La alfabetizacion de los mayas y sus consecuencias sociales en Yucatan, siglo XVI (original) (raw)
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Libros europeos y compendios lingüísticos en el Yucatán del siglo XVI
Secuencia, 2004
Colonial Yucatan, first European books, Mayan vocabularies, Mayan language, history of reading, linguistics of Mayan-Spanish contact. circulated in Yucatan during the time of the earliest encounters between Spaniards and Mayas. The reading of European books by indigenous people, who were familiar with the writing of conquistadors, is not surprising; what is striking is the continuity with which they did so. Another curious fact is that the Franciscans who evangelized compiled the first vocabularies which, as reflections of the readings, became instruments that enabled the indigenous people to rewrite their history.
Escribanos enfrentados en el Yucatán de la segunda mitad del siglo XVI
Allpanchis, 2022
Although the importance in the daily life of Spanish (and in other terms also Indigenous) population, the notarial profession in Yucatán never received the deserved attention by researchers. In the present work, an attempt will be made to reconstruct the events concerning two Yucatecan notaries in relation to the constitution of their own archives during the second half of the 16th century, also analysing the dialectical relationship that put them in conflict for the management of imperial and local power and the arguments used to defend their own jurisdiction.
Vocabularios hispano-mayas del siglo XVI
Selected Papers of Vth International Conference on Missionary Linguistics, Mérida-Yucatán, 8-11 de marzo 2007, eds. Otto Zwartjes y Ramón Arzápalo, Amsterdam, John Benjamins: 129-149. [ISBN: 978 90 4605 9]., 2009
This article attempts to be a contribution to the history of the bilingual vocabularies of Spanish and Mayan languages that the missionaries compiled during the sixteenth century. For that, it offers a panoramic vision from all, including a mention to the vocabularies never founded or accessible in present time. Besides, it describes and analyzes both lexicographical method and lexical originality of few bilingual vocabularies of Spanish with the different Mayan languages, and one in the other direction (Maya-Spanish). Additionally, it deals with the question if this vocabularies are inspired by the Vocabulario español-latino (c.1495) by Antonio de Nebrija (1441/1444?-1522), or/ and the Vocabulario en lengua mexicana (1555, 1571) by Alonso de Molina (1514Molina ( -1585. In short, it shows that vocabularies of Hispanic and Amerindian languages are valuable sources for learning the history of Spanish lexicon in America.
La ortografía del maya "reducido" de Yucatán colonial
This article analyzes the orthographic rules of the yucatec maya language used in the colonial texts. In the first part, it reconsiders the rules for representing the long vowels, the rearticulated vowels, and the glottalized vowels. In the colonial time, there was a use of iy for representing the long vowel i in some cases. This article shows that it was used specifically in a phonetic setting where the consonant h disappears. So, in the second part, the article analyzes the phonetic conditions where the consonant h is lost in general. By the analysis of the loss of the same consonant, it is showed that the distinction between the hard h and the soft h reported by some missionaries does not exist. In the third and last part, the article discusses the suffix -om which is used for a future where the event occurs without fail. By analyzing the usage of -om suffixed words, it becomes evident that the suffix -om is another form for writing the past participle /-a’an/ of intransitive verbs. --- En este artículo se analizan las reglas ortográficas de la lengua maya yucateca que se usaron en los textos coloniales. En la primera parte se revisan las reglas para representar las vocales largas, rearticuladas y glotalizadas. En la época colonial, había uso de iy para representar la i larga en algunos casos. En este artículo se demuestra que esta combinación iy se usa específicamente en un entorno fonético donde se desaparece la consonante h. En la segunda parte, se analiza en qué entorno se pierde la consonante h en general. A través del análisis de la elisión de la misma consonante, se demuestra que la distinción entre la h recia y la h simple que fue señalada por algunos misioneros no existe. En la tercera y última parte, se analiza el sufijo -om que indica un futuro donde el evento sucede sin falta. Al analizar usos de palabras con el sufijo -om, se llega a la conclusión de que es otra forma de representar el sufijo /-a’an/ del participio de verbos neutrales.
La alfabetización y la tradición oral: un ejemplo del maya tojolabal
In this analysis of Tojolabal oral literature, Brody compares two versions of the same text about a fight between St. Bartholomew and St. Thomas, one written and one presented orally. She notes similarities and differences between the two forms. They both call the attention of the speaker, and the inclusion of all details is not considered highly important. As for differences, among others, she points out that hesitation words are used more often in the oral presentation to call the audience's attention, and that the average length of sentences is shorter than in the written version. In the Apendices, the texts are given in Tojolabal with a Spanish translation.
The present article aims to reveal the existence of frequent oral, written and symbolic exchanges among the Maya peoples of Yucatan and between these and the Hispanic authorities in the 16th century. The evidence presented here questions the commonly accepted image of the isolation and self-centered functioning of Maya communities, and compels us to reconsider the way in which political spaces were structured in colonial Yucatan. In fact, although the Spanish conquest and the policy of reductions eroded the traditional ties that unified the indigenous communities among one another, the Maya rulers soon re-established close relations. This work identifies the different types of exchanges that united the Maya peoples and demonstrates how these played a determining role in the construction of supra-communitarian political spaces in colonial Yucatan.
Los corregimientos en el Yucatán del siglo XVI
Relaciones Estudios de Historia y Sociedad, 2017
A partir de la segunda mitad del siglo xvi, varios corregidores fueron nombrados en distintas regiones de América, este oficio se convirtió en una de las más controvertidas figuras de la administración colonial. No obstante, en la provincia de Yucatán este cargo ha permanecido prácticamente desconocido hasta la fecha de hoy. En consecuencia, el presente trabajo pretende identificar a los corregidores de Yucatán y ahondar en los motivos que empujaron a la Corona española a decretar su suspensión en 1580. Por otro lado, reflexionaremos sobre el salario y las funciones que fueron asignadas a aquellos oficiales, especialmente en la impartición de la justicia en la localidad. Para responder a estas interrogantes se recurrirá a distintos géneros de documentos legales, tales como los nombramientos que se entregaron a los titulares, sus probanzas de méritos y servicios y las cédulas reales por las que el Consejo de Indias trató de regular el ejercicio del cargo en Yucatán.
Archivos en los pueblos mayas de Yucatán y la construcción de una memoria legal (Siglo XVI)
Fronteras de la historia, 2016
This article analyses the creation and functioning of the indigenous archives in the sixteenth-century Yucatan. On the one hand, we will take into account the Spanish Crown's policy aimed create archives in the Republic of Indians. We will show that this policy went from the inclusion to the exclusion of the indigenous records. On the other hand, we highlight the Ma-yas' effort to know the Spanish notarial genders, to legitimate their own records before the colonial authorities, and, in some cases, to use them in a parallel and unofficial circuit. In other words, we will try to highlight the process of creation of a hybrid system of generation, utilization, and conservation of notarial documents in indigenous archives.
Estudios de Historia Novohispana
Por ningún otro maya yucateco del siglo XVI los investigadores se han interesado tanto como por Gaspar Antonio Chi, también llamado Gaspar Antonio de Herrera. Era uno de los muchos miembros de la familia de los Xiu que gobernaban, al principio del siglo XVI, la importante provincia yucateca de Maní. Partiendo de esta posición social privilegiada, Gaspar Antonio se ganó en el transcurso de su vida la confianza de muchos de los obispos, franciscanos y gobernadores españoles de la provincia. Así pues, su persona y sus actividades poco comunes se han analizado cuatro veces en diversas publicaciones científicas.
Maya America: Journal of Essays, Commentary, and Analysis, 2021
En este comentario se esboza brevemente lo que significa la institucionalización de las lenguas indígenas nacionales en México y se discute el nuevo planteamiento de la patrimonialización de la lengua maya. Se revisan los planteamientos, objetivos, alcances y tareas que han llevado a un ejercio efectivo y crítico de la refuncionalización de la lengua maya en la Península de Yucatán.