GUŠTIN M., Die keltische Bauernsiedlung bei Murska Sobota am Südrand Pannoniens. V: ANREITER P. (ur.), Archaeological, cultural and linguistic heritage, Festschrift for Erzsébet Jerem in honour of her 70th birthday, (Archaeolingua, Vol. 25). Budapest, 2012, 215-223 [COBISS.SI-ID 2295763]. (original) (raw)

K. Elschek – S. Groh – E. Kolníková, Eine neue germanische Siedlung und römisch-germanische ländliche Niederlassung von Stupava-Mást (Westslowakei. Vorbericht, Slovenská Archeólogia 63/1, 2015, 63–114.

A New Germanic Settlement and Roman-Germanic Rural Estate of Stupava-Mást (Western Slovakia). Roman finds from Mást were known since the 17th century. 2012 – 2013 surface survey, metal detector survey, geophysical prospection and an excavation were realised here. During the surface survey e. g. 49 Roman coins, 60 Germanic and Roman fibulas and about 200 fragments of Roman roof tiles were found. Through the geophysical prospection anomalies were investigated. At the base of the survey and geophysics a small-scale excavation was realised here, during which a house and oven from the 3rd century A. D. were investigated. The house was built in a Roman-Germanic building technique, maybe by a Roman architect. The roof of the building consisted from Roman roof tiles, one of them bear the stamp of the XIV. Roman legion. It was destroyed by fire, at the clay-floor lies four nearly complete Germanic pottery vessels from the 3rd century A. D. The Germanic pottery from the house ist represented by 91,5 %, the Roman pottery by 8,5 %. To the Roman pottery belong e. g. grey-black storage vessels, “Ringschüsseln“, jugs and terra sigillata. Terra Sigillata from the site belong to the Middle Gaulish, Rheinzabern and Westerndorf workshops and could be dated between 180 – 260 A. D. In the article the presence of this pottery was compared with the sites in the neighbourhood and the Roman Carnuntum. The Germanic and Roman fibulas are represented by specimens from the early 1st to the late 4th century, the earliest is a noric-pannonian fibula. The most specimens belong to the 2nd – 3rd century. The Roman coins cover the time from the 1st century B. C. to the 4th century A. D. The earliest appertain the republican coins of Caesar and Marcus Antonius, the latest coin belong to Valentinianus I. The coin circulation in Mást is similar to sites along the river Morava in West Slovakia and North-east Austria, in the Article is a table with all coins from the Záhorie-territory. The numerous Roman coins, Roman roof-tiles and other Roman product show that the site was involved in the trade along the Amber-route. The Roman-Germanic building activity in the “Limesvorland” at the Middle Danube area is documented by Roman and eventually also by mixed Roman-Germanic architectures in Bratislava-Dúbravka, Bratislava-Devín, Stupava.

Kordula GOSTENCNIK, Austern, Wein und Opferbrot. Archäologische und epigraphische Quellen zu Nahrungsmitteln und Ernährungsgewohnheiten in der römischen Stadt " Alt-Virunum " auf dem Magdalensberg in Kärnten. MAGW 147, 2017, 99-130.

Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 2017

Zusammenfassung: Die römische Stadt auf dem Magdalensberg, von 1948 bis 2011 alljährlich in systematischen Grabungen untersucht, erbrachte beträchtliche Mengen an Funden, die Aufschlüsse über Nahrung und Ernährungsgewohnheiten geben: Tierknochen, marine und terrestrische Mollusken, botanische Reste, Koch- und Tafelgeschirr oder Amphoren für den Wein- und Lebensmittelimport aus dem gesamten Mittelmeerraum. Viele Graffiti und tituli picti auf Amphoren und Krügen erteilen Auskünfte über Menge oder Gewicht, spezifizieren den Inhalt oder nennen ein genaues Datum. Unter den Baubefunden sind einige Küchenensembles bekannt, die durch Funde an Küchengeräten ergänzt werden. Dieser reiche Quellenbestand gibt wertvolle Einblicke in das vorhandene Nahrungsmittelangebot der Stadt, in ihre Tafelkultur sowie die lokalen Kochgewohnheiten. Summary: Excavations in the Roman town on the Magdalensberg, which continued annually from 1948 to 2011, yielded enormous data as regards diet and dietary evidence: animal bones, marine and non-marine molluscs, plant residues, cooking pots and fine tableware; amphorae and jugs give proof of imported wine and foodstuffs from the whole Mediterranean. Furthermore, several graffiti and tituli picti on amphorae and jugs mention the weight or the quantity of their contents, but also a precise date. Besides kitchen-utensils, kitchens and their facilities were recorded as well among the archaeological structures. Therefore, this rich archaeological source permits to gain insight concerning the town’s supplies with foodstuffs, the dining culture or local cooking habits.

Belanová/Čambal/Stegmann-Rajtár 2007: Die Weberin von Nové Košariská – Die Webstuhlbefunde in der Siedlung von Nové Košariská im Vergleich mit ähnlichen Fundplätzen des östlichen Hallstattkulturkreises. Scripta Praehistorica In Honorem Biba Teržan. Situla 44, Ljubljana 2007, s. 419 – 434.

Tereza Belanová, Radoslav Čambal und Susanne Stegmann-Rajtár, Nitra ..."Wenn diese figürlichen Darstellungen zugleich als Bilder ritueller Handlungen und religiös-mythischer Vorstellungen aufgefaßt werden können, so sind es Frauen, die als Mittlerin zwischen Alltäglich-Weltlichem und Heiligem wirken, und so bestimmend für das Schicksal jedes einzelnen und der ganzen Gemeinschaft werden" (Teržan 1996, 529) Halštatsko obdobje, vzhodnohalštatska kultura, gomilna grobišča, naselbine, (utrjene) višinske naselbine, tkalske uteži, tkalske statve Hallstattzeit, Osthallstattkultur, Grabhügelfelder, Siedlungen, (befestigte) Höhensiedlungen, Webgewichte; Gewichtswebstühle Hallstatt period, East Hallstatt culture, barrow cemeteries, lowland settlements, hilltop (fortified) settlements, loom weights, warp-weighted looms * Als Grundlage für den vorliegenden Aufsatz diente den Autoren der gemeinsame Vortrag, der während der 78. Jahrestagung des West-und Süddeutschen Verbandes für Altertumsforschung e. V. in Xanten (AG Eisenzeit) am 8. Juni 2006 von T. Belanová gehalten wurde. Auch wenn es sich um vorläufige Ergebnisse handelt und die Auswertung noch bevorsteht, möchten ihn die Autoren dem Jubiläum von Biba Teržan sehr herzlich widmen. Tereza Belanová, Radoslav Čambal und Susanne Stegmann-Rajtár 420 iz naselbine Nové Košariská nima neposrednih primerjav v naselbinah vzhodne halštatske kulture. Visok socialni položaj tkalke iz gomile 6 morda opozarja, da je med prebivalstvom pripadajočega naselja obstajala skupina izbranih žena. Zaradi povezave med tkalskimi utežmi iz grobišča in naselbine je zelo verjetno, da v tej naselbini ni živelo enostavno strukturirano podeželsko prebivalstvo, temveč da je imela pomembno vlogo v poselitveni strukturi starejše železne dobe. Ali so tkalke iz naselja Nové Košariská izdelovale blago namenjeno izvozu, morda mrliške prte?

Stika H.-P. & A.G. Heiss (2013): Archäobotanische Untersuchungen am bronzezeitlichen Tell von Százhalombatta-Földvár an der Donau in Ungarn. In: Offa, Band 69/70, Festschrift für Helmut Johannes Kroll, Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster, 411-427.

Archaeobotanical analysis of the MBA (Middle Bronze Age) tell of Százhalombatta-Földvár (Hungary) shows that einkorn (Triticum monococcum) and hulled barley (Hordeum vulgare) were the main cereals of the period, accompanied by “new type” hulled wheat (Triticum cf. timopheevi) and emmer (T. dicoccum) as subdominant cereals. Spelt (T. spelta), broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum) and naked wheat (Triticum aestivum/durum/turgidum) also regularly occur in the cereal record. The traces of naked barley (Hordeum vulgare var. nudum), rye (Secale secale) and oat (Avena sp.) most likely do not represent local intentional cultivation. The results from Százhalombatta-Földvár thus follow the general trend discovered in what is today Hungary, with a clear dominance in einkorn cultivation during Middle Bronze Age. The significance of the “new type” hulled wheat in the Pannonian Basin still cannot be evaluated satisfactorily, yet in Százhalombatta-Földvár it is found at the third position after einkorn and hulled barley. Finds of oilseeds exists for gold-of-pleasure (Camelina sativa), flax (Linum usitatissimum), and opium poppy (Papaver somniferum), as well as the oldest evidence of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) in Hunga-ry. Pulses are dominated by lentil (Lens culinaris) and pea (Pisum sativum), followed by bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia) and faba bean (Vicia faba). The most frequent finds of gathered fruits derive from Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas). Wild plants (at least 113 species) were mainly attributable to anthropogenic ecosystems such as segetal vegetation of nutrient-rich crop fields, the settlement area itself, and additional ruderal stands. Further species spectra represent the natural steppe-like vegetation of the region as well as the alluvial forests of the Danube. Daub tempering was not carried out with wheat dehusking by-products, but instead by deliberatley using wild grasses. Also the only evidence of grapevine (Vitis vinifera s.l.) from the MBA tell derives from a seed imprint in the daub.