Pkd1l1 and Pkd2 physically interact and establish left-right asymmetry (original) (raw)
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Pkd1l1 establishes left-right asymmetry and physically interacts with Pkd2
Development, 2011
In mammals, left-right (L-R) asymmetry is established by posteriorly oriented cilia driving a leftwards laminar flow in the embryonic node, thereby activating asymmetric gene expression. The two-cilia hypothesis argues that immotile cilia detect and respond to this flow through a Pkd2-mediated mechanism; a putative sensory partner protein has, however, remained unidentified. We have identified the Pkd1-related locus Pkd1l1 as a crucial component of L-R patterning in mouse. Systematic comparison of Pkd1l1 and Pkd2 point mutants reveals strong phenocopying, evidenced by both morphological and molecular markers of sidedness; both mutants fail to activate asymmetric gene expression at the node or in the lateral plate and exhibit right isomerism of the lungs. Node and cilia morphology were normal in mutants and cilia demonstrated typical motility, consistent with Pkd1l1 and Pkd2 activity downstream of nodal flow. Cell biological analysis reveals that Pkd1l1 and Pkd2 localise to the ciliu...
The anterior-posterior axis of the developing Drosophila melanogaster embryo is patterned by a well-studied gene regulatory network called the Gap Gene Network. This network acts to buffer the developing pattern against noise, thereby minimizing errors in gene expression and preventing patterning defects. In this paper, we sought to discover novel regulatory regions and transcription factors acting in a subset of the Gap network using a selection of wild-caught fly lines derived from the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP). The fly lines in the DGRP contain subtle genomic differences due to natural variation; we quantified the differences in positioning of gene expression borders of two anterior-poster patterning genes, Krüppel (Kr) and Even-skipped in 13 of the DGRP lines. The differences in the positions of Krüppel and Even-skipped were then correlated to specific single nucleotide polymorphisms and insertions/deletions within the select fly lines. Putative enhancers containing these genomic differences were validated for their ability to produce expression using reporter constructs and analyzed for possible transcription factor binding sites. The identified transcription factors were then perturbed and the resulting Eve and Kr positioning was determined. In this way, we found medea, ultraspiracle, glial cells missing, and orthopedia effect Kr and Eve positioning in subtle ways, while knock-down of pangolin produces significant shifts in Kr and subsequent Eve expression patterns. Most importantly this study points to the existence of many additional novel members that have subtle effects on this system and the degree of complexity that is present in patterning the developing embryo. made available for use under a CC0 license.
The anterior-posterior axis of the developing Drosophila melanogaster embryo is patterned by a well-studied gene regulatory network called the Gap Gene Network. This network acts to buffer the developing pattern against noise, thereby minimizing errors in gene expression and preventing patterning defects.In this paper, we sought to discover novel regulatory regions and transcription factors acting in a subset of the Gap network using a selection of wild-caught fly lines derived from the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP). The fly lines in the DGRP contain subtle genomic differences due to natural variation; we quantified the differences in positioning of gene expression borders of two anterior-poster patterning genes, Krüppel (Kr) and Even-skipped in 13 of the DGRP lines. The differences in the positions of Krüppel and Even-skipped were then correlated to specific single nucleotide polymorphisms and insertions/deletions within the select fly lines. Putative enhancers containi...
Patterned Gene Expression Directs Bipolar Planar Polarity in Drosophila
Developmental Cell, 2004
movement, is required for intercalation. For example, Lewis Thomas Lab the Even-skipped (Eve) transcription factor is expressed Washington Road in stripes along the A-P axis, and germband extension Princeton, New Jersey 08544 is strongly reduced in embryos where Eve is either absent or supplied uniformly (Irvine and Wieschaus, 1994). These findings suggest that spatial information provided Summary by striped expression of the Eve transcription factor is essential for cell intercalation. However, it is not under-During convergent extension in Drosophila, polarized stood how differences in gene expression along the cell movements cause the germband to narrow along A-P axis generate polarized cell movement along the the dorsal-ventral (D-V) axis and more than double D-V axis. in length along the anterior-posterior (A-P) axis. This
The role of Bicoid cooperative binding in the patterning of sharp borders in Drosophila melanogaster
Developmental Biology, 2012
In Drosophila embryonic development, the Bicoid (Bcd) protein establishes positional information of downstream developmental genes like hunchback (hb), which has a strong anterior expression and a sharp on-off boundary in the mid-embryo. The role of Bcd cooperative binding in the positioning of the Hb pattern has been previously demonstrated. However, there are discrepancies in the reported results about the role of this mechanism in the sharp Hb border. Here, we determined the Hill coefficient (n H) required for Bcd to generate the sharp border of Hb in wild-type (WT) embryos. We found that an n H of approximately 6.3 (s.d. 1.4) and 10.8 (s.d. 4.0) is required to account for Hb sharpness at early and late cycle 14A, respectively. Additional mechanisms are possibly required because the high n H is likely unachievable for Bcd binding to the hb promoter. To test this idea, we determined the n H required to pattern the Hb profile of 15 embryos expressing an hb 14F allele that is defective in self-activation and found n H to be 3.0 (s.d. 1.0). This result indicates that in WT embryos, the hb self-activation is important for Hb sharpness. Corroborating our results, we also found a progressive increase in the required value of n H spanning from 4.0 to 9.2 by determining this coefficient from averaged profiles of eight temporal classes at cycle 14A (T1 to T8). Our results indicate that there is a transition in the mechanisms responsible for the sharp Hb border during cycle 14A: in early stages of this cycle, Bcd cooperative binding is primarily responsible for Hb sharpness; in late cycle 14A, hb self-activation becomes the dominant mechanism.
Wg and Wnt4 provide long-range directional input to planar cell polarity orientation in Drosophila
Nature Cell Biology, 2013
Planar cell polarity (PCP) is cellular polarity within the plane of an epithelial tissue or organ. PCP is established through interactions of the core Frizzled (Fz)/PCP factors and, although their molecular interactions are beginning to be understood, the upstream input providing the directional bias and polarity axis remains unknown. Among core PCP genes, Fz is unique as it regulates PCP both cell-autonomously and non-autonomously, with its extracellular domain acting as a ligand for Van Gogh (Vang). We demonstrate in Drosophila melanogaster wings that Wg (Wingless) and dWnt4 (Drosophila Wnt homologue) provide instructive regulatory input for PCP axis determination, establishing polarity axes along their graded distribution and perpendicular to their expression domain borders. Loss-of-function studies reveal that Wg and dWnt4 act redundantly in PCP determination. They affect PCP by modulating the intercellular interaction between Fz and Vang, which is thought to be a key step in setting up initial polarity, thus providing directionality to the PCP process.
Pkd1l1 complexes with Pkd2 on motile cilia and functions to establish the left-right axis
Development, 2011
The internal organs of vertebrates show distinctive left-right asymmetry. Leftward extracellular fluid flow at the node (nodal flow), which is generated by the rotational movement of node cilia, is essential for left-right patterning in the mouse and other vertebrates. However, the identity of the pathways by which nodal flow is interpreted remains controversial as the molecular sensors of this process are unknown. In the current study, we show that the medaka left-right mutant abecobe (abc) is defective for left-right asymmetric expression of southpaw, lefty and charon, but not for nodal flow. We identify the abc gene as pkd1l1, the expression of which is confined to Kupffer's vesicle (KV, an organ equivalent to the node). Pkd1l1 can interact and interdependently colocalize with Pkd2 at the cilia in KV. We further demonstrate that all KV cilia contain Pkd1l1 and Pkd2 and left-right dynein, and that they are motile. These results suggest that Pkd1l1 and Pkd2 form a complex that ...
Heritability of Directional Asymmetry in Drosophila melanogaster
International Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2009
Directional asymmetry (DA), the consistent difference between a pair of morphological structures in which the same side is always larger than the other, presents an evolutionary mystery. Although many paired traits show DA, genetic variation for DA has not been unambiguously demonstrated. Artificial selection is a powerful technique for uncovering selectable genetic variation; we review and critique the limited number of previous studies that have been performed to select on DA and present the results of a novel artificial selection experiment on the DA of posterior crossvein location in Drosophila wings. Fifteen generations of selection in two genetically distinct lines were performed and none of the lines showed a significant response to selection. Our results therefore support and reconfirm previous findings; despite apparent natural variation and evolution of DA in nature, DA remains a paradoxical trait that does not respond to artificial selection.