Side balloon stenting": a novel technique for bifurcation lesions (original) (raw)

The Journal of invasive cardiology


We describe a new technique to treat stenoses of coronary bifurcations. The aim of this technique, called "side balloon stenting," is to treat the bifurcation lesions with the kissing balloon technique, implanting one or more stents without removing the guidewires which remain in place during the whole procedure, avoiding potential problems of access to the vessels jailed by stent struts. In addition, implanting the stent using the kissing balloon technique would prevent the "snow-plow" phenomenon (plaque shifting) in the side branch. The "side balloon stenting" technique was applied in 29 cases at various levels of coronary artery segments involving bifurcations (Table 1). The technical success rate of the side balloon stenting was 90% (25 procedures). The elective placement of one stent in the main vessel was done in 20/25 procedures (80%), and in only 5/25 (20%), it was also necessary to insert a second one in the side branch (due to suboptimal resul...

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