Dasar-dasar Filsafat Moral (2003) mengenai enam fenomena moral dan narasi fenomenalisme saling berhubungan dengan konteks sosial budaya masyarakat pada dunia nyata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan mengenai bentuk keberagaman fenomenalisme moral dalam novel, juga mendeskripsikan hubungan antara fenomena-fenomena dalam novel yang saling berhubungan dengan dunia nyata. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, yaitu metode yang biasa dimanfaatkan pada wawancara, pengamatan, dan pemanfaatan dokumen, seperti memahami sikap, pandangan, perasaan, dan perilaku individu maupun kelompok orang. Atas dasar itu pula maka penelitian ini diberi judul "Keberagaman Fenomenalisme Moral Pada Novel Para Penjahat Dan Kesunyiannya Masing-masing Karya Eko Triono". Penelitian ini menghasilkan jawaban atas rumusan masalah, yaitu (1) terdapat keenam bentuk fenomenalisme moral, sehingga novel tersebut mampu dikategorikan sebagai novel beraliran moralitas, (2) aspek fenomenalisme sosial yang ternarasikan dalam novel juga saling berhubungan dengan dunia nyata di luar cerita. kata kunci: Keberagaman Fenomenalisme Moral, Imperatif kategoris dan Deontologi, Moralitas dan Legalitas, Fakta akal budi dan Postulat Abstrak In 2017, Eko Triono published a novel with the phenomenon of moral and spiritual flow entitled The Criminals and Their Silence, which also won the #3rd Winner of the UNNES International Novel Writing Contest. This study discusses the Diversity of Moral Phenomenalism using Immanuel Kant's theory in his book, Criticism of Practical Intellect (2005) and Basics of Moral Philosophy (2003) regarding six moral phenomena and phenomenalism narratives that are interconnected with the socio-cultural context of society in the real world.. This study aims to describe the diversity of forms of moral phenomenalism in the novel, also to describe the relationship between the phenomena in the novel that are interconnected with the real world. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods, which are methods commonly used in interviews, observations, and document utilization, such as understanding attitudes, views, feelings, and behaviors of individuals and groups of people. On that basis, this research is entitled "The Diversity of Moral Phenomenalism in the Novels of Criminals and Their Silence in Each of Eko Triono's Works". This research produces answers to the formulation of the problem, namely (1) there are six forms of moral phenomenalism, so that the novel can be categorized as a morality novel, (2) aspects of social phenomenalism narrated in the novel are also interconnected with the real world outside the story.