Consumers, crazies and killer whales: The environment on New Zealand television (original) (raw)

Greening 'The Block': Sustainability in mainstream lifestyle TV

Residential renovations have become commonplace in westernised societies. Homeowners’ expectations can be affected by environmental concerns and energy efficiency. However, it is unclear if these concerns influence homeowners’ aspirations. Renovations occur more frequently and often without a clear rationale such as the repair or maintenance of a house (C. J. Maller and Horne 2011). The scale of renovation ranges between minor improvements to major alterations (Thuvander et al. 2012), the carbon impact of which is often difficult to determine. However, the waste produced, presents a quantifiable measure which can be used to determine the environmental impact of projects. Meanwhile, mass media and television programmes in particular are increasingly penetrating people’s lives, promoting reality shows, in which ordinary people are taken through transformative narrative of their daily lives (Lewis 2008a). Television, as a domestic media, represents the ‘normality’ of a household while programmes often relate to the triviality of everyday life(Ellis 1992). Property ‘makeovers’ have been promoted and amplified by media since the 1990s as part of a desirable lifestyle and have been turned into a perpetual activity (Goodsell 2008). More recently, there has been an attempt to ‘green’ such lifestyle television shows, introducing issues such as ethical consumption, environmental awareness while presenting and reflecting on the challenges that climate change brings to daily lives (Craig 2010). Using The Block as an example, the paper discusses whether there is evidence of sustainable practices, particularly to do with managing waste in the renovation process in mainstream television shows and investigates whether the show can act as a kind of ‘popular education’, promoting viewers’ (pro-environmental) choices when conducting similar real-life projects.

The Negligence of Conservation and Environmental Communication in the Nature Tourism and Adventure Programs on Television


Nature tourism and adventure program is one of the most popular programs on Indonesian television. However, these kinds of programs were often ignoring the environmental aspects. As a result, conservation issues were neglected because the main purpose of the program was only to show the audience the luxury of the trip. One of the cases could be seen on “The Beautiful Adventurers” program on Trans7, which was aired on Sunday, April 22nd, 2018. This particular episode showed the hosts were consuming a “Kima”, a kind of giant clams that is protected by the law. Harsh criticism from environmental activists spread on social media, even before the show ended. This study took this incident with an explanatory case study method to analyze it from the perspective of environmental communication. The results showed that the crew did not have awareness about the conservation issues and was more attracted by the tour guides’ persuasion rather than following the regulations that have been establi...

Environmental education in the television media. Case study: Oromar TV

The current research article has the purpose of analyzing environmental education in television media in the province of Manabí. For which, it was decided to take the Oromar TV channel as a case study. This with the objective of measuring the social impact caused by the mass media in regard to the awareness and care of the environment in this province. In addition to examining the production of training content focused on environmental education within the programming of this channel. The methodology that was applied for the investigation is of qualitative type, so that the technique of documentary analysis was used for the revision of the programming of the Oromar TV channel, this was carried out in a sample period of two months. The results obtained show that there are shortcomings in the programming of the Oromar TV channel, due to the scarce productions of educational content. Therefore, it is concluded that, in the absence of an increase in training television programs, and total absence of specialized productions in the area of environmental education in the Oromar TV channel, that could cause a lack of knowledge in the television audience in regard to in matters of prevention and care of the environment in the province of Manabí.

Children, Television and the Environment


This thesis seeks to explore the impact of the increased coverage of environmental issues on television since the late 1980s, on children's awareness and concern about the environment. The rise of environmental concern and related media coverage is charted, and then research regarding the effects of mass media on behaviour is discussed. Frequent methodological flaws and oversimplistic approaches are seen to limit these studies. The theoretical approaches of Adorno, Gramsci, and others are then discussed in some detail ...

The Environmental and Educational Topics in Agricultural TV Broadcasts

Eastern European Countryside, 2020

The sustainable use and efficient management of natural resources are reflected in the introduction of modern production practices and agro-ecological measures. The new challenges facing farmers require new approaches to the transfer of agricultural knowledge, technologies and information. Television is an important medium for providing timely information and communication with farmers in developing countries, where other sources of information are less available. Therefore, television represents one of the most relevant sources of raising public awareness and concern for the environment. This paper seeks to investigate whether and to what extent specialised TV programmes for farmers of four national TV networks in Serbia cover topics related to the agro-environment. Content analysis was employed to determine the differences in the offer of environmental and educational contents of agricultural TV programmes broadcast by public and commercial television stations in Serbia. Research ...