Synchronized Formation of Starburst and Post-starburst Galaxies in Merging Clusters of Galaxies (original) (raw)
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The driving mechanism of starbursts in galaxy mergers
We present hydrodynamic simulations of a major merger of disk galaxies, and study the ISM dynamics and star formation properties. High spatial and mass resolutions of 12 pc and 4 × 10 4 M ⊙ allow to resolve cold and turbulent gas clouds embedded in a warmer diffuse phase. We compare to lower resolution models, where the multiphase ISM is not resolved and is modeled as a relatively homogeneous and stable medium. While merger-driven bursts of star formation are generally attributed to large-scale gas inflows towards the nuclear regions, we show that once a realistic ISM is resolved, the dominant process is actually gas fragmentation into massive and dense clouds and rapid star formation therein. As a consequence, star formation is more efficient by a factor of up to ∼ 10 and is also somewhat more extended, while the gas density probability distribution function (PDF) rapidly evolves towards very high densities. We thus propose that the actual mechanism of starburst triggering in galaxy collisions can only be captured at high spatial resolution and when the cooling of gas is modeled down to less than 10 3 K. Not only does our model reproduce the properties of the Antennae system, but it also explains the "starburst mode" revealed recently in high-redshift mergers compared to quiescent disks.
Probing the star–formation modes in merging galaxies
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2012
Merging systems at low redshift provide the unique opportunity to study the processes related to star formation in a variety of environments that presumably resemble those seen at higher redshifts. Previous studies of distant starbursting galaxies suggest that stars are born in turbulent gas, with a higher efficiency than in MW-like spirals. We have investigated in detail the turbulent-driven regime of star-formation in nearby colliding galaxies combining high resolution VLA B array H i maps and UV GALEX observations. With these data, we could check predictions of our state-of-the-art simulations of mergers, such as the global sharp increase of the fraction of dense gas, as traced by the SFR, with respect to the diffuse gas traced by H i during the merging stage, following the increased velocity dispersion of the gas. We present here initial results obtained studying the SFR-H i relation at 4.5 kpc resolution. We determined SFR/H i mass ratios that are higher in the external regions of mergers than in the outskirts of isolated spirals, though both environments are H i dominated. SFR/H i increases towards the central regions following the decrease of the atomic gas fraction and possibly the increased star-formation efficiency. These results need to be checked with a larger sample of systems and on smaller spatial scales. This is the goal of the ongoing Chaotic THINGS project that ultimately will allow us to determine why starbursting galaxies deviate from the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation between SFR density and gas surface density.
Evolution of the mass, size, and star formation rate in high redshift merging galaxies
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2014
Context. In Λ-CDM models, galaxies are thought to grow both through continuous cold gas accretion coming from the cosmic web and episodic merger events. The relative importance of these different mechanisms at different cosmic epochs is nevertheless not yet well understood. Aims. We aim at addressing the questions related to galaxy mass assembly through major and minor wet merging processes in the redshift range 1 < z < 2, an epoch corresponding to the peak of the cosmic star formation history. A significant fraction of Milky Way-like galaxies are thought to have undergone an unstable clumpy phase at this early stage. We focus on the behavior of the young clumpy disks when galaxies are undergoing gas-rich galaxy mergers. Methods. Using the adaptive mesh refinement code RAMSES, we build the Merging and Isolated high-Redshift Adaptive mesh refinement Galaxies (MIRAGE) sample. It is composed of 20 mergers and 3 isolated idealized disks simulations, which sample disk orientations and merger masses. Our simulations can reach a physical resolution of 7 parsecs, and include: star formation, metal line cooling, metallicity advection, and a recent physically-motivated implementation of stellar feedback which encompasses OB-type stars radiative pressure, photo-ionization heating, and supernovae. Results. The star formation history of isolated disks shows stochastic star formation rate, which proceeds from the complex behavior of the giant clumps. Our minor and major gas-rich merger simulations do not trigger starbursts, suggesting a saturation of the star formation due to the detailed accounting of stellar feedback processes in a turbulent and clumpy interstellar medium fed by substantial accretion from the circum-galactic medium. Our simulations are globally close to the normal regime of the disk-like star formation on a Schmidt-Kennicutt diagram. The mass-size relation and its rate of evolution in the redshift range 1 < z < 2 matches observations, suggesting that the inside-out growth mechanisms of the stellar disk do not necessarily require to be achieved through a cold accretion.
Galaxy interactions and mergers play a significant, but still debated and poorly understood role in the star formation history of galaxies. Numerical and theoretical models cannot yet explain the main properties of merger-induced starbursts, including their intensity and their spatial extent. Usually, the mechanism invoked in merger-induced starbursts is a global inflow of gas towards the central kpc, resulting in a nuclear starburst. We show here, using high-resolution AMR simulations and comparing to observations of the gas component in mergers, that the triggering of starbursts also results from increased ISM turbulence and velocity dispersions in interacting systems. This forms cold gas that are denser and more massive than in quiescent disk galaxies. The fraction of dense cold gas largely increases, modifying the global density distribution of these systems, and efficient star formation results. Because the starbursting activity is not just from a global compacting of the gas to higher average surface densities, but also from higher turbulence and fragmentation into massive and dense clouds, merging systems can enter a different regime of star formation compared to quiescent disk galaxies. This is in quantitative agreement with recent observations suggesting that disk galaxies and starbursting systems are not the low-activity end and high-activity end of a single regime, but actually follow different scaling relations for their star formation.
Star formation in mergers and interacting galaxies: Gathering the fuel
Selected results from recent studies of star formation in galaxies at different stages of interaction are reviewed. Recent results from the Spitzer Space Telescope are highlighted. Ideas on how large-scale driving of star formation in interacting galaxies might mesh with our understanding of star formation in isolated galaxies and small scale mechanisms within galaxies are considered. In particular, there is evidence that on small scales star formation is determined by the same thermal and turbulent processes in cool compressed clouds as in isolated galaxies. If so, this affirms the notion that the primary role of large-scale dynamics is to gather and compress the gas fuel. In gas-rich interactions this is generally done with increasing efficiency through the merger process.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2007
We study the origin of the diffuse stellar component (DSC) in 117 galaxy clusters extracted from a cosmological hydrodynamical simulation. We identify all galaxies present in the simulated clusters at 17 output redshifts, starting with z = 3.5, and then build the family trees for all the z = 0 cluster galaxies. The most massive cluster galaxies show complex family trees, resembling the merger trees of dark matter halos, while the majority of other cluster galaxies experience only one or two major mergers during their entire life history. Then for each diffuse star particle identified at z = 0, we look for the galaxy to which it once belonged at an earlier redshift, thus linking the presence of the diffuse stellar component to the galaxy formation history.
Cold gas and star formation in a merging galaxy sequence
Monthly Notices of the …, 2000
We explore the evolution of the cold gas (molecular and neutral hydrogen) and starformation activity during galaxy interactions, using a merging galaxy sequence comprising both pre-and post-merger candidates. Data for this study come from the literature but supplemented by some new radio observations presented here. Firstly, we confirm that the ratio of far-infrared luminosity to molecular hydrogen mass (L F IR /M (H 2 ); star-formation efficiency) increases close to nuclear coalescence. After the merging of the two nuclei there is evidence that the star-formation efficiency declines again to values typical of ellipticals. This trend can be attributed to M (H 2 ) depletion due to interaction induced star-formation. However, there is significant scatter, likely to arise from differences in the interaction details (e.g. disk-to-bulge ratio, geometry) of individual systems. Secondly, we find that the central molecular hydrogen surface density, Σ H2 , increases close to the final stages of the merging of the two nuclei. Such a trend, indicating gas inflows due to gravitational instabilities during the interaction, is also predicted by numerical simulations. Furthermore, there is evidence for a decreasing fraction of cold gas mass from early interacting systems to merger remnants, attributed to neutral hydrogen conversion into other forms (e.g. stars, hot gas) and molecular hydrogen depletion due to on-going star-formation. The evolution of the total-radio to blue-band luminosity ratio, reflecting the total (disk and nucleus) star-formation activity, is also investigated. Although this ratio is on average higher than that of isolated spirals, we find a marginal increase along the merging sequence, attributed to the relative insensitivity of disk star-formation to interactions. However, a similar result is also obtained for the nuclear radio emission, although galaxy interactions are believed to significantly affect the activity (star-formation, AGN) in the central galaxy regions. Nevertheless, the nuclear-radio to blue-band luminosity ratio is significantly elevated compared to isolated spirals. Finally, we find that the FIR-radio flux ratio distribution of interacting galaxies is consistent with star-formation being the main energising source.
Numerical Simulations of Merging Clusters of Galaxies
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 1997
We present results from three-dimensional numerical simulations of head-on mergers between two clusters of galaxies using a hybrid hydro/N-body code. In these simulations, the gaseous intracluster medium (ICM) is evolved as a massless Ñuid within a changing gravitational potential deÐned by the collisionless dark matter component. The ICM is represented by the equations of hydrodynamics which are solved by an Eulerian, Ðnite-di †erence method. The cluster dark matter component is represented by the N-body particle distribution. A series of simulations have been conducted in which we have systematically varied the cluster-subcluster mass ratio between 8 : 1 and 1 : 1. We Ðnd that cluster-subcluster mergers result in an elongation of both the cluster dark matter and gas distributions. The dark matter distribution is elongated parallel to the merger axis and accompanied by anisotropy in the dark matter velocity dispersion. Both the elongation and corresponding velocity anisotropy are sustained for more than 5 Gyr after the merger. The elongation of the gas distribution is also generally along the merger axis, although shocks and adiabatic compressions produce elongations perpendicular to the merger axis at various times during the merger. We also Ðnd a signiÐcant o †set between dark matter and gas centroids in the period following core passage. The gasdynamics is also severely a †ected by the cluster-subcluster merger. In these simulations, the subcluster enters the primary at supersonic speeds initiating bulk Ñows that can exceed 2000 km s~1. The width of the bulk Ñows are seen to range between several hundred kiloparsecs to nearly 1 Mpc. We believe the bulk Ñows can produce the bending of wide-angle tailed (WAT) radio sources. The most signiÐcant gasdynamics is seen to subside on timescales of 2 Gyr, although still signiÐcant dynamics is seen even after 5 Gyr. The merger-induced gasdynamics may also play a role in the formation of radio halo sources, and, consequently, the sustained nature of the gasdynamics may extend the lifetime of halos beyond the canonical synchrotron lifetime of the source. Substructure, shocks, and adiabatic cooling during the merger can result in a very complex temperature structure within the intracluster medium. As a result of these mergers, we Ðnd temperature inhomogeneities of several keV on linear scales of ¹0.5 Mpc. Finally, these simulations indicate that even relatively high mass-ratio mergers (e.g., 8 : 1) result in nonequilibrium conditions for an extended period of time. The period of time with the most signiÐcant dynamical evolution is within 2 Gyr after core passage. The nonequilibrium conditions have implications for cluster mass estimates. The observable consequences of cluster mergers and their inÑuence on cluster mass estimates are addressed in Roettiger, Burns, & Loken (1996).
A Merger‐driven Scenario for Cosmological Disk Galaxy Formation
The Astrophysical Journal, 2006
The violent hierarchical nature of the Λ-Cold Dark Matter cosmology poses serious difficulties for the formation of disk galaxies. To help resolve these issues, we describe a new, merger-driven scenario for the cosmological formation of disk galaxies at high redshifts that supplements the standard model based on dissipational collapse. In this picture, large gaseous disks may be produced from highangular momentum mergers of systems that are gas-dominated, i.e. M gas /(M gas + M ⋆ ) 0.5 at the height of the merger. Pressurization from the multiphase structure of the interstellar medium prevents the complete conversion of gas into stars during the merger, and if enough gas remains to form a disk, the remnant eventually resembles a disk galaxy. We perform numerical simulations of galaxy mergers to study how supernovae feedback strength, supermassive black hole growth and feedback, progenitor gas fraction, merger mass-ratio, and orbital geometry impact the formation of remnant disks. We find that disks can build angular momentum through mergers and the degree of rotational support of the baryons in the merger remnant is primarily related to feedback processes associated with star formation. Nearly every simulated gas-rich merger remnant contains rapidlyrotating stellar substructure, while disk-dominated remnants are restricted to form in mergers that are gas-dominated at the time of final coalescence. Typically, gas-dominated mergers require extreme progenitor gas fractions (f gas > 0.8). We also show that the formation of rotationally-supported stellar systems in mergers is not restricted to idealized orbits, and both gas-rich major and minor mergers can produce disk-dominated stellar remnants. We suggest that the hierarchical nature of the Λ-Cold Dark Matter cosmology and the physics of the interstellar gas may act together to form spiral galaxies by building the angular momentum of disks through early, gas-dominated mergers. Our proposed scenario may be especially important for galaxy formation at high redshifts, where gas-dominated mergers are believed to be more common than in the local Universe.
Galaxy merger histories and the role of merging in driving star formation at z > 1
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015
We use Horizon-AGN, a hydrodynamical cosmological simulation, to explore the role of mergers in the evolution of massive (M * > 10 10 M ⊙ ) galaxies around the epoch of peak cosmic star formation (1 < z < 4). The fraction of massive galaxies in major mergers (mass ratio R < 4 : 1) is around 3%, a factor of ∼2.5 lower than minor mergers (4 : 1 < R < 10 : 1) at these epochs, with no trend with redshift. At z ∼ 1, around a third of massive galaxies have undergone a major merger, while all such systems have undergone either a major or minor merger. While almost all major mergers at z > 3 are 'blue' (i.e. have significant associated star formation), the proportion of 'red' mergers increases rapidly at z < 2, with most merging systems at z ∼ 1.5 producing remnants that are red in rest-frame UV-optical colours. The star formation enhancement during major mergers is mild (∼20-40%) which, together with the low incidence of such events, implies that this process is not a significant driver of early stellar mass growth. Mergers (R < 10 : 1) host around a quarter of the total star formation budget in this redshift range, with major mergers hosting around two-thirds of this contribution. Notwithstanding their central importance to the standard ΛCDM paradigm, mergers are minority players in driving star formation at the epochs where the bulk of today's stellar mass was formed.