Ozone production during an urban air stagnation episode over Nashville, Tennessee (original) (raw)

1998, Journal of Geophysical Research

The highest 03 levels observed during the 1995 Southern Oxidants Study in middle Tennessee occurred during a period of air stagnation from July 11 through July 15. Extensive airborne (two fixed wing and one helicopter) and ground-based measurements of the chemistry and meteorology of this episode near Nashville, Tennessee, are presented. In situ airborne measurements include 03, NOy, NO, NO2, SO2, CO, nitrate, hydrocarbons, and aldehydes. Airborne LIDAR 0 3 measurements are also utilized to map the vertical and horizontal extent of the urban plume. The use of multiple instrumented research aircraft permitted highly detailed mapping of the plume chemistry in the vertical and horizontal dimensions. Interactions between the urban Nashville plume (primarily a NOx and hydrocarbon source) and the Gallatin coal-fired power plant plume (primarily a NO x and SO2 source) are also documented, and comparisons of ozone formation in the isolated and mixed urban and power plant plume are presented. The data suggest that during this episode the background air and the edges of the urban plume are NO x sensitive and the core of the urban plume is hydrocarbon sensitive. Under these worst case meteorological conditions, ambient 03 levels well over the level of the new National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for ozone (80 ppb) were observed over and just downwind of Nashville. For example, on July 12, the boundary layer air upwind of Nashville showed 60 to 70 ppb 0 3, while just downwind of the city the urban plume maximum was over 140 ppb 0 3. With a revised ozone standard set at 80 ppb (8 hour average) and upwind levels already within 10 or 20 ppb of the standard, only a slight increase in ozone from the urban area will cause difficulty in attaining the standard at monitors near the core of the urban plume during this type of episode. The helicopter mapping and LIDAR aircraft data clearly illustrate that high O3 levels can occur during stagnation episodes within a few kilometers of and even within the urban area. The extremely light boundary layer winds (1-3 m s-•) contributed to the creation of an ozone dome or blob which stayed very near to the city rather than an elongated plume. The small spatial scale of the zone of high O3 concentrations is mapped in detail demonstrating that the regulatory monitoring network failed to document the maximum O_• concentrations. Modelers using such regulatory data to test photochemical algorithms need to bear in mind that magnitude and frequency of urban ozone may be underestimated by monitoring networks, especially in medium-sized urban areas under slow transport conditions. Finally, this effort shows the value of collaborative field measurements from multiple platforms in developing a more complete picture of the chemistry and transport of photochemical 03. ambient ozone concentrations continue to be a major environmental and health concern. Early in the decade of the 1990s the National Academy of Sciences called for a rethinking of the ozone problem [National Academy of Sciences, 1991], and efforts were redoubled to elucidate the processes of ozone formation and transport in urban and regional settings. On a national level, for example, the North American Research Strategy for Tropospheric Ozone (NARSTO) has been formulated, a focused and coordinated program for the scientific study of tropospheric ozone concentrations, sources, formation mechanisms, and transport across the North American continent. A major emphasis of NARSTO has been the extent to which interregional transport of ozone-rich air masses have affected efforts to attain the NAAQS for ozone. The Southern Oxidant Study (SOS) has provided, in several field studies and observation-based rood-