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Leaders and laggards, governance, civicness and ethnicity in post-communist Romania
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Local State-Society Relations in Romania
Close Ties in European Local Governance, 2020
This chapter tentatively outlines the current state of local governmentsociety relations in Romania. Given the incipient state of institutionalized mechanisms of local government-society relations, the case of Romania does not provide the same level of detail and depth as other cases presented in this book. This is linked with the unique features of Romanian civil society and politics and the public sector, as well as the way governanceoriented mechanisms were introduced in Romanian local government. Despite sustained public mobilization on various policy issues and the ability to stage mass protests when felt needed, Romanian civil society suffers from structural weaknesses which limit its ability to participate in policy networks and influence public policies (Todor 2017
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The legal framework for local government coordination in Romania
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Political Participation and Interest Articulation of Roma in Romania
By examining processes of political participation and ethnic mobilisation, this article assesses how Roma create organising structures of representation which they use to articulate their shared interests. The utilitarian nature of the democratic system necessarily excludes the voice of minorities who must create their own representation structures to ensure their voice is heard. This article analyses the ability of the Romani community in Romania to articulate interests and assesses the legitimacy of their organising structures of representation. This article starts from the observation that Roma constitute a sizeable minority group in Romania yet they remain underrepresented in public life. Following a brief outline of how representation relates to legitimacy, the analysis proceeds in two steps: Firstly, the shared interests of Roma in Romania are determined; secondly, the role and purpose of the three organising structures of representation (elites, ethnic political parties, and civil society organizations) are assessed. The respective legitimacy of these organising structures of representation is analysed in turn. 4 L. Fosztó and M.V. Anăstăsoaie, "Romania: representations, public bodies and political projects", in W. Guy (ed.) Between Past and Future. The Roma of Central and Eastern Europe (University of
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In most countries in the European Union, the associative structures of local authorities were formally recognized in the early 1990s of the last century. Their establishment and strengthening is a process associated with decentralization. The role of associative structures is to facilitate the dialogue between central and local authorities and to contribute to the assertion of local autonomy. The data on the involvement of associative structures of local public authorities in Romania in the governance process shows that they meet the criterion of legitimacy and, to a lesser extent, the criterion of functionality. We are rather seeing a stimulated participation in order to respond to the implementation of a law than a civic involvement in its true sense. The limited performances of the involvement in the governance process are attributed to the socio-political context.
Beyond Advising: The Representative Role of Advisory Councils (The Case of Polish Cities)
Polish Political Science Review
Advisory councils (ACs) are permanent opinion-giving bodies that are established by public authorities. Their members are recruited from among residents, local officials, and members of NGOs. The author argues that, apart from their opinion-giving function, ACs perform the role of citizen representatives. The research was based on the survey of AC members. Its results were analyzed by a theoretical framework informed by representation theory. It has been documented that the representation is significantly related to the AC type, and that the decisive factor of disparity between ACs is their mandatory vs. optional creation. The study also shows that there is strong relationship between the formal and substantial representation of AC members. However, mixed AC audience undermines traditional links of authorization and accountability, which calls for the reconsideration of the theoretical framework of studies on AC representation.
Political – administrative relations in Romania
Political-administrative relations represent one of the most important issues for the students and practitioner of public administration. At stake is the democratic character of a polity, the degree to which partisan or bureaucratic interests or values are influencing the process of policy design and implementation. Each democratic country developed in time patterns for the political-administrative relations, pattern consisting both of formal and informal rules and that are specific for each country. With a long history of patronage and lack of professionalism Romania failed to establish a clear and stable pattern and what is more important failed to adapt a model consistent with those of democratic country. The formal settings resemble rules and practices influenced by those of European Union member states but implementation failed almost completely. Due to the importance of the subject matter, immediate attention should be paid by the political and administrative elite and by the academics in order to reach to a desirable and practical solution.