The growing internationalization of counseling psychology (original) (raw)
Related papers
The Counseling Psychologist, 2003
This article, written by the coeditors of The Counseling Psychologist's (TCP) International Forum section, reviews the status of counseling psychology from an international perspective and presents a rational and modest proposal for promoting counseling psychology's commitment to global perspectives. The brief history of TCP's International Forum section is reviewed and specific recommendations for internationalizing counseling psychology are put forth. These recommendations are organized along (a) methods of psychological science, (b) profession-based initiatives, (c) Division 17 (counseling psychology) initiatives, and (d) program-specific activities. The marked challenges to internationalizing counseling psychology are also addressed.
Internationalising Counseling Psychology in the United States: A SWOT Analysis
Applied Psychology, 2007
Dans le respect des exigences de cette édition spéciale, cet article présente une analyse SWOT du domaine de la psychologie du counseling aux Etats-Unis. Après un bref survol historique, on passe à la description du contexte des tentatives récentes d'internationalisation de la psychologie du counseling aux Etats-Unis au sein du mouvement multiculturaliste. Le premier plaidoyer en faveur du multiculturalisme initié par la division de psychologie du counseling de l'American Psychological Association est certainement l'un de ses points forts. L'ajout du multiculturalisme international au multiculturalisme local semble être une évolution naturelle pour le domaine et ouvre un ensemble de nouvelles perspectives. On peut citer, comme voie prometteuse, notre préoccupation récente pour la justice sociale, autre champ majeur d'investigation et d'intervention. Cependant, le domaine de la psychologie du counseling reste menacé comme le montre notre statut de «rejeton» de la psychologie clinique. On fait remarquer par la même occasion qu'une part de nos faiblesses est due à notre incapacité d'exploiter certaines de nos activités de première importance telles que la réinsertion, la prévention ou la psychologie positive. Des soucis plus récents ont porté sur le déclin organisationnel avec la fermeture d'un nombre important de formations de premier plan en psychologie du counseling. Les raisons de ces disparitions sont toujours sujettes à débat.
Introduction to Special Issue on International Perspectives on Counseling Psychology
Applied Psychology, 2007
Lors du Congrès International de Psychologie Appliquée de 2002 à Singapour, le Conseil d’Administration a entériné la proposition de création d’une Division de Psychologie du Counseling. Pour promouvoir son émergence au sein de l’Association Internationale de Psychologie Appliquée et pour encourager son développement, ce numéro spécial analyse l’état actuel de la psychologie du counseling ainsi que ses évolutions à venir dans quatorze pays différents. Ces analyses examinent les forces, faiblesses, opportunités et menaces de la psychologie du counseling. A partir de la matrice SWOT, dont la méthodologie est exposée dans un article introductif, chaque auteur présente les objectifs et stratégies de la psychologie du counseling dans son propre pays pour la prochaine décade. La conclusion de ce numéro spécial reprend en les commentant l’ensemble des conseils et suggestions afin de construire la psychologie du counseling dans le futur.At the 2002 International Congress of Applied Psycholo...
Toward a Global Vision of Counseling Psychology
The Counseling Psychologist, 2000
With this Major Contribution to The Counseling Psychologist (TCP), we seek to move the discourse about international issues within our field to a more central place in the conceptualization, scholarship, and practice of counseling psychology. We believe that the current multiculturalism movement shaping our country needs to take place at two levels. On the first level, we are coming to recognize, learn about, and appreciate the cultural diversity within our country and among the racial, ethnic, and cultural groups that make up the population of the United States. On the second level, we also need a global perspective that recognizes and is open to other cultures in other countries, whether on this continent or across the oceans, on the other side of the world. The five articles that are presented here, when considered collectively, depict an ever-increasing global movement in counseling psychology wherein the fundamental ideas, premises, and counseling interventions are being revisited and, at times, redefined.
Counseling psychology in the United States of America
Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 2004
The profession of counseling psychology in the United States of America has evolved and developed over the last six decades. The current article provides a brief historical overview and highlights counseling psychology's emergence in the US with particular attention to the influences surrounding the birth of counseling psychology in the 1950s. A review of major developments in counseling psychology in
International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 2012
The overall goal of the paper is to illuminate some of the substantial challenges, joys, issues and lessons involved with international counseling and to lend impetus to advancing its progress by embracing globally-relevant cultural principles. Five U.S. counseling professionals with extensive international experience recount aspects of their scholarship, teaching, research and service in that domain. The meaning of such experiences was analyzed from an ecological perspective. The analysis was then critiqued for its primary assertions and implications for the internationalization of counseling by two independent professional counseling commentators, both of whom have logged considerable life and work experience around the world.
A global portrait of counseling psychology
Counselling psychologists in eight countries (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and the United States) responded to survey questions that focused on their demographics as well as their professional identities, roles, settings and activities. As well, they were asked about satisfaction with the specialty and the extent to which they endorsed 10 core counselling psychology values. This article reports those results, focusing both on areas in which there were between-country similarities as well as on those for which there were differences. These data provide is a snapshot of counselling psychology globally and establish a foundation for the other articles in this special issue of the journal.
Status of Internationalization in U.S. Counseling-Psychology Doctoral Programs
PsycEXTRA Dataset
The purpose of this study was to gather more information about the process of internationalization in U.S. counseling psychology programs. Participants included 26 training directors and 83 doctoral students, representing 32 of the 63 APA-accredited, active counseling psychology doctoral programs. Results suggested that the presence of
International Journal Of Eurasia Social Sciences, 2018
The American counseling field has reached most credentials, which are expected from a profession. The current standards in the United States provide safe counseling environment for clients and protect counselors' rights. Understanding the developments and key points of historical procedures could help international researchers to contribute the developments in their country. Furthermore, several countries have traced the American counseling professional pathway to establish their counseling fields. In the U.S., counseling professionals mostly began their efforts in the American Counseling Association (ACA), and developed independent accreditation, certification, and licensure processes within new organizations. Thus, developments counseling in the United States parallel ACA's history. The aim of this study is to help international counselors, counselor educators, and counseling by benefiting of developments in the United States. For this purpose, this study introduces historical steps and the current structure and standards of (a) ACA, (b) accreditation in counselor education, (c) licensure and certification of counseling professionals, and (d) ethical codes in the United States.
The maturation of counseling psychology: Multifaceted perspectives, 1978–1998
This chapter documents major developments within the field of counseling psychology since the late 1970s. The first section identifies some of the broader issues and governmental policies that provide a context for understanding the continuing evolution of the counseling psychology profession in the last 20 years. The second section discusses developments within professional organizations that have influenced counseling psychology over the last 20 years. The third section briefly sketches developments in the theoretical and empirical research literature, focusing on trends in 6 areas: methodological diversity; counseling interventions, process, and outcomes; career counseling; multicultural counseling; issues of gender and sexual preference; and supervision. Finally, major challenges that confront the counseling psychology profession are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)