Utilization of Web Services for Service Oriented Architecture (original) (raw)

Principles of Service-Oriented Architecture and Web Services Application In Order to Implement Service-Oriented Architecture in Software Engineering


Service oriented architecture (SOA) is an Evolutionary distributed computing from the design hypothesis based request/response for synchronous and asynchronous applications. For an application, business logic or private function became modular and presented as services for consumer/client application. These services have free connection that service interface is independent implementation. For success in business, organizations require information within the organization and Meta information. However, the existence of huge information repositories created by traditional applications prevents information flow between the external and internal parts. SOA is an approach that replaces these huge sources by loose coupling services and satisfies the required information flow and finally increases speed in these organizations.In this paper, first we study the fundamentals of SOA and then describe web services application in software engineering. In addition, we show that web services can b...

Design of a Model to Create the Web Services using Service-Oriented Development

International Journal of Computer Applications, 2013

Today, large numbers of web services are available which puts impacts in the service-oriented development. The emerging growth in service-oriented architecture (SOA) leads users to access wide range of web services which define proper standards. Through this paper, an approach is defined for creating the web services in the environment of serviceoriented development. Proper model is designed to discuss about the three phase of developer phase, broker phase & client phase. These phases are further divided into sub phases. The development process is initiated by describing the each phases in the model. The functionalities and the requirements are discussed thoroughly. This paper gives the approach to develop the web services which focus on the different parameters and enhancing the scope for better services availability.

Study on Web Services Architectural Operations and Performance

International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science and Engineering, 2020

The applications of World Wide Web facilitated to get entry to diverse data available in different sources on the Internet. The success of the Web was somehow limiting because of poor discovering processes to find these data over Internet resources. For solving the shortcomings, some modifications were suggested into Web-based systems. The environment of Web was completely changed through these innovative modifications. For implementing interactive Web operations, traditional data has changed from static documents collection to dynamic intelligent data integrated over Web-based systems. The proposed modifications were implemented in the form of a pioneer technology called as Web services (WS). This paper presents a study conducted about Web services interactions, interoperability, architecture, operations and performance. The paper presents about architectural operations of Web services and how they are implemented to make Web services functional. It also highlights performance issues and entails the applied solutions. Web services are the fundamental elements of service-oriented systems to make them interactive and functionable.

Basic Components of Web Services Architecture: A Survey


Service provided by one electronic device to the other electronic device or devices is generally called as a web service. It may be a block of code that can be remotely accessed and utilized. In the present IT industry web services are playing a vital role in application development by providing a facility of using the existing modules to make up an application without coding from the scratch. This improves the productivity and reduces the overall project development cost and time. This paper provides the basic information of the components that supports the usage of web service along with the web service architecture. The components that are required for the web service architecture such as SOAP: simple object access protocol: used for establishing connection between components, UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration):a registry that stores all the web services and WSDL: web service description language.

Web Service Technologies, Principles, Architectures, and Standards

The development and the adoption of Web services can, to a large extent, traced back to the same driving factors that have led to the development of the Service-oriented approach and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). From an ICT point of view, the main vision has been to exploit methods, tools and techniques enabling businesses to build complex and flexible business processes.

Developing Distributed System With Service Resource Oriented Architecture

TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2012

Service oriented architecture (SOA) merupakan paradigma desain dari rekayasa perangkat lunak untuk skala enterprise yang dibangun di dalam lingkungan sistem terdistribusi. Paradigma ini ditujukan pada abstraksi fungsionalitas aplikasi sebagai sebuah layanan melalui protokol teknologi layanan web yang disebut dengan simple object access protocol (SOAP). Adapun SOAP bersifat statis dan berorientasikan pada metode layanan sehingga memiliki keterbatasan dalam pembuatan dan pengaksesannya pada jumlah layanan yang besar. Karena itu dalam penelitian ini dilakukan kombinasi SOA dengan resource oriented architecture (ROA) yang berorientasi pada sumberdaya layanan menggunakan representational state transfer (REST) untuk memperluas cakupan layana. Kombinasi arsitektur ini disebut sebagai service resource oriented architecture (SROA). SROA mampu mengoptimalkan distribusi aplikasi dan integrasi layanan yang diimplementasikan untuk membangun perangkat lunak manajemen proyek. Untuk merealisasikan model ini, perangkat lunak dibangun sesuai dengan kerangka kerja Agile model driven development (AMDD) untuk mengurangi kompleksitas pada semua tahapan proses pembangunan perangkat lunak. Kata Kunci: AMDD, REST, ROA, SOA, SROA

Web Services Research Challenges, Limitations and Opportunities


Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architecture style where software components that provide a piece of functionality communicate with each other via message they exchange. Within SOA these pieces are called services. Nowadays, the technology platform most associated with the realization of SOA is Web Services. Web Services have received much interest due to their ability to transcend programming language, operating system, network communication protocol, and data representation dependencies and issues.

Service Oriented Architecture for Web Application Development

World Wide Web applications are full-fledged, complex software systems. Therefore, the development of Web applications requires a methodologically sound engineering approach, called Web Engineering, should have an associated architecture that takes into account the special features and needs for the development of Web Applications. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), an Architecture that describes an entity (e.g., application or enterprise) as a set of interdependent services. SOA provides for reuse of existing services and the rapid deployment of new business capabilities based on existing assets. It is a representation of a system where the functionality is provided as a set of services called by other parts of the system. In this paper, we have presented SOA at the architecture level for a web application development. SOA facilitate the manageable growth of large scale enterprise systems, to enhance use of services, also facilitates Internet-scale provisioning by reducing the costs in organization. SOA provides a simple scalable paradigm for organizing large networks of systems that require interoperability. Web application developer using SOA principles is better equipped, evolvable and manageable. The infrastructure SOA is more agile and responsive than one built on an exponential number of pairwise interfaces. Hence, SOA provides a solid foundation for business agility and adaptability.

Application Development wtih Service Oriented Architecture

International Journal of Applied Mathematics Electronics and Computers, 2019

Today, it is one of the most invested areas of organizations to ensure the interoperability of existing corporate applications and newly developed or purchased applications. Developed systems are designed to be shaped according to the needs of the businesses that use it. Classical systems are automation systems that operate from point to point and from other platforms in the enterprise without interaction. Unlike these, the service-oriented architecture (SOA) contains a structure that is ready to interact. In this study, a system has been designed in order to reduce the integration costs between the applications in the long term by using SOA approach, to shorten the business processes in the institution and to reduce the economic costs. In this study, work pieces were published as a method of service over the service layer. Thus, the platform independent main application is accessible to each work piece. At the same time, these work pieces can come together and be reconfigured according to the request of the enterprise. Some of the advantages achieved by using SOA are: Providing improved work processes for services and actors, ensuring collaboration, utilizing from existing and reuse with savings, providing business flexibility by responding to changing business needs.

32 A Comparison of Service Oriented Architecture with other Advances in Software Architectures

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) allows software systems to possess desirable architecture attributes such as loose coupling, platform independence, inter-operability, reusability, agility and so on. Despite its wide adoption in the form of Web services, many stakeholders both from academia and industry have limited understanding of its underlying principles. This has led to faulty implementations of SOA and in some cases, it has been implemented in places where it is not suitable. In this paper, we investigate and show the relationship between SOA and other advances in software architecture. The paper relates SOA to Architecture Patterns, Components and Connectors. We advance the view that SOA's uniqueness and strength does not lie in its computational elements but in the way it enables and handles their interaction. In this way, we facilitate the understanding of SOA in terms of other advances in software architectures that are already well understood. We believe that a good understanding of SOAs in terms of other advances in software architectures will help to reap its enormous benefits.