Development of Colored Concrete in Jordan (original) (raw)

Comparative study of conventional concrete and Green concrete


In today’s modern world there has been enormous development in the field of “Concrete Technology”. With this development, there has also been enormous use of concrete in our day today life. Concrete mainly comprises of cement, sand and aggregate as its main constituents, which when mixed with water in correct proportion gives a byproduct called as “Concrete”. The excess use of concrete has led to the environmental impact in terms of resources utilization as well as in terms of pollution. To overcome these impacts the concept of “Green Concrete” came into existence. Green Concrete is a concrete in which one or more of its constituents are replaced by a resource saving material, which ultimately has reduced environmental impacts in terms of both, resource utilization and pollution impacts together. The current paper is an experimental work carried out to assess the comparative study of “Green Concrete” and “Conventional Concrete” in terms of their “Compressive Strength” parameter. M25...

A Research on Green Concrete


A Green Concrete is a revolutionary topic in the history of concrete industry. This was first invented in Denmark in the year 1998. Green concrete has nothing to do with color. It is a concept of thinking environment into concrete considering every aspect from raw materials manufacture over mixture design to structural design, construction, and service life. Green concrete is very often also cheap to produce because for example, waste products are used as a partial substitute for cement, charges for the disposal of waste are avoided, energy consumption in production is lower, and durability is greater. Green concrete is a type of concrete which resembles the conventional concrete but the production or usage of such concrete requires minimum amount of energy and causes least harm to the environment. The CO2 emission related to concrete production, is between 0.1 and 0.22 t per tonne of produced concrete. However, since the total amount of concrete produced is so vast the absolute figures for the environmental impact are quite significant, due to the large amounts of cement and concrete produced. Since concrete is the second most consumed entity after water it accounts for around 5% of the world’s total CO2 emission. The solution to this environmental problem is not to substitute concrete for other materials but to reduce the environmental impact of concrete and cement. The potential environmental benefit to society of being able to build with green concrete is huge. It is realistic to assume that technology can be developed, which can halve the CO2 emission related to concrete production. During the last few decades society has become aware of the deposit problems connected with residual products, and demands, restrictions and taxes have been imposed. And as it is known that several residual products have properties suited for concrete production, there is a large potential in investigating the possible use of these for concrete production. Well-known residual products such as silica fume and fly ash may be mentioned. The concrete industry realized at an early stage that it is a good idea to be in front with regard to documenting the actual environmental aspects and working on improving the environment rather than being forced to deal with environmental aspects due to demands from authorities, customers and economic effects such as imposed taxes. Furthermore, some companies in concrete industry have recognized that reductions in production costs often go hand in hand with reductions in environmental impacts. Thus, environmental aspects are not only interesting from an ideological point of view, but also from an economic aspect. Green concrete has manifold advantages over the conventional concrete. Since it uses the recycled aggregates and materials, it reduces the extra load in landfills and mitigates the wastage of aggregates. Thus, the net CO2 emission are reduced. The reuse of materials also contributes intensively to economy. Green concrete can be considered elemental to sustainable development since it is eco-friendly itself. Green concrete is being widely used in green building practices.

Ijteri a Review on Green Concrete

Construction industry is growing speedily and new technologies have evolved very fast to provide different difficulties in the construction manufacturing. Among all materials used in the construction industry concrete is main material for construction purposes. Billions of tons of naturally occurring ingredients are mined to produce concrete which will leave a substantial mark on the atmosphere. Nowadays recycling of waste and industrial by products gaining popularity to make concrete environment friendly material and the concrete can be called as Green Concrete. This review paper will give us a brief idea about as well as advantage sand disadvantages about green concrete.

Experimental Analysis on Green Concrete

International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology

Concrete makes up about 5% of all global CO2 emissions and is the second most consumed material after water. On average, 927g of carbon dioxide is produced for every 1000 kg of cement. One of the most effective materials that has a significant impact on environment. We are completely substituting waste materials like fly ash and silica fume for cement in order to lessen the cement's negative environmental effects. The use of two chemicals (chem1 and chem2) that will react with fly ash to create cement-like materials and cementations properties is called a polymerization reaction. We will research how different chemical ratios affect concrete's strength and durability and get similar conclusions. Following an interpretation of the findings and conclusions by casting and testing concrete, we will state the application of the test results for both the physical and chemical properties of the materials.

Evaluation of White Cement Coloured with Ultramarine Blue Pigment

Dyna, 2009

En el presente trabajo se evalúa el desempeño mecánico del cemento blanco coloreado con pigmento azul ultramar y se explica su desempeño a partir de las modificaciones mineralógicas acaecidas por la sustitución de cemento por pigmento en porcentajes de 5, 10, 15 y 20%. Se fabricaron hormigones y pastas para ser estudiados a 3, 7, 28 y 90 días de curado normal. Se encontró que el pigmento Azul Ultramar al entrar en contacto con el C3A del cemento y el agua, y debido a su contenido de azufre, permite la formación de grandes cantidades de etringita primaria (desordenada y dispersa en la matriz), lo cual se traduce en un incremento de la resistencias mecánicas de los hormigones sustituidos con Azul Ultramar hasta en un 45% a 90 días de curado normal.

A Review on Green Concrete

Construction industry is growing rapidly and new technologies have evolved very fast to cater different difficulties in the construction industry. Among all materials used in the construction industry concrete is main material for construction puposes. Billions of tons of naturally occurring materials are mined for the production of concrete which will leave a substantial mark on the environment. Nowadays recycling of waste and industrial by products gaining popularity to make concrete environment friendly material and the concrete can be called as Green Concrete. This review paper will give us a brief idea about as well as advantages and disadvantages about green concrete.


2nd Conference of Civil Engineering – Dec. 2018, 2018

High Performance Concrete (HPC) is widely used in construction industry worldwide. This paper is aim to produce HPC in Sudan, using materials which are available at local markets. Different trial mixes are used to obtain a compressive strength exceeding 80 MPa. Research includes use of mineral admixture (silica fume) and Aggregates (Crushed stone and quartz sand). Effect of different level of silica fume replacement of cement by 0, 15, 20 and 30% on main properties of HPC, i.e., compressive strength, density and slump were investigated. Test results revealed that it is possible to produce HPC in Sudan, with compressive strength in excess of 80 MPa using materials which are available at local markets, if carefully selected and mixed in such a way as to give optimum distribution of granules. Optimum percentage of silica fume necessary for producing HPC is about 20 % of cement weigh.