and GIS to delineate groundwater potential zones in of parts of Palar basin. Digitized vector maps pertaining to chosen parameters, namely, geomorphology, geology, land use/land cover, lineament, relief, and drainage, were converted to raster data using 23 m 2 (76 ft 2) grid cell size. The raster maps of these parameters were assigned to their respective theme weight and class weights. The individual theme weight was multiplied by its respective class weight, and then all the raster thematic layers were aggregated in a linear combination equation in ArcMap GIS Raster Calculator module. Moreover, the weighted layers were statistically modeled to get the areal extent of groundwater prospects with respect to each thematic layer. The final result depicts the favorable prospective zones in the study area and can be helpful to better plan exploration and management.
During the last few decades in India satellite data are widely used to study the coastal environment both physical and cultural. Remote Sensing data have been used to study the spatial and temporal information on coastal environment of various scales and with reasonable classification and control accuracy. These coastal maps have been accepted by the Govt. of India for delineating high and low tide line, coastal regulation zones (CRZ) and coastal erosion delineation. The easy access to high spatial resolution data along with multi-spectral characteristics, repetitive coverage and development of geographic information system has provided new impetus to study the shoreline erosion. Indian subcontinent suffers from severe coastal hazards almost every year. The Bhadrak coastal tract of Orissa in India has been facing severe shoreline changes due to coastal erosion. The main objective of this paper is to assess the nature and causes of coastal erosion and its mitigation strategies in the preset study area. The findings of the present study show that the coastal erosion has been very acute along the coastal Bhadrak district due to coastal cyclones and anthropogenic roles. Coastal protection measures like setting up of concrete embankment, protection of mangrove forest, and plantation of Jhaw and mangrove trees can play an important role to save the coastal areas.
Environmental Earth Sciences, 2011
Water is a fluctuating resource making it difficult to measure in time and in space. To demonstrate the efficiency of the geographic information system (GIS) for groundwater studies, information on the parameters controlling groundwater such as lithology, geomorphology and lineament analysis were analyzed. LISS-III and Landsat satellite image of the area was used to infer information on the geologic lineaments and geomorphology. To delineate linear features enhancement and direction, filtering was performed on single bands of Landsat images. Thematic maps for geology, slope, geomorphology and lineament were prepared and integrated in GIS by assigning the weights and ranking to various parameters controlling the occurrence of groundwater to generate the groundwater potential map for the study area. The results indicate that the floodplain of river and its adjoining areas have very good groundwater potential, whereas the steeply sloping area in the northern part having high relief and slope possesses poor groundwater potential.
Frontiers of Earth Science, Springer
Groundwater potential zones were demarcated with the help of remote sensing and Geographic Informa- tion System (GIS) techniques. The study area is composed rocks of Archaean age and charnockite dominated over others. The parameters considered for identifying the groundwater potential zone of geology slope, drainage density, geomorphic units and lineament density were generated using the resource sat (IRS P6 LISS IV MX) data and survey of India (SOI) toposheets of scale 1:50000 and integrated them with an inverse distance weighted (IDW) model based on GIS data to identify the ground- water potential of the study area. Suitable weightage factors were assigned for each category of these para- meters. For the various geomorphic units, weightage factors were assigned based on their capability to store ground-water. This procedure was repeated for all the other layers and resultant layers were reclassified. The reclassi- fied layers were then combined to demarcate zones as very good, good, moderate, low, and poor. This groundwater potentiality information could be used for effective identification of suitable locations for extraction of potable water for rural populations.
Archives of Photogrammetry, Cartography and Remote Sensing
Groundwater is one of the most valuable natural resources which is essential for the environmental, biological and socio-economic activities. The present paper aims to delineate groundwater potential of Ulhas basin in India through remote sensing and geographical information system. Several groundwater influencing factors such as geology, geomorphology, slope, landuse, rainfall, lineaments are mapped in GIS environment. Later, these factors were ranked on the basis of their influence on the groundwater potential of a region. After that all these factors were integrated together in GIS environment to prepare the groundwater potential map of Ulhas basin. By implementing influencing factor, it is observed that about 21%, 50% and 29% areas are falling under high, moderate, and low groundwater potential zones, correspondingly. The present study is highly valuable to the policymakers, administrative bodies, engineers for management of groundwater and preparing sustainable water resource p...
Advances in Remote Sensing, 2016
The present work deals with the assessment of groundwater potential zones and their suitability for drinking in the severely drought affected villages of Vemula mandal of Cuddapah District, Andhra Pradesh. This study is based on remote sensing and GIS approach. In this approach the IRS P6 LISS III Data (23.5 m Spatial Resolution) with Path: 100; Row: 063 of Indian Remote Sensing Satellite, Resourcesat IRS-P6 LISS-III has been utilized to analyse the onscreen interpretation and delineated different geomorphological units, lithological formations and geological structures. By integrating the above said parameters the hydrogeomorphological map is prepared on 1:50,000 scale. The study area is characteristically occupied by the Papaghni and Chitravati group of rocks. In the present study, the lithological formations on the basis of their genesis have been classified as fluvial, denudational and structural. Majority of lineaments are trending in NE-SW and NW-SE directions. The fluvial landforms namely valley fill moderate and valley have good groundwater prospects while shallow weathered buried pediplain has moderate to poor groundwater prospects. The chemical quality parameters of groundwater samples have indicated that the water samples are found to be suitable for drinking, agricultural, and industrial purposes.
Groundwater is the most important gift of nature to mankind. Groundwater is essential to one and all and it should be useful judicially continuous failure of monsoon, increasing demand and over exploitation leads to depletion of groundwater level, which intern leads to an environmental problems. In the present study various thematic maps such as Geological, Geomorphological, Hydrogeomorphological maps of Lingala Mandal are prepared using Remote Sensing and GIS techniques. The geological map is prepared using the spectral reflectance and image signature of various lilthological units of kadapa super groups. The different types of rock types of based on the drainage pattern reflected by them. The geomorphological map reflects the morphology of various land forms such as Cuesta, Pediments, Pedipalnes, flood planes, Valleyfills, and structural hills. The structural maps indicates the linear future viz. sills faults, joins and lineaments. In the Hydrological map the Hydraological charters of each geological units are highlighted and Hydrogeomorphological map documents the Hydrological conditions of the various geomorphic units. This thematic maps are prepared by screen visual interpretation techniques. These layers along with drainage were integrated using GIS techniques to categorize groundwater potential zones for the development of the Lingala mandal.
Integration of remote sensing data and the geographical information system (GIS) for the exploration of groundwater resources has become a breakthrough in the field of groundwater research, which assists in evaluating, monitoring, and preserving groundwater resources. In the present study area, various groundwater potential zones for the assessment of groundwater availability in Lingala mandal, Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh has delineated using remote sensing and GIS techniques. Survey of India toposheets and IRS-P6 LISS III satellite imageries are used to prepare various thematic layers viz. drainage, geology, and hydro-geomorphology and land-use & land-cover. Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data is used for preparing DEM and slope. From 1995 to 2016 rainfall data has been analyzed and correlated with groundwater level data. The groundwater potential zones classified into four class i.e., ''good (15.4%), moderate (40.9%), moderate to poor (31.2%) and poor (12.4%) covering an area of 45.69, 121.51, 92.75 and 36.95 respectively. These maps represent hydrogeomorphological aspect, which are essential for planning, development, management and extraction of groundwater. The present information depicted is very useful for planner and local authority in respect of site selection of well types, depth of well, success rate of wells and as well as groundwater development and management.
Journal of The Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 2009
Remotely sensed data can provide useful information in understanding the distribution of groundwater, an important source of water supply throughout the world. In the present study, the modern geomatic technologies, namely remote sensing and GIS were used in the identification of groundwater potential zones in the Kanyakumari and Nambiyar basins of Tamil Nadu in India. The multivariate statistical technique was used to find out the relationship between rainfall and groundwater resource characteristics. It has been found out that groundwater not only depends upon rainfall, but various other factors also influence its occurrence. Eight such parameters were considered and multi criterion analysis has been carried out in order to find out the potential zones. Accordingly, it had been concluded that the Kanyakumari river basin has more ground water potential, whereas the Nambiyar basin has less potential. Thus surface investigation of groundwater has proved to be easier, time consistent and cheaper using the geomatic technologies.