Quantum phase properties of two-mode Jaynes–Cummings model for Schrödinger-cat states: interference and entanglement (original) (raw)

Nonclassical light in two-photon Jaynes–Cummings model of a three-level atom with different dipole transitions

Indian Journal of Physics, 2013

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A comparative Study of Atomic Entanglement in Single Mode Jaynes Cummings Model with Multiphoton Interaction

International Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering, 2022

In the present paper, standard Jaynes Cummings model involving multiphoton interaction between the field and the atom has been considered. We study the variation of entanglement properties of a pair of two–level Rydberg atoms passing one after another into a lossless cavity with single mode multiphoton interaction. The initial joint state of two successive atoms that enter the cavity is unentangled. Interactions mediated by the cavity field results in the final two atoms mixed entangled type state. The entanglement of formation of the joint two atom state as a function of the Rabi angle gt is calculated for Fock state field and Coherent state field. A comparative analysis is done to study the extent of atoms being entangled when they interact through a cavity mode of single frequency but via different orders of interaction.

Dispersive Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian describing a two-level atom interacting with a two-level single mode field

arXiv: Quantum Physics, 2016

We investigate the time evolution of statistical properties of a single mode radiation field after its interaction with a two-level atom. The entire system is described by a dispersive Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian assuming the atomic state evolving from an initial superposition of its excited and ground states, verterangle+vertgrangle,\vert e\rangle +\vert g\rangle ,verterangle+vertgrangle, and the field evolving from an initial superposition of two excited levels, vertn1rangle+vertn2rangle\vert n_{1}\rangle+ \vert n_{2}\ranglevertn1rangle+vertn2rangle. It is found that the field evolution is periodic, the period depending on the ratio n2/n1.n_{2}/n_{1}.n2/n1. The energy excitation oscillates between these two states and the statististics can be either sub- or super-Poissonian, depending on the values n1,n_{1},n1, n2n_{2}n2.

General formalism of interaction of a two-level atom with cavity field in arbitrary forms of nonlinearities

Physica A-statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 2002

We propose a general formalism of a nonlinear Jaynes-Cummings-model by including possible forms of nonlinearities of both the ÿeld and the intensity-dependent atom-ÿeld coupling. We obtain an exactly analytic solution of the model, by means of which we identify and numerically demonstrate the region of parameters where signiÿcantly large entanglement can be obtained. Under the condition of an initial coherent ÿeld, the atomic inversion shows the collapse-revival phenomenon, which have di erent features in di erent forms of the nonlinearities. It is shown that features of the degree of entanglement is in uenced signiÿcantly by the kinds of the nonlinearities of the single-mode ÿeld. The in uences of the nonlinearities on the photon number distribution and phase properties are examined.

Dynamics of physical properties of a single-mode quantized field non-linearly and non-resonantly interacting with two V-type three-level atoms passing consecutively through a cavity

Optics Communications, 2015

In this paper we address the analytical solution of the non-resonant interaction between two identical V-type three-level atoms passing consecutively through a single-mode cavity field in the presence of intensity-dependent coupling. By considering an identical initial condition for both atoms and an initial coherent field, we find the analytical solution of the state vector of the entire atom-field system. Accordingly, we could carefully investigate the influence of various parameters in the circumstances of the interacting system on different physical quantities such as the atomic population inversion, atom-field entanglement, field squeezing, sub-Poissonian statistics and the Wigner quasi-probability distribution function. In detail, we discuss numerically the influences of the detuning parameters and a particular nonlinearity function on the mentioned quantities and demonstrate that they have substantial effects on the temporal behavior of the above-mentioned nonclassical

Nonlinear Jaynes–Cummings model for two interacting two-level atoms

Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 2016

In this work we examine a nonlinear version of the Jaynes-Cummings model for two identical two-level atoms allowing for Ising-like and dipole-dipole interplays between them. The model is said to be nonlinear in the sense that it can incorporate both a general intensity-dependent interaction between the atomic system and the cavity field and/or the presence of a nonlinear medium inside the cavity. As an example, we consider a particular type of atom-field coupling based upon the so-called Buck-Sukumar model and a lossless Kerr-like cavity. We describe the possible effects of such features on the evolution of some quantities of current interest, such as atomic excitation, purity, concurrence, the entropy of the field and the evolution of the latter in phase space.

Nonclassical statistical properties of a three-level atom interacting with a single-mode field in a Kerr medium with intensity dependent coupling

Physics Letters A, 2003

We study the interaction of a three-level atom with a single mode field in a cavity containing a Kerr-like medium. Involving intensity dependent coupling, the wave function for the atomic system of V-configuration is obtained when the atom is initially prepared in the excited state. Considering the field to be initially in a coherent state, we evaluate the entropy of the cavity field, the Mandel Q parameter, normal, amplitude-squared and amplitude-cubed squeezing and quasiprobability Q-function of the field. We discuss numerically the influence of the Kerr medium, the detunings and the presence of the intensity dependent coupling on their evolution and show that they have an important effect on the temporal behaviour of the considered statistical properties. Finally, conclusions and some features and comments are given.

An analytic approach to a three-level atom interacting with a single-mode quantized field

Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics, 2004

We discuss the dynamical properties of quantum entanglement and partial entropy for moving three-level atom interacting with single-mode quantized field inside a phase-damped cavity for more general cases. The results show that the atomic motion and decoherence effects play an important role on the evolution of the system dynamics and quantum entanglement. Moreover, we show that the phenomena of long lived nonlocal correlation and short temporal disentanglement can be generated through specific values of phase damping and atomic motion parameter.

The Dynamics of a Five-level (Double )-type Atom Interacting with Two-mode Field in a Cross Kerr-like Medium

International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2018

In this paper, we propose a new transition scheme (Double) for the interaction between a five-level atom and an electromagnetic field and study its dynamics in the presence of a cross Kerr-like medium in the exact-resonance case. The wave function is derived when the atom is initially prepared in its upper most state, and the field is initially prepared in the coherent state. We studied the atomic population inversion, the coherence degree by studying the second-order correlation function, Cauchy-Schwartz inequality (CSI) and the relation with P-function. Finally, we investigate the effect of Kerr-like medium on the evolution of Husimi Q-function of the considered system.