Cloud Computing Load Balancing Algorithms Comparison Based Survey (original) (raw)

Load Balancing Algorithms in Cloud Computing: A Comparative Study


Cloud computing has become popular due to its attractive features. In the cloud computing environment, load balancing is one of the important issues, with great increase in the users and their requirements for different services on the cloud computing platform, efficient usage of resources in the cloud environment is very important. An efficient load balancing algorithm ensures efficient resource utilization by providing resources to user’s on-demand in pay-per-use manner. Load Balancing uses scheduling for prioritizing users. The performance indicators of load balancing algorithms in cloud are response time and waiting time. In this paper, we aim to provide a structured and comprehensive overview of the research on load balancing algorithms in cloud computing.

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A Methodological Survey on Different types of Load Balancing Algorithms in Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is one of the quickly developing area in research industry today. Cloud Computing spins around web based computing which leads to the provision of the resources automatically to the customer based on pay per use service. As cloud computing is the mixture of different technologies such as distributed computing, parallel computing and virtualization which leads to the development of the new era. Due to evolution of the cloud, there is a feasibility about how different services can be provided to the customer through internet. Today due to the recent advancements there are various cloud service providers which provides the services based on the user demand. Although there are various challenges for the cloud service provider but one of the major goal for the cloud service provider is to utilize the resources efficiently and to balance the load among the resources efficiently. In this paper we will try to explore the concept of the load balancing and will also study about the different types of load balancing algorithms along with it we will also try to pinpoint different issues related to the concept of load balancing.

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A Comparative Study of Load Balancing Algorithms in Cloud Computing

Nowadays, Cloud computing has become buzzword in the Information Technology and is a next stage in the evolution of Internet, It provides very large amount of computing and storage services to users through the internet. Load Balancing is important for essential operations in cloud virtual environments. As cloud computing has been growing rapidly and many clients all over the world are demanding more services and better results, so load balancing is an essential and important research area. Many algorithms have developed for allocating client's requests to available remote nodes. Efficient load balancing ensures efficient resource utilization of resources to customers on demand basis and enhanced the overall performance of the Cloud. This paper is a brief discussion on the existing load balancing techniques in cloud computing and further compares them based on various parameters like data processing time and response time etc. The paper analyzes the result based on existing Round Robin and Throttled scheduling algorithms.

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In recent years cloud computing emerge as a new model as a new model for Constructing, manipulating and accessing very big scale distributed computing application over the Internet. Cloud Computing provides ondemand access to distributed resources on paid basis. Everyone wants to use these utility to reduce the cost of maintenance and infrastructure therefore the load on cloud is increasing day by day. Load balancing is necessary for competent operation in distributed computing environment. Since cloud computing is growing quickly and client require needs further services and improving the results, cloud load balancing to be a very interesting and essentials research area. The load should be distributed equally among all the nodes. Proper load balancing can reduce the energy consumption and carbon emission. There are many algorithm for load balancing in cloud computing. All these algorithms work in different techniques and some advantages and disadvantages. The most important for load balancing algorithm in cloud computing is to consider the measurement parameters throughput, response time, fault tolerance, scalability, performance, resource utilization. This paper mainly focuses on various algorithm proposed to determine the load balancing and different measurement parameters in cloud computing Environment.

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Cloud computing has revolutionized the computing world by providing computing as a resource. It reduces overall cost and management efforts through efficient utilization of its resources like processing, memory etc. It also provides a platform from where various resources can be shared on demand basis. Although cloud has various research challenges like security, reliability, availability, load balancing, power management and data traffic analysis etc. Load balancing is one of the burgeoning research areas these days. It is the process of uniformly distributing the dynamic workload on data centers in real time for efficient utilization of cloud resources and to improve various metrics. Various dynamic and static load balancing algorithms already exist for efficient utilization of resources. This paper provides an insight into load balancing, existing load balancing algorithms, and various future research directions

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IJERT-A Survey of Various Load Balancing Algorithms in Cloud Computing

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2021 Distributed computing is turning into the most exceptional and mainstream innovation giving the world improved strategies for capacity, the adequacy of the shared assets like stockpiling, calculation power, dynamic allotment of assets dependent on the interest. This arising innovation has bunches of difficulties to share the assets, increment the accessibility and keep up the heap between the assets. Cloud load adjusting is one of the fundamental difficulties which will convey the unique remaining burdens and registering assets in cloud climate between the assets uniformly. This paper accentuates different existing burden adjusting calculations, favorable circumstances.

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A Survey Of Various Load Balancing Algorithms In Cloud Computing Cover Page

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A Survey: Load Balancing Algorithm in Cloud Computing Cover Page

A Comparative Study of Load Balancing Algorithms in Cloud Computing Environment

ArXiv, 2014

Cloud Computing is a new trend emerging in IT environment with huge requirements of infrastructure and resources. Load Balancing is an important aspect of cloud computing environment. Efficient load balancing scheme ensures efficient resource utilization by provisioning of resources to cloud users on demand basis in pay as you say manner. Load Balancing may even support prioritizing users by applying appropriate scheduling criteria. This paper presents various load balancing schemes in different cloud environment based on requirements specified in Service Level Agreement (SLA).

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A Comparative Study of Load Balancing Algorithms in Cloud Computing Environment Cover Page

An Optimal Approach to Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Based On Comparative Study and Analysis


Cloud Computing is the latest paradigm in the vast and rapidly expanding computing and Information Technology industry. Cloud computing refers to the practice of using a large number of remote servers that are connected over a network and hosted over the internet to provide various computing facilities as a service. Over the past few years, cloud computing has emerged to be one of the most promising technologies in the IT industry, due to which there is huge competition among the service providers for facilitating the resources at minimal cost without compromising with the performance. This leads to the need of delivering the resources in an optimal way such that the clients may access them seamlessly. There are a number of load balancing techniques that have the capability of distributing the load among the various server systems. In this paper, various load balancing techniques of cloud computing are compared and an effective and highly optimized approach is suggested to minimize ...

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