Locomotor body scheme (original) (raw)

The concept of body schema has been introduced and widely discussed in the literature to explain various clinical observations and distortions in the body and space representation. Here we address the role of body schema related information in multi-joint limb motion. The processing of proprioceptive information may differ significantly in static and dynamic conditions since in the latter case the control system may employ specific dynamic rules and constraints. Accordingly, the perception of movement, e.g., estimation of step length and walking distance, may rely on a priori knowledge about intrinsic dynamics of limb segment motion and inherent relationships between gait parameters and body proportions. The findings are discussed in the general framework of space and body movement representation and suggest the existence of a dynamic locomotor body schema used for controlling step length and path estimation.


Perry suggests that during walking the body functionally divides itself into two units: passenger and locomotor. The former consists of the head, neck, trunk and arms (named HAT by Elftman), which is a structure on top of the locomotor apparatus, responsible for its own postural integrity. The latter is formed by the two lower limbs and pelvis. Its main task is to carry the body forward (including the HAT). Besides, the locomotor is responsible for propulsion, stance stability, and shock absorption. The aim of this study was to assess the values of angular changes in reference to the HAT parts in all three planes of movement in able-bodied subjects during gait with natural velocity. The study was based on a sample of 40 healthy volunteers aged 20-25 years. In order to avoid any disturbances of the correct results the inclusion criteria aimed at keeping in the sample only subjects without any locomotor disorders, i.e. no history of orthopaedic or neurosensory disorders. A three-dimensional Vicon system was used during the spatial movement analysis.


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