Development of a Brand Personality Scale and Application to Two Supermarket Brands (original) (raw)
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Congruence between consumer, brand and store personality in luxury sector: the results of an international research Congruence between consumer, brand and store personality in luxury sector: the results of an international research ABSTRACT Objectives. The paper analyses the phenomena of congruence between consumer, brand and store personality and its effect on attachment to brands in luxury sector at an international level. Methodology. From a theoretical point of view, human personality, brand personality and store personality research streams are considered. The paper takes into account relevant theoretical contributions developed on congruence between consumer, brand and store personality. Then the attachment construct is considered. From an empirical point of view, the paper presents the results of a quantitative primary research run on a sample young people "luxury experienced" from Western Europe (France, Germany, Italy, UK). The empirical research considers specifically 6 luxury brands. Results and conclusions: This paper presents the validation of the personality congruence measurement scale proposed by the authors; furthermore the research highlights the existence of a correlation between personality congruence and brand attachment discovering at the same time specific country peculiarities.
The retailer brands personality: A scale development in a Tunisian context
ABC Research Alert
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Objectives. The paper analyses the phenomena of congruence between consumer, brand and store personality and its effect on attachment to brands in luxury sector at an international level. Methodology. From a theoretical point of view, human personality, brand personality and store personality research streams are considered. The paper takes into account relevant theoretical contributions developed on congruence between consumer, brand and store personality. Then the attachment construct is considered. From an empirical point of view, the paper presents the results of a quantitative primary research run on a sample young people "luxury experienced" from Western Europe (France, Germany, Italy, UK). The empirical research considers specifically 6 luxury brands. Results and conclusions: This paper presents the validation of the personality congruence measurement scale proposed by the authors; furthermore the research highlights the existence of a correlation between personalit...
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The brand personality is a very popular area of research in marketing. Consumers perceive brands as if they were living beings. They assign to brands positive and negative personal traits, demographic characteristics, physical characteristics and cognitive skills. The personality of the brand is a very important means of differentiation, which is the most difficult to copy. Although this topic has been popular in in theoretical marketing research for a long time, little has been done to implement brand personality measuring tool in practice. The author dealt with the methodological shortcomings of a large number of brand personality studies and presented an extended model of "brand as a person," which, in addition to personality traits includes other determinants of the brand as a person, in order to enhance the practical use of this measuring tool. The author has conducted her own research of the extended personality profile of brands of mobile operators in Serbia (telecommunications sector), including two international companies and one domestic company, in order to determine the diagnostic and predictive value of extended brand personality measuring tool. By determining a broader profile of the " brand as a person" (current or desired), we can clearly perceive: if the diversity of the brand compared to other similar brands is sufficient, where we made the mistakes, and how we can focus brand positioning in the future, using a variety of marketing tools.
Brand Personality and Consumer-Based Brand Equity: A Study among Polish Consumers
Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2015
Its popularity is partly explained by the conceptual basis stating that consumers will prefer a brand that conveys personality traits that reflects his/her real self, ideal self or specific aspects of self (Aaker, 1997). Most research has studied brand personality from a consumer standpoint by measuring the perception of consumers. This research stands out from others as it is interested by the supply side. How do managers perceive the brand personality of the brands they are promoting? In other words, what personality traits are highlighted by those who contribute to convey images of the brand? Which are the least popular? Why? To address these issues, advertising and public relations managers of the 150 most admired companies by Quebecers (Canada) were surveyed. This population of firms, for which consumers have a very positive attitude, comes from a representative random survey of 500 adult respondents (margin of error of 4.9%) and published in a business magazine. Eighty managers (response rate 53.3%) participated in our study. The quantitative results show that out of the 42 personality traits (Aaker, 1997), managers rely generally on those traits: honesty, hard working, successful, reliable, secure, intelligent, leadership, sincere, friendly, true, real and confident. Among the least popular, we find: cowboy, rudeness and sentimental. An interesting result is that the degree of popularity of personality traits is mostly not statistically explained either by the socio-demographic characteristics of managers, nor the origin (national or international) of the brand for which the managers work. Using the same factorial structure found by Aaker (1997), (i.e. the Big Five), the "competence", "sincerity" and "excitement" dimensions are judged the most important. This result is consistent with those found in different international contexts with consumers. Twenty-two in-depth interviews were subsequently conducted with these managers to better understand their reasoning. The main results seem to confirm the idea that managers want to convey the traits that are most valued by their customers on the local market.
On the appropriateness of the assignment of human personality traits to brands
Brand personality models are used in all areas of marketing. However, some authors challenge the applicability of human personality traits to brands at all. This article shows through exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses that human personality traits may not be applied to brands in every case. Following the psycho-lexical approach, an a priori "semantic factor analysis" explores the reasons and demonstrates how the personality model could be improved. An accordingly modified model then shows invariance between both measurements for brands and persons. Thus, the assignment was appropriate. Ex post analyses of the factor solutions confirmed the results of the a priori considerations. The demonstrated procedure may help to better understand the problems that have arisen in recent literature examining brand personality and to give researchers proposals to avoid the misspecification of their models in advance.
How well does brand personality predict brand choice
How Well does Brand Personality Predict Brand Choice? A Measurement Scale and Analysis using Binary Regression Models Brands belong to the daily life of individuals who might be attached, committed or loyal to some of them. The concept and reality of brand relationship leads managers to develop positioning strategies and marketing tactics directed at reinforcing the strength of the relationships between brands and their consumers. Recent research in this area has been devoted to understand both the nature of the brand-consumer relationships and the influence these relationships could have on consumer behavior. The concept of brand personality revived by Aaker is interesting in that it might explain the strength of brand-consumer relationships and consumer buying behavior such as brand choice or brand loyalty. Aaker's important contribution (1997) has been followed by other studies aiming at better defining or measuring the concept of brand personality (Caprara et al., 2001, Ferrandi and Valette-Florence, 2002).
Measures of store loyalty in French food retailing
Revue d’études en Agriculture et Environnement
La fidélité à l'enseigne est un sujet important pour les distributeurs, car cela permet d'appréhender l'attachement des consommateurs aux distributeurs. La mesure d'un tel critère n'est cependant pas unidimensionnelle. Après un survol rapide de la littérature marketing traitant des indices de la fidélité à l'enseigne, nous calculons plusieurs indices en utilisant des données d'achats de panel sur 9 000 ménages, couplées avec des données sur les enseignes afin de contrôler l'importance d'accès aux enseignes pour chaque ménage. Nous montrons que la fidélité à l'enseigne, calculée sur la base de plus de 250 produits, diffère grandement d'un groupe à l'autre. De plus, l'augmentation de la part de marché d'une enseigne pour un ménage ne signifie pas nécessairement qu'il devient fortement fidèle à cette enseigne. Nous mettons également à jour une relation non-linéaire entre la fidélité à l'enseigne et la propension du ménage ...
Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 2019
Consumers' personality can influence choice behavior. Considering disparities between food store brand market shares across countries, we investigate the impact of personality on food store brand decision making. We carried out two non-hypothetical choice experiments for milk, ice-cream, and cereal, one in France and one in Germany for a total of N ¼ 505 participants. Results show that in France neurotic and in Germany conscientious consumers purchase significantly less store brands for the food items in question. This study contributes to the literature by providing evidence that both, personality and country-effects, influence consumer food choice behavior and serve as a motivating factor for multi-category purchases of grocery store brands.
Brand Personality and Human Personality: Findings From Ratings of Familiar Croatian Brands
Journal of Business Research, 2007
The present article focuses on two main problems: determining the factor structure of personality ratings of familiar Croatian brands and determining how different levels of data aggregation can affect the dimensionality and the nature of extracted factors. Following Aaker's seminal study [Aaker, J. Dimensions of brand personality. Journal of Marketing Research 1997; 24: 347-356], which aims to identify the dimensions of brand personality, this study attempts to relate brand personality to personality dimensions derived from the natural language. In the first study, a sample of 55 students rate the familiarity of 111 brands represented in the categories of "a Croatian creation" and "Croatian quality". Subsequently, ten brands are selected on the basis of mean familiarity and representation in various product categories (food, beverages, medicine and cleaning products). In the second study, an exhaustive Croatian taxonomy of personality descriptors [Mlačić B, Ostendorf F. Taxonomy and Structure of Croatian Personality-descriptive Adjectives.