Polynomials with a given discriminant over fields of algebraic functions of positive characteristic (original) (raw)
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On the discriminant of pure number fields
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The discriminant of an algebraic torus
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Journal of Algebra, 1998
. A function or a power series f is called differentially algebraic if it satisfies a Ž X Ž n. . differential equation of the form P x, y, y , . . . , y s 0, where P is a nontrivial polynomial. This notion is usually defined only over fields of characteristic zero and is not so significant over fields of characteristic p ) 0 as f Ž p. ' 0. For a formal power series over a perfect field K of positive characteristic we shall define an analogue of the concept of a differentially algebraic power series. We shall show that these series together with ordinary addition and multiplication of series form a field ⌫ with some natural properties. We also show that ⌫ is not closed under K K the Hadamard product operation. ᮊ 1998 Academic Press X Ž n.
The Identity of Three Classes of Polynomials
General Mathematics, 2005
It is well-known that, if f ∈ R[X], deg(f) = n ≥ 2 and Df divides f , then f is a scalar multiple of the n-th power of a monic polynomial of first degree, X +a, with a certain a ∈ R (it can be proved solving a simple differential equation which contains the associated polynomial function of f and its derivative). The converse assertion is obvious. In this paper, in the main result, we will show that, adding a simple supplimentar normating condition, the two classes defined by the mentioned properties also coincide with the class of the polynomials f which are reciprocal simultaneously with Df ; but it results that a = 1. This result also will be considered in the general situation of the polynomials of K[X], where K is an infinite commutative field an we will use only the formal derivative D. Finally we will pass in the umbral calculus and we will transpose the result in the case of a certain delta operator Q, in relation to its basic sequence (p n) n .