Estratto Lo Schiavo (original) (raw)

The chapters which follow here, outline some of the topics of the book titled “Ontology of our time”. For a critical theory of globalization. Governance, Governmentality, Democracy. The book is in three parts. Mainly based on the Foucauldian Studies in Political Theory and in International Relations, this work deals with the topic of the transformations and the ‘crisis’ of contemporary democracies. In this analytical framework, a genealogy of the present, according to the foucauldian studies on power and institutions, biopolitics and governmentality, has been developed. Theories of globalization and global governance, theories of social movements and of global society, the shift from the Fordist-Keynesian-Welfarist State to the Schumpterian-Regulatory State have been analyzed and critically deconstructed. The critics of the hegemony of neoliberalism in contemporary ‘postdemocratic' regimes – according to the Crouch dictum – define the conceptual perimeter of this work. A significant part of the contemporary debate in political theory is thematized in the third part of the book, wherein the main contributions of Laclau and Mouffe (about populism and radical democracy), Rancière, Nancy, Žižek and Butler have been debated. The problem of the (de)construction of the political subjectivity has been tackled in the last part of the book, starting from the last theoretical contributions in the foucauldian philosophy on power and subjectivity (i. e. “the government of the Self, the governments of the Others”), also taking into consideration the theoretical debate about the relations between “Aesthetics”, Public Reason and Politics.