An extension mechanism for the Java language (original) (raw)

OpenJava: A Class-Based Macro System for Java


This paper presents OpenJava, which is a macro system that we have developed for Java. With traditional macro systems designed for non object-oriented languages, it is difficult to write a number of macros typical in object-oriented programming since they require the ability to access a logical structure of programs. One of the drawbacks of traditional macro systems is that abstract syntax trees are used for representing source programs. This paper first points out this problem and then shows how OpenJava addresses this problem. A key idea of Open-Java is to use metaobjects, which was originally developed for reflective computing, for representing source programs.

MetaJ: An Extensible Environment for Metaprogramming in Java

Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2004

MetaJ is a programming environment that supports metaprogramming in the Java language. The environment is designed to allow extensions via plug-ins which permit the user to manipulate programs written in different languages. This facilities concern only syntactic aspects. Semantics aspects are language-dependent and are not addressed here, but could be tackled with other tools, which could even be layered on the top of MetaJ. Accessing patterns by example inside ordinary Java programs is a major feature of MetaJ programming. This paper presents a conceptual description of the environment, implementation details and three applications on analysis, restructuring and generation of programs.

Polyglot: An extensible compiler framework for Java

Proceedings of the 12th …, 2003

Polyglot is an extensible compiler framework that supports the easy creation of compilers for languages similar to Java, while avoiding code duplication. The Polyglot framework is useful for domain-specific languages, exploration of language design, and for simplified versions of Java for pedagogical use. We have used Polyglot to implement several major and minor modifications to Java; the cost of implementing language extensions scales well with the degree to which the language differs from Java. This paper focuses on the design choices in Polyglot that are important for making the framework usable and highly extensible. Polyglot source code is available.

MetaJC++: A flexible and automatic program transformation technique using meta framework

Central European Journal of Engineering, 2014

Compiler is a tool to translate abstract code containing natural language terms to machine code. Meta compilers are available to compile more than one languages. We have developed a meta framework intends to combine two dissimilar programming languages, namely C++ and Java to provide a flexible object oriented programming platform for the user. Suitable constructs from both the languages have been combined, thereby forming a new and stronger Meta-Language. The framework is developed using the compiler writing tools, Flex and Yacc to design the front end of the compiler. The lexer and parser have been developed to accommodate the complete keyword set and syntax set of both the languages. Two intermediate representations have been used in between the translation of the source program to machine code. Abstract Syntax Tree has been used as a high level intermediate representation that preserves the hierarchical properties of the source program. A new machine-independent stack-based byte...

Towards automatic specialization of Java programs


Automatic program specialization can derive efficient implementations from generic components, thus reconciling the often opposing goals of genericity and efficiency. This technique has proved useful within the domains of imperative, functional, and logical languages, but so far has not been explored within the domain of object-oriented languages. We present experiments in the specialization of Java programs. We demonstrate how to construct a program specializer for Java programs from an existing specializer for C programs and a Java-to-C compiler. Specialization is managed using a declarative approach that abstracts over the optimization process and masks implementation details. Our experiments show that program specialization provides a four-time speedup of an image-filtering program. Based on these experiments, we identify optimizations of object-oriented programs that can be carried out by automatic program specialization. We argue that program specialization is useful in the field of software components, allowing a generic component to be specialized to a specific configuration.

Automatic program specialization for Java

ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 2003

The object-oriented style of programming facilitates program adaptation and enhances program genericness, but at the expense of efficiency. We demonstrate experimentally that state-of-the-art Java compilers fail to compensate for the use of object-oriented abstractions in the implementation of generic programs, and that program specialization can eliminate a significant portion of these overheads. We present an automatic program specializer for Java, illustrate its use through detailed case studies, and demonstrate experimentally that it can significantly reduce program execution time. Although automatic program specialization could be seen as being subsumed by existing optimizing compiler technology, we show that specialization and compiler optimization are in fact complementary.

Recaf: Java dialects as libraries

Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences, 2016

Mainstream programming languages like Java have limited support for language extensibility. Without mechanisms for syntactic abstraction, new programming styles can only be embedded in the form of libraries, limiting expressiveness. In this paper, we present Recaf, a lightweight tool for creating Java dialects; effectively extending Java with new language constructs and user defined semantics. The Recaf compiler generically transforms designated method bodies to code that is parameterized by a semantic factory (Object Algebra), defined in plain Java. The implementation of such a factory defines the desired runtime semantics. We applied our design to produce several examples from a diverse set of programming styles and two case studies: we define i) extensions for generators, asynchronous computations and asynchronous streams and ii) a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) for Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs), in a few lines of code.

An Abstract, Reusable, and Extensible Programming Language Design Architecture

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013

There are a few basic computational concepts that are at the core of all programming languages. The exact elements making out such a set of concepts determine (1) the specific nature of the computational services such a language is designed for, (2) for what users it is intended, and on what devices and in what environment it is to be used. It is therefore possible to propose a set of basic building blocks and operations thereon as combination procedures to enable programming software by specifying desired tasks using a tool-box of generic constructs and meta-operations. Syntax specified through LALR(k) grammar technology can be enhanced with greater recognizing power thanks to a simple augmentation of yacc technology. Upon this basis, a set of implementable formal operational semantics constructs may be simply designed and generated (syntax and semantics)à la carte, by simple combination of its desired features. The work presented here, and the tools derived from it, may be viewed as a tool box for generating language implementations with a desired set of features. It eases the automatic practical generation of programming language pioneered by Peter Landin's SECD Machine. What is overviewed constitutes a practical computational algebra extending the polymorphically typed λ-Calculus with object/classes and monoid comprehensions. This paper describes a few of the most salient parts of such a system, stressing most specifically any innovative features-formal syntax and semantics. It may be viewed as a high-level tour of a few reusable programming language design techniques prototyped in the form of a set of composable abstract machine constructs and operations. 1 This article is dedicated to Peter Buneman, a teacher and a friend-for sharing the fun! With fond memories of our Penn days and those Friday afternoon seminars in his office . . . ⋆ Thanks to Val Tannen for his patience, Nabil Layaïda for his comments, and the anonymous referee for catching many glitches and giving good advice in general. 1 Some of this material was presented as part of the author's keynote address at LDTA 2003 [5]. kernel calculus. It is such a system that this work proposes; it gives an essential overview of its design principle and the sort of services it has been designed to render.

SableCC, an Object-Oriented Compiler Framework


In this thesis, we introduce SableCC, an object-oriented framework that generates compilers (and interpreters) in the Java programming language. This framework is based on two fundamental design decisions. Firstly, the framework uses objectoriented techniques to automatically build a strictly-typed abstract syntax tree that matches the grammar of the compiled language and simplifies debugging. Secondly, the framework generates tree-walker classes using an extended version of the visitor design pattern which enables the implementation of actions on the nodes of the abstract syntax tree using inheritance. These two design decisions lead to a tool that supports a shorter development cycle for constructing compilers.