The importance of a Biosphere Reserve of Atlantic Forest for the conservation of stream fauna (original) (raw)
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Preservation of terrestrial fauna and flora has been the main reason for the settlement of most protected areas in the past 30 years, but although those areas may include water bodies, this does not necessarily mean that the biodiversity of freshwater environments are also protected. In the present study, the fauna inventory of eight streams (1 st , 2 nd , 4 th and 5 th orders) of three microbasins of Japi Mountain, a Biosphere Reserve of Atlantic Forest recognised by UNESCO since 1994, located in São Paulo state, southeast of Brazil, was conducted. The hypothesis of this study is that the conservation of this area is important for the maintenance of the aquatic biodiversity of this biome, and so, this world hotspot deserves priority conservation actions. From 2005 to 2007, benthic macroinvertebrates, fishes and, eventually, anuran amphibians were sampled in these streams. The results showed that Japi Mountain contributes to the conservation of 138 taxonomic units of the aquatic biota and covers a rich and representative biodiversity of freshwater fauna of the world (0.2%), Neotropical region (0.9%), Brazil (2.4%) and São Paulo state (17.9%). The studied streams in the Environmental Protection Area help protect endangered taxa like the fishes Neoplecostomus paranensis and Pareiorhina cf rudolphi, and shelter freshwater invertebrates and fishes whose distribution is restricted to the Brazilian territory. Japi Mountain is also an important haven of species that was missing there like the frog species Vitreorana eurygnatha. Thus, this species inventory emphasises the importance of conservation actions of the freshwater environments of this Biosphere Reserve of Atlantic Forest. Resumo A conservação da fauna e flora terrestres tem sido a principal razão para o estabelecimento da maioria das áreas protegidas nos últimos 30 anos, porém, apesar de muitas destas áreas apresentarem corpos d'água, isto não significa necessariamente que a biodiversidade dos ambientes dulcícolas também estará protegida. No presente trabalho foi realizado o levantamento da fauna de oito riachos (1ª, 2ª, 4ª e 5ª ordens) de três microbacias da Serra do Japi, localizada no estado de São Paulo e reconhecida como Reserva da Biosfera da Mata Atlântica pela UNESCO desde 1994. A hipótese do estudo é de que a conservação desta área seja de grande importância para a manutenção de sua biodiversidade aquática, comprovando assim a necessidade de ações prioritárias de conservação deste bioma. No período de 2005 a 2007 foram amostrados nestes riachos os macroinvertebrados bentônicos, peixes e, eventualmente, anfíbios anuros. Os resultados revelaram que a Serra do Japi contribui na conservação de 138 unidades taxonômicas da biota aquática e abriga rica e representativa biodiversidade da fauna de água doce do mundo (0,2%), da região neotropical (0,9%), do Brasil (2,4%) e do estado de São Paulo (17,9%). Os riachos das áreas de proteção ambiental estudados ajudam na proteção de táxons listados como vulneráveis a extinção no estado, como Neoplecostomus paranensis e Pareiorhina cf rudolphi, e abrigam animais dulcícolas de distribuição restrita ao território brasileiro. A Serra do Japi também constitui um importante reduto de espécies até então desaparecidas, como o anuro Vitreorana eurygnatha. Assim, este levantamento enfatizou a importância de ações de conservação dos ambientes aquáticos desta Reserva da Biosfera da Mata Atlântica.
Conservation of the Biodiversity of Brazil's Inland Waters
Conservation Biology, 2005
Abstract: In terms of biodiversity, Brazilian inland waters are of enormous global significance for Algae (25% of the world's species), Porifera (Demospongiae, 33%), Rotifera (25%), Cladocera (Branchiopoda, 20%), and fishes (21%). Threatened freshwater species include 44 species of invertebrates (mostly Porifera) and 134 fishes (mostly Cyprinodontiformes, Rivulidae), primarily distributed in south and southeastern Brazil. Reasons for the declines in biodiversity in Brazilian inland waters include pollution and eutrophication, siltation, impoundments and flood control, fisheries, and species introductions. These problems are more conspicuous in the more-developed regions. The majority of protected areas in Brazil have been created for terrestrial fauna and flora, but they also protect significant water bodies and wetlands. As a result, although very poorly documented, these areas are of great importance for aquatic species. A major and pressing challenge is the assessment of the freshwater biodiversity in protected areas and surveys to better understand the diversity and geography of freshwater species in Brazil. The concept of umbrella species (e.g., certain migratory fishes) would be beneficial for the protection of aquatic biodiversity and habitats. The conservation and improved management of river corridors and associated floodplains and the maintenance of their hydrological integrity is fundamental to preserving Brazil's freshwater biodiversity and the health of its aquatic resources.Resumen: En términos de biodiversidad, las aguas interiores de Brasil son de enorme importancia global para Algae (25% de las especies del mundo), Porifera (Demospongiae, 33%), Rotifera (25%), Cladocera (Branchiopoda, 20%) y peces (21%). Las especies dulceacuícolas amenazadas incluyen a 44 especies de invertebrados (la mayoría Porifera) y 134 de peces (en su mayor parte Cyprinodontiformes, Rivulidae), distribuidos principalmente en el sur y sureste de Brasil. Las razones de la declinación en la biodiversidad de aguas interiores de Brasil incluyen contaminación y eutrofización, sedimentación, represas y control de inundaciones, pesquerías e introducción de especies. Estos problemas son más conspicuos en las regiones más desarrolladas. La mayoría de las áreas protegidas en Brasil han sido creadas para fauna y flora terrestres, pero también protegen a considerable número de cuerpos de agua y humedales y, aunque muy deficientemente documentado, como tales son de gran importancia para las especies acuáticas. La evaluación de la biodiversidad dulceacuícola en áreas protegidas y muestreos para un mejor entendimiento de la diversidad y geografía de especies dulceacuícolas de Brasil son un reto mayor y apremiante. El concepto de especies sombrilla (e.g., ciertos peces migratorios) sería benéfico para la protección de biodiversidad y hábitats acuáticos. La conservación y perfeccionamiento de la gestión de corredores fluviales y las llanuras de inundación asociadas y el mantenimiento de su integridad hidrológica son fundamentales para preservar la biodiversidad dulceacuícola de Brasil y la salud de sus recursos acuáticos.Resumen: En términos de biodiversidad, las aguas interiores de Brasil son de enorme importancia global para Algae (25% de las especies del mundo), Porifera (Demospongiae, 33%), Rotifera (25%), Cladocera (Branchiopoda, 20%) y peces (21%). Las especies dulceacuícolas amenazadas incluyen a 44 especies de invertebrados (la mayoría Porifera) y 134 de peces (en su mayor parte Cyprinodontiformes, Rivulidae), distribuidos principalmente en el sur y sureste de Brasil. Las razones de la declinación en la biodiversidad de aguas interiores de Brasil incluyen contaminación y eutrofización, sedimentación, represas y control de inundaciones, pesquerías e introducción de especies. Estos problemas son más conspicuos en las regiones más desarrolladas. La mayoría de las áreas protegidas en Brasil han sido creadas para fauna y flora terrestres, pero también protegen a considerable número de cuerpos de agua y humedales y, aunque muy deficientemente documentado, como tales son de gran importancia para las especies acuáticas. La evaluación de la biodiversidad dulceacuícola en áreas protegidas y muestreos para un mejor entendimiento de la diversidad y geografía de especies dulceacuícolas de Brasil son un reto mayor y apremiante. El concepto de especies sombrilla (e.g., ciertos peces migratorios) sería benéfico para la protección de biodiversidad y hábitats acuáticos. La conservación y perfeccionamiento de la gestión de corredores fluviales y las llanuras de inundación asociadas y el mantenimiento de su integridad hidrológica son fundamentales para preservar la biodiversidad dulceacuícola de Brasil y la salud de sus recursos acuáticos.
This study aims to characterize the spatial and seasonal distribution of the fish assemblage and evaluate the integrity of streams in a sustainable use area that includes integral protection conservation units in Distrito Federal, Central Brazil (Cerrado biome). For the study, 12 stretches of 8 streams were sampled in 2008 (dry season) and 2009 (wet season). For that evaluation was estimated the Physical Habitat Index (PHI), vegetation cover (VC), pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and conductivity. We recorded 22 species, about eight undescribed species, by a total of 2,327 individuals. The most representative families in number of species were Characidae (31.8%), Loricariidae (31.8%), and Crenuchidae (13.6%). Knodus moenkhausii was the most abundant species with 1,476 individuals, added to Astyanax sp., Phalloceros harpagos, and Hasemania sp. they represent over 95% of the total abundance. The species Astyanax sp. (occurring in 79.2% of the stretches) and K. moenkhausii (50.0%) were considered constant in both seasons. The longitudinal gradient (River Continuum) exerts a strong influence on the studied assemblage. According to CCA, the variables that structure the fish assemblage are based on aspects related to water volume and habitat complexity. No seasonal variation in richness, diversity, abundance, and mass were detected. A cluster analysis suggests a separation of species composition between the stretches of higher and lower orders, which was not observed for seasonality. The streams were considered well preserved (mean PHI 82.9±7.5%), but in some stretches were observed anthropogenic influence, detected in the water quality and, mainly, on the riparian vegetation integrity. The exotic species Poecilia reticulata was sampled in the two stretches considered most affected by anthropogenic activities by PHI, conductivity, and VC. Esse estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar a distribuição espacial e sazonal da taxocenose de peixes e avaliar a integridade dos córregos de uma área de uso sustentável que inclui unidades de conservação de proteção integral no Distrito Federal, Brasil Central (bioma Cerrado). Para o estudo, foram amostrados 12 trechos de oito cursos d'água em 2008 (estação seca) e 2009 (estação chuvosa). Para essa avaliação foram utilizados o Índice Físico do Habitat (IFH), cobertura vegetal (CV), pH, oxigênio dissolvido, turbidez e condutividade. Foram coletadas 22 espécies, sendo oito não descritas, em um total de 2.327 indivíduos. As famílias mais representativas em número de espécies foram Characidae (31,8%), Loricariidae (31,8%) e Crenuchidae (13,6%). Knodus moenkhausii foi a espécie mais abundante, com 1.476 indivíduos, que juntamente com Astyanax sp., Phalloceros harpagos e Hasemania sp. representaram mais de 95% da abundância total. As espécies Astyanax sp. (ocorrendo em 79,2% dos trechos) e K. moenkhausii (50,0%) foram consideradas constantes nas duas estações. O gradiente longitudinal (rio Contínuo) exerce forte influência na taxocenose estudada. De acordo com a CCA, as variáveis que estruturam a taxocenose íctica se baseiam em aspectos relacionados ao volume e complexidade dos habitats. Não foi detectada variação sazonal na riqueza, diversidade, abundância e massa. Uma análise de agrupamento sugere uma separação na composição de espécies entre trechos de maiores e menores ordens, o que não foi observado para a sazonalidade. Os córregos da APA encontram-se relativamente bem preservados (IFH médio de 82,9±7,5%), porém em alguns trechos foi observada certa influência antrópica, detectada na qualidade da água e, principalmente, na integridade da vegetação ripária. A espécie exótica Poecilia reticulata foi coletada nos dois trechos considerados mais afetados por atividades antrópicas de acordo com o IFH, condutividade e CV.
The fish fauna of streams in the Madeira-Purus interfluvial region, Brazilian Amazon
Check List, 2011
systems. The implementation of such actions is likely to have a major impact to the region, through the encroachment of human settlements, pollution, and deforestation (Fearnside and Graça 2006). Hence there is serious concern for the conservation of small streams and forested environments, which are particularly vulnerable to human occupation/activities and its impacts (e.g. Dias et al. 2009). This study presents the first standardized survey conducted in the interfluvial plain of the Madeira and Purus Rivers. The study aims to contribute to existing knowledge of the fish fauna of small Neotropical streams, comparing our findings to similar studies in other regions in the Brazilian Amazon, and consider the conservation importance of this remote area of the basin. Materials and Methods Study area The study was conducted in the area surrounding the BR-319 highway (connecting Porto Velho, in Rondonia state, to Manaus, in the Amazonas state), between the Madeira and Purus Rivers, in southwestern Brazilian Amazon. Two sites were selected for data collection: the first in the southern part of the intefluvial plain near to Porto Velho (Rondônia state) and the second in the northern part, near to Manaus municipality (Amazonas state). A total of 22 small streams of 1 st to 3 rd order were sampled, in two separate expeditions; 11 during the first trip between April and May 2007 to the southern part of the region, and 11 streams during the second trip in July 2007 in the northern part of the region. In the first expedition all sampled streams were in close proximity
Biota Neotropica
The fish fauna of eight streams with different land uses of their watersheds (forested and rural areas) in the lower Iguaçu River basin was inventoried, in order to evaluate the composition and species richness. The fishes were sampled quarterly from May 2015 to February 2016, using the electrofishing technique. In total, 4,239 individuals were captured, belonging to six orders, 11 families and 26 species. The orders Siluriformes and Characiformes, and the families Characidae and Trichomycteridae were the most specious. Of the total species sampled, 65% were endemic to the Iguaçu River basin, four are not described and four are non-native. As expected to the Iguaçu River basin, the inventoried fauna revealed low richness and high endemism, however was highly nested within the species composition reported for main channel of Iguaçu River and their larger tributaries. The species recorded here corresponded to a subset of 24.5% of the 106 species documented for the basin. The streams p...
The fish fauna of streams in the Madeira-Purus interfluvial region, Brazilian Amazon
Check List, 2011
Small headwaters streams of the Neotropical region usually have high species richness and diversity. This study aimed to investigate the species composition and abundance of fish fauna in the headwaters streams of the Madeira-Purus interfluvial plain in the Brazilian Amazon. A total of 22 streams of 1st to 3rd order were sampled during two expeditions at two separate locations in April-May and July of 2007. A total of 5508 fishes were captured using hand and small seine nets, belonging to 78 species, 22 families and six orders. Characiformes was the most diverse taxonomic group in the samples, followed by Gymnotiformes and Siluriformes. Our findings indicate that the fish fauna of streams in the Madeira- Purus interfluvial plain is both rich and diverse and should be considered during the implementation of strengthened environmental conservation strategies in this region.
Biota neotrop.(Online, …, 2010
of the Reserva Ecológica da Michelin, Municipality of Igrapiúna, State of Bahia, Brazil. Biota Neotrop. 10(2): v10n2/en/abstract?inventory+bn02810022010. Abstract: We studied the richness and distribution of anuran species on different breeding sites at the Reserva Ecológica da Michelin (13° 50' S and 39° 10' W, approximately 90-400 m above sea level), Municipality of Igrapiúna, Bahia State, Brazil. The reserve includes fragments of Atlantic Rain Forest varying from 140 to 650 ha. Five types of environments were sampled: leaf litter inside forest fragments, streams inside forest fragments, dam on the edge of forest fragment, temporary pond inside forest, and temporary ponds inside banana and rubber groves along the eastern boundary of the reserve. We used active and passive sampling methods for surveys of amphibians, between March 2007 and December 2008. We captured 48 species distributed in 10 families (number of species in parentheses): Aromobatidae (1), Brachycephalidae (4), Bufonidae (2), Craugastoridae (1), Centrolenidae (1), Cycloramphidae (3), Hylidae (29), Leiuperidae (1), Leptodactylidae (3), and Microhylidae . Temporary ponds presented the highest number of species in reproductive activity (19 species in native forested areas, and 21 in plantation areas), while leaf litter presented the lowest (6 species). Two species were found in bromeliads (Phyllodytes melanomystax and P. luteolus). Twenty-two species were exclusive to fragments of forest, 11 were found only in anthropized areas (dam, and rubber and banana plantations) and 15 in both environments. Aplastodiscus cavicola and Dendropsophus giesleri had their geographic distribution extended to the State of Bahia. Phasmahyla timbo and Chiasmocleis cordeiroi known only from their type localities were found in the reserve.