Meaning deviation in the language of poetry (original) (raw)


International Journal of English and Literature, 2021

This article tries to discover the language of poetry through deviation. The language of poetry is comparatively complex from discoursal language. Sometimes poets themselves create some tradition and style in their writing, and sometimes they break those styles and traditions to create an impact or indicate something with different meanings. The only vocabulary with denotative and connotative meaning is not enough to discover the inner meaning of poetry. However, some linguistics knowledge with linguistic devices like deviation, foregrounding, parallelism and others can help readers fond the real meaning of poetry. Even reading poetry with this knowledge becomes more exciting and enjoyable.

Deviation of Linguistic Code in Poetry: Decoding and Pleasure of Reading


English language as a discipline (a subject of study) has recently been introduced from the first standard in India. However, it has accumulated the position of a global lingua franca even before such introduction all over the world. Aims and objectives of introducing English as a subject of academic study vary according to the level of learners, but its requisiteness is undeniable at present. To be precise, introduction of English literature at university level is no more only the discipline but a medium to learn the language through its literature as it tends to provide authentic language input. Alongside, it serves the purpose to arise aesthetic desire. It may realize either reading or have literary reflection. Among many of its features, unique use of language in literary works is a potential feature. The present paper focuses on anormal/deviant use of language in literature. Further, it discusses how apparent deviant feature contributes to meaning and pleasure of decoding meaning.

Linguistic Deviation in Literary Style

Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

This paper is an attempt to shed light on linguistic deviation in literary style. Literary language, with its three main genres; poetry, drama and prose, is a situational variety of English that has specific features which belong to the literary and elevated language of the past. Literary language has been assigned a special status since antiquity, and is still used nowadays by some speakers and writers in certain situations and contexts. It has been considered as sublime and distinctive from all other types of language; one which is deviant from ordinary use of language in that it breaks the common norms or standards of language. A basic characteristic of literary style is linguistic deviation which occurs at different levels; lexical, semantic, syntactic, phonological, morphological, graphological, historical, dialectal and register. All these types of deviations are thoroughly investigated and stylistically analyzed in this paper so as to acquaint readers, students of English, re...

Phraseological Innovation, Phraseological Variation, Semantic Volume, Modification, Literary Discourse

The study paper examines phraseological activity of writers, the phraseological variat ions and modifications in particu lar. Ph raseological variations and modifications are deliberate, creative, innovative forms of the original phraseological units` structure and meaning that produce different semantic, stylistic and prag matic effect in the literary discourse. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the analysis of the phraseological activity of writers and to identify the procedures, transformations and changes that take part in the process of formal mod ification which result in the extension of the phraseological system of the language.

Studia Linguistica Hungarica


Funeral valediction is a special text type which helps the social-cognitive process of accepting and getting over one's death. Primarily written by a cantor but based on the expectations of the community, each poem can be a realization of a pattern of the text type including its features but integrating personal details of the deceased into it as well. In this paper I show different ways of construing social networks, especially family relationships in three communities. I present the members of the community as participants in the discourse of the farewell ceremony and as characters in the scenes made accessible by the language expressions through 110 analysed poems collected systematically by folklorists from different regions (Csanytelek, Felsőnyék and Dél-Gömör). I use a complex methodology following a basic principle of pragmatics in which sociolinguistics can be fruitfully applied in functional cognitive linguistic research. The present study shows certain connections between the vantage point and the role within the family highlighting general patterns and characteristics of it in each community.

An Analysis of Figurative Language in Poems by Laksmi Pamuntjak

MATAI: International Journal of Language Education

Figurative language is used to beautify literary work, especially poems. It can make the poems more exciting and unique. But some readers cannot identify the figurative language used in poetry. The poem's readers will read, analyze, and interpret poetry without considering the use of figurative language. The research objectives were to explain the kinds of figurative language used in selected poems by Laksmi Pamuntjak and the use of figurative language in Laksmi Pamuntjak's poems. This is qualitative research with content analysis. This approach offered to analyze data by choosing some poems by Laksmi Pamuntjak, reading the poems, identifying the figurative language used in the poems, then analyzing the figurative language used in the poems. In analyzing figurative language in Laksmi Pamuntjak's poems, the researcher grouped them based on the figurative language used in each poem. In analyzing data, the researcher analyzed every figurative language found in the poems and...


International Journal of Multilingual Education, by Viktoriia Iashkina, 2015

Sound instrumentation of poetic speech as one of the drivers producing direct influence on the emersion and genesis of sound symbolism in the tissue of poetic texts has always been, and remains a subject of vivid scientific interest and polemics among linguists and literary theorists of both the past and nowadays. A correlation between phonetic significance and semantic meaning still remains a subject of clarification and more precise definition. Those who tried to find a correlation between the formal and the notional used to apply for studying appropriate stylistic means of sound arrangement of poetical works, such as paronymic attraction, parallelism, and poetical etymology. In the later research works it is stated that while the stylistic means foregrounded by the precursors are comprehended as those deliberately used by poets to their full extent, the area of the subconscious mind should be considered of at least equal importance in this regard, as the latter produces great influence on the ways of artistic imagery formation as well as ability of its further perception and appreciation. In this sense it appears that the connection between sounding and meaning, or sound symbolism, can hardly be revealed in monolingual poetic sample. Contemporary linguistics has no doubt about the fact, that sounds of speech, even spelled separately, do have an ability of forming non-sound associations and images. The aim of this article is to find links which unite a unique poetic whole with its multilingual translations.

Semantic deviations in Jose Garcia Villa's "Poem 130": A stylistic analysis

Asian Journal of English Language Studies (AJELS), 2019

This study stylistically analyzes the semantic deviations in "Poem 130" by Jose Garcia Villa, a Philippine national artist for literature. Aside from the eccentric commas, his comma poem contains semantic deviations. Qualitative data were gathered to determine the functions of the semantic deviations found in the said poem. Findings revealed that the poem's semantic deviations focus on images which, at the outset, seem nonsense or absurd, but would lead to the realization of the aptness of these semantic deviations for finding meanings in the poem. Using Leech's (2008) stylistic analysis of semantic deviations, it was found that these deviations manifest an excellent metaphorical sense, which is another feature of the poem aside from its eccentric use of commas.

Deviation in the Collection of Poems by Guillaume Appollinaire


This research intends to describe the types of deviations contained in the collection of poems Calligrammes by Guillaume Apollinaire. The approach used is a qualitative approach with content analysis method. The data collection technique used is Miles and Huberman. The theory used as the main reference is the deviation theory according to Geoffrey N. Leech which divides the deviation into eight types, namely lexical deviation, phonological deviation, grammatical deviation which includes morphological and syntactic, graphological deviation, semantic deviation, dialectal deviation, deviation of register, and deviation of historical period. The result of data analysis from 7 poems found 5 out of 8 types of deviation which are diffused in each poem, including 24 semantic deviations, 18 graphological deviations, 4 deviations of register, 3 syntactic deviations and 2 lexical deviations. While the types of phonological deviation, morphological deviation, dialectal deviation, and deviation ...

Of Relating the Linguistic Description to an Interpretation of a Literary Work (Poetry)


This article attempts to see, through the structural significances of poetic language, the nature of the split between linguistic description and literary interpretation. Rhythm is the most prominent means of relating form to content in poetic language. The first account of this prominence is seen through identifying its position in the two prosodic forms of metrical and non-metrical poetry. Foregrounding has been seen as a significant feature in literary creation. Following Bradford (1997) the analysis undertakes three stages of analysis as ‘discovery procedures’, ‘naturalization’, and ‘judgment’ (renamed in our work as ‘remarks’). The first level examines the degree of the tension between the two patterns. In the second level, i.e. naturalization, the analysis goes on turning the peculiar language of the poem into that of the ordinary, which means making sense of a text. This translation of the poetic language has been shown to be considerably rooted in elements of form in the cla...