Lingvopedija (original) (raw)

A new Serbian-Russian dictionary

Lexicography and Semantics. Proceedings of the XXI EURALEX International Congress, 2024

The paper presents a New Serbian-Russian dictionary and the main principles of its development. We use the most recent explanatory dictionary of Serbian, published by the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in 2018, as a starting point. However, we refine both the word list and the entry structure to meet the requirements of a bilingual edition. We consult text corpora of modern Serbian to check frequencies and define contexts of word usage. The paper describes the criteria for word list formation, discusses the problem of lexical equivalence in closely related languages, and articulates our guidelines for representing polysemy. The dictionary will be published in both traditional print format and as a website. The digital version will be implemented using the OnLex platform; we detail its functionality and highlight the new possibilities it offers to editors and potential users.

A new project - Croatian web dictionary MREŽNIK

Integrating ICT in Society, 2017

A new project Croatian Web Dictionary financed by the Croatian Science Foundation is presented. The main goal of the project is to create a monolingual corpus-based dictionary of Standard Croatian compiled in accordance with contemporary findings of computational linguistics. The authors explain the importance of such a project, its methodology, and expected results. As entries in Mrežnik will be connected with many other databases from the Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics an overview of these databases and other resources is given.

Slovenski jezik – Slovene Linguistic Studies 9 (2013): 163–183


ne možnosti izdelave XML-sheme vplivajo na leksikografsko delo in kasnejšo uporabo slovar-ja. Prikazani so različni splošni vidiki izdelave shem za slovarske projekte, ki jih je smiselno upoštevati: vsebinski, praktični in tehnični vidik. Na tej osnovi je utemeljena odločitev za način formalnega opisa strukture v danem računalniškem formatu. The article discusses the strategies applied for creating XML Schemas in dictionary projects, based on experience gained during creation of the schema of the Dictionary of the Slovene Literary Language of the 16th Century, and it explains how the different possibilities of the construction of XML Schemas influence the lexicographical work and the subsequent use of the dictionary. Three general aspects to be considered in designing schemas for dictionary projects are described in the article: the content aspect, the practical aspect, and the technical aspect. On this basis, the decision on the formal description method of the structure in a given...

Challenges of Croatian Linguistic Terminology

Collegium Antropologicum, 2022

The first part of the paper gives an overview of the Croatian Linguistic Terminology-Jena project stating its goals and achievements. The project is now (March 2023) in its last year. In the second part of the paper, plans and challenges of the project are discussed. Special attention is paid to the relation of linguistic terminology to anthropological (anthropolinguistic) terminology and the Jena project to the ANTRONA project, the first humanities and social sciences terminology project in the Struna program. The central part of the paper focuses on some of the most important issues and challenges (supported by examples) connected with the translation of Croatian onomastic terminology into English and vice versa.

"Balcania et Slavia. Studi linguistici | Studies in Linguistics" Vol. 3 | Issue 1 | June 2023

Balcania et Slavia. Studi linguistici | Studies in Linguistics, 2023

Balcania et Slavia. Studi linguistici | Studies in linguistics is a newly founded international, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the modern Slavic and Balkan languages from the perspective of theoretical, areal-typological, and contrastive linguistics. The Journal intends to promote high-quality scholarly work on all topics relevant to the theoretical description and analysis of Slavic and Balkan languages in synchrony as well as in diachrony. The main areas of interest include, but are not limited to, their structural make-up, contact in space and time, variation and microvariation in the Balkan-Slavic area, first and second language acquisition in bilingual and multilingual environments. Although it is based at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, the Journal aims at providing an international academic platform where scholars and researchers working within both the traditional and the more recently developed experimental frameworks can share novel ideas and advance theoretical proposals in the field of Slavic and Balkan linguistics.

UniKlu West Balkan Corpora Page

The West Balkans has had a rich history in developing language corpora. The first electronic corpus in the region was created only a few years after the very first one in the world, while the idea of developing electronic language resources dates even to a decade before that. This early development of natural language processing was somewhat hampered by the unfortunate events of the 1990s but in the last two decades there has been some substantial improvement when it comes to the West Balkan languages.

The Atlas of the Balkan Linguistic Area program

Balcanica, 2024

This article presents the Atlas of the Balkan Linguistic Area (ABLA), a French-Russian research program that created an online database of language contact phenomena documented in the languages of the Balkans. This resource will be open access after its launch in 2025, enriching the fields of Balkan and areal linguistics. Specifically, ABLA consists of 93 phonological, morpho-syntactic, semantic, and lexical features. Each feature is matched to a map covering 60 localities across Balkan countries. Each map is accompanied by a chapter co-authored by the project contributors. The paper offers some preliminary results for the feature “Infinitive: Forms”. The online database in Wordpress is hosted by Huma-Num in France. ABLA, to be published by de Gruyter, is not only the first online database for the Balkans, an area shaped by multilingualism in forms that are rapidly disappearing, but also an example for other linguistic areas in the world.