“The escalation of science and technology and their contribution to the progress and survival of humanity” is the title of my 16th book to be published, which is subtitled “Science and technology and its contribution to economic and social development and as a passport to save humanity from extinction”. This book of more than 300 pages aims to present the evolution of science and technology from its origins to the contemporary era, as well as its contribution to economic and social progress and the survival of the human species from the internal threats of planet Earth and from threats outsiders from outer space. This book that I publish incorporates all the knowledge I have acquired over 60 years of studies and research on science and technology and the experience in dealing with scientific and technological issues as an engineering professional.

Development of Society under the Modern Technology- A Review

Scholedge International Journal of Business Policy & Governance ISSN 2394-3351, 2018

The main objective of the present study is to know the relationship between society and technology, where emphasize have been put on development process under modern science and technology and its perspectives. Technology has completely revolutionized present era in every aspect of life especially dealing with society. Technology has transformed the methods of education, communication, business, art and literature, and has resulted in the enhancement in the core spheres of life, before this blessed gift the knowledge regarding the above mentioned spheres was limited because of the restricted methods and methodologies etc. Due to blessings of science and technology we are now able to check the advancement of every department working around our society with a single click of internet. It is technology which helps us to differentiate about the development process of all sections of society and help us to maintain the development process. Technology has brought our society close to each...

Technology and Human Values © Meenakshie Verma

April, 2021

"According, to the Greek myth, Prometheus, a human, stole the secret of technology from the Gods. The head of the gods, Zeus, then made all humanity suffer for Prometheus' audacity and rebellion against the natural order of things. In one version of the myth, he sent down Pandora's Box, which, when opened, let escape all the evils of the world. Thus, suffering and unhappiness were the price humans had to pay for their theft of the god-like powers of technology. The ancient Greeks argued that whoever possessed a Techne had to be socially responsible. Both Plato and Aristotle stated that, for the social order to be maintained, it is mandatory that an individual must also practice Techne for the benefit of social, not exclusively for, oneself." Along, with economic and financial needs-across cultures, people have layers of social, cultural, ecological and psychological requirements-which must be met for optimal performance and complete their assigned tasks. In the course of action people often need reliable sources of motivation, self determination and positive personal growth. The process of identifying these sources and channelizing them has to be done and continued. Moreover, these ideas have to be introduced in early stages of social and professional life. During the past years there has been a concern shown towards inclusion of liberal arts education for the technology students. In particular for the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Medical) related branches. Usually, technological education has miniscule or no emphasis on liberal arts and humanities themes. By and large technology and liberal arts are segregated domains of study. Irrefutably, technical streams produce significant numbers of quality technocrats, bureaucrats, medical professionals and engineers every year. Besides, such individuals are capable of solving technical problems in their chosen fields. However, quite often they find it difficult to effectively maintain a qualitative balance between technology, society, culture, human values, ecological concerns and sustainable development. Evidently, for the technology students the huge segregation between their education and other systems of knowledge does not provide enough opportunities to explore, human values, socio-cultural deposits and means of sustainable and inclusive development. As a consequence, the experts in various technology and engineering fields have a skewed understanding of priorities, structures and needs of the society, livelihood patterns also, subversive economic trends.


In the contemporary society, science and technology are very much dominating in all part of the world, because the world is running with faster than ever before. The social and cultural values are shifting towards techno innovative. The philosophy will play a greater extent to understating the basic ethical and moral issues and crisis in science and technology of the global society. The science and technology as socially embedded enterprises, which change the intellectual paradigms. Philosophy of science is a new shift of epistemology in the light of emergency of technology and science. In the analytical philosophy the science and technological poses a new challenge in development and destruction are central issues in the modern debates. An enquiry into epistemological status of technological statement and technological statements are to be demarcated from scientific statement. The development of ethics of technology as a new system started as sub discipline of philosophy. The fundamental frame work on science and technology jobs are crucial in the given examples of the honesty, sincerity, truthfulness…etc. philosophy will deal all parts of science and technology and show the proper direction practically which will eradicate some issues change the society and lead into development and justify all part of the people and all areas

How to Make Technology Better?

Technological progress and its consequences have strongly changed the way we live. This process has initiated a lot of philosophical and ethical reflections. Many of those reflections show us what is wrong with our attitude towards technology and that there are parts of technological development which lead to ill consequences. My thesis is that a part of a problem with technology is our understanding of it. The better philosophical concept of notion of technology can lead us to finding a way of using technology as a tool for making the world a good place to live. In my paper I present three ways of understanding technology and it's place in society. According to Hans Jonas we should be responsible for future generations and avoid situations, which could be dangerous for them. This embrace taking control over technology and avoiding catastrophes, which could be started by our inventions. Ivan Illich in Tools for Conviviality shows that using technologies is leading to such problems as bureaucratization and monopolization of our lives by scientifically justified practices. Kevin Kelly wrote about technology as a part of evolutional process. He highlights that technology can be seen as a tool to make our development faster. I use those ideas to propose a more diversified concept of technology. I show that we need to provide criteria of good and bad aspects of technology and start to think about different types of technological development – those which we would like to spread and those which we should not let to appear.


In the twentieth century, it was believed that the only reliable means to improve the human condition came from the new machines, chemicals and many different techniques. Including recurrent social ills and the environment that accompanies technological advances rarely have affected this faith. Today, there is a clear perception that science and technology have provided progress for humanity, but, along with it, have the ability to also destroy it.

Modern Science and Technology: A Serious Challenge to Human Life and Human Dignity


The place of man in the cosmic arrangement is incontrovertibly special. The cosmos seems to be ordered primarily for the well being of man; no wonder some philosophers contend that man is the measure of all things. He alone is claimed to resemble God, rational, and capable of distinguishing between good and evil. Man shares kinetic, appetitive, and reproductive powers with other animals but the powers of cognition and to will are exclusively human. With all the special accompaniments of man it makes sense to respect human life and promote human dignity. Be that as it may, human life and human dignity has faced some serious challenges from the perspective of modern science and technology as a result of the predominance of secular philosophy. Ironically, science and technology is the brainchild of man and has actually played significant roles in improving human well-being. To restore human life and dignity it is necessary to deemphasize secularism and recognize the centrality of God i...