Effect of an intensive silvopastoril system on the texture profile and physico-chemical properties of the tepeque artisanal cheese from Mexico (original) (raw)


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Peer-Review Statements

Proceedings of the 2022 4th International Conference on Literature, Art and Human Development (ICLAHD 2022), 2023


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INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS REVISTA CIENCIAS BIOMEDICAS (Rev.cienc.biomed.) is included in: IMBIOMED, ACADEMIC GOOGLE, ENCOLOMBIA.COM, GOOGLE SCHOLAR, DOAJ, PUBLINDEX, WORLD CAT and ACADEMIC.EDU. It receives original scientific articles about a variety of topics that keep relation with the health sciences, so much of basic as clinical application. These issues need to be inside knowledge area that could interest both undergraduate as postgraduate students, as well as professionals in the health area. The following recommendations should be considered. 1. Authorship. Each author must have contributed substantially to the successful development of the research process. According to international standards, the criteria that each author must meet are: • Substantial contributions to conception, design, data acquisition or analysis and data interpretation. • To write the article and to check it for intellectually important content. • Final approval of the version to be published. “Courtesy authors” identifications or designations will not be accepted if the researcher has not met the delineated criteria (e.g. head of school / department / research group that presents the paper). 2. Interest conflicts and funding. An author of an article to be considered may be involved in two types of interest conflicts. The first one relates directly to the work authors and the financial and personal relationships that could influence or bias the manuscript in some way. The second type of interest conflict is related to the financial backer of the research. The authors must admit and say when sending the paper if there is any interference or limitation of the financial backer with regard to the analysis and interpretation of the information, writing or manuscript submission. The existence or absence of interest conflicts must be specified at the end of the article. It must be also specified whether it has received money by way of funding, specifying the origins and codes of calls where they obtained the resources. If it is pertinent, immediately after, the acknowledgments to institutions or personnel that otherwise contributed to the article and / or the research, could be given. 3. Peer review policy. The originals will be subjected to a process of editorial review to be fulfilled in several phases. Initially the received items are subjected to a preliminary study by the director, editor or committee publisher who determines the appropriate structure of the paper and its relevance to the policies of the journal and the institution. If the article is accepted because it fulfills the formal and content requirements exposed in these instructions is sent to two external academic peers who anonymously made suggestions and corrections. Peer reviewers verdict is done as follows. (1) Publish unchanged. (2) Publish when they have complied with minor corrections. (3) Publish when substance and content corrections have been made. (4) Not publishable. In case of discrepancy in opinions it will be sent to a third arbitrator, if necessary opinion of the member of the scientific committee will be requested. Authors will be informed timeously of the different phases that are met in the process of editorial review. They will the external peer reviewers opinions and always anonymously. They will also be subject to evaluation per linguistic in Spanish and English. Upon approval publication will be notified immediately to the authors and certification will be issued. When available, proofs will be sent to the authors for evaluation and final approval.