Moluscos del Estado de Nuevo León, México (original) (raw)
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Se estudió la diversidad de especies de leguminosas en el norte del estado de Nuevo León, contabilizando 98 taxa en total. Se registraron 38 géneros, 94 especies y 26 taxa infraespecíficos de este grupo de plantas; la familia Fabaceae comprende 18 géneros y 42 especies, Mimosaceae 10 y 30 y Caesalpiniaceae 10 y 22 respectivamente. Los géneros con mayor número de especies son Acacia (12), Dalea (10), Mimosa (6), Senna (5); Caesalpinia (4) y Bauhinia (4). Del total de 98 taxa, las leguminosas arbustivas y herbáceas son las más abundantes en la zona, representando 47% (46 especies) y 46% (45 especies) respectivamente, las arbóreas representan 7% (7). La mayor cantidad de taxa se registró en el matorral subinerme (52), matorral submontano (48) y bosque de encino-pino (44), mientras que los mezquitales albergan el menor número de especies (23).
Leguminosas de Nuevo León, México
ISBN-968-Impreso y hecho en México Prohibida la reproducción parcial o total por cualquier medio sin la autorización escrita del titular de los derechos patrimoniales.
Leguminosas del centro del estado de Nuevo León, México
Anales del Instituto …, 2004
RESUMEN. Se estudia la diversidad de las especies de leguminosas en el centro del estado de Nuevo León. Se registra un total de 65 géneros, 168 especies y 36 taxa infraespecíficos. La familia Fabaceae comprende 41 géneros y 99 especies, Mimosaceae 12 y 35 y Caesalpiniaceae 12 y 34, respectivamente. Los géneros con mayor número de especies son Acacia (14), Senna (13), Desmodium (11), Dalea (10), Phaseolus (7), Mimosa (6) y Crotalaria (5). Veinte de los géneros presentan tres especies, uno presenta cinco y seis presentan seis o más. Del total de 174 taxa registrados (especies y categorías infraespecíficas), las leguminosas herbáceas son las más abundantes en la zona y representan 39.6 % (69 especies), los arbustos constituyen 36.2% (63 especies), las lianas y enredaderas 17.8% (31 especies) y las arbóreas 6.32% (11 especies). El mayor número de taxa se registra en el bosque de encino (85), matorral Tamaulipeco (83) y bosque de encino-pino (79). La menor diversidad de especies se encuentra en el matorral xerófilo (36).
Revista de Biología Tropical, 2003
El phylum Mollusca incluye una amplia di-versidad morfológica, agrupada en: chitones, caracoles, babosas, almejas, ostras, mejillones, conchas colmillo, nautilus, calamares y pul-pos. En diversidad de especies es el segundo filo superado sólo por los artrópodos. ...
Gastrópodos terrestres de Nuevo León, México
Cuarenta y tres géneros, 81 especies y 14 subespecies de gastrópodos terrestres pertenecientes a 23 familias se registran para la región sur del estado de Nuevo León. Dieciocho especies son nuevos registros. Las familias con más especies son Spiraxidae (16), Urocoptidae (9) y Pupillidae (8). Las especies con mayor distribución son Gastrocopta pellucida y Pupisoma dioscoricola insigne. Tomando en cuenta los registros del norte del estado se conocen en total 86 especies para Nuevo León.
Moluscos continentales de México: Terrestres
Mexico has 41 land mollusc families: 7 Prosobranchia and 34 Pulmonata. For each species, a brief account of ecology is presented (habitat, vegetation, humidity level, soil type and elevation). These molluscs are widely distributed in a variety of habitats, but no prosobranchs have been reported from two states: Sonora and Baja California. Reproduction, behavior coloration, aestivation and hibernation have been reported for some species. Food and humidity are key factors. Life span is associated with body size; in addition some semi-slugs live a year. Biogeography studies have been patchy and only cover the provinces: Altiplano, Sierra Madre Oriental, Veracruzana, Southwest USA (enters México by Sonora), Mexican Midwest, and in Baja California: California, Sonora and Cabo.
Moluscos continentales de México: Dulceacuícolas
There are 16 freshwater mollusc families reported from Mexico, but besides a few studies of habitat and distribution, only Pomacea flagellata, Pomacea patula catemacensis and Helisoma trivolvis has been studied in some detail, mainly regarding reproduction. In Mexico, the parasite Fasciola hepatica is transmitted by Lymnaea obrussa, L. humilis and L. cubense). Larval trematodes have been found in Planorbidae, Physidae, Lymnaeidae, Ancylidae and Pisidiidae. Diet and growth have been studied for Lymnaea bulimoides, L. cubensis and L. humilis. Piquerol A extracted from Piqueria trinervia acts as molluscicide. There are reports about freshwater molluscs as pollution bioindicators and as source of food, foreing currency and lime. Mexican freshwater molluscs are an endangered resource.
This study reports the known avifauna of the state of Nuevo Leon, México, reflecting records until 2006. To date, 419 species (412 native and 7 exotic) have been recorded there, including 195 residents, 36 summer visitors, 99 winter visitors, 37 transients, 44 occasional vagrants or accidentals, and 8 of uncertain status. The state holds ten Mexican endemic species and two relict species. Eight species have been accorded endangered status, 15 as threatened, and 28 of special concern. Further studies are needed to determine the status of many species, including information about their seasonality, distribution, abundance, regularity of occurrence, ecology, and intraspecific taxonomy
Necrophilous Malinalco Estado de México
Neotropical Entomology 39(4): 486-495 (2010) Necrophilous Coleoptera (Scarabaeidae, Silphidae y Trogidae) of Malinalco, State of Mexico, Mexico ABSTRACT -Collections were made during one year, between August 2005 and July 2006, in Malinalco, State of Mexico, in three sites of tropical deciduous forest, a pasture and a induced forest of pine-oak, established in a altitudinal gradient ranging from 1,253 m to 2,300 m. The total of 7,680 specimens Scarabaeidae, Silphidae and Trogidae were captured through NTP-80, representing 18 genera and 38 species. Onthophagus and Canthon contained 46% of the richness of Scarabaeidae. The more distant sites were complementary in their species composition. The lowest complementarity occurred between sites with tropical deciduous forest. It revises the material collected through pitffal traps and light traps funnel type, increasing the list of 38 to 50 species in the study area. Between 40% and 50% of the species in Malinalco are distributed in localities of the province of the basin Balsas and localities of the province of the Sierra Madre del Sur, and 30% in the localities of the province of Pacifi ca coast. For the fi rst time 17 species of Scarabaeidae and three Trogidae were reported for the State of Mexico.