Biblical narratives,messianic hopes and religious radicalism:Jewish fundamentalism in our time (original) (raw)

Thepaper examinesthe contemporary scene of Jewish fundamentalism, focusing on its two major wings:the separatist Ultra-Orthodox, and the more culturally accommodating but politically radicalZ ionist OrthodoxS ettlers and would-be Temple Builders.B oth those segments of Judaism have been demographically and institutionallyonthe rise in the last generation and have made their impact on the political scene,c hanging the character and image of Judaism as awhole.T he essay comes to offer an historical and sociological context to the formation, development and growth in numbersa nd importance of the two camps.Itpoints to the diversity within the two camps and relates to major institutions,leaders and theological concepts.Italso examines the meaning of the term fundamentalisminlate modern Judaism and points to the fact that while there are obviousdifferences between the Ultra and the Zionist Orthodox, there are also striking similarities.T hese demonstrate themselves,a mongo ther features,i nt he centralityo f scriptural narratives to the two groups,i ncluding the idea of holding as pecial place in Godsplans for humanity,and the idea of the imminent or eventualarrival of the mes-sianic times. Ag raduate of the Hebrew University and the University of Chicago,Y aakovA riels research focuses on messianic, hybrid, or radical movementsinc ontemporary Judaism and Christianity,a sw ell as on Christian-Jewish relations in the Modern Era.H eh as published numerous articles as well as an umber of books on these topics.H is book,