Relationships Between Benthic Community Condition, Water Quality, Sediment Quality, Nutrient Loads, and Land Use Patterns in Chesapeake Bay (original) (raw)
Related papers
Estuaries and Coasts, 2017
Nutrient inputs have degraded estuaries worldwide. We investigated the sources and effects of nutrient inputs by comparing water quality at shallow (< 2m deep) nearshore (within 200 m) locations in a total of 49 Chesapeake subestuaries and Mid-Atlantic coastal bays with differing local watershed land use. During July-October, concentrations of total nitrogen (TN), dissolved ammonium, dissolved inorganic N (DIN), and chlorophyll a were positively correlated with the percentages of cropland and developed land in the local watersheds. TN, DIN, and nitrate were positively correlated with the ratio of watershed area to subestuary area. Total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved phosphate increased with cropland but were not affected by developed land. The relationships among N, P, chlorophyll a, and land use suggest N limitation of chlorophyll a production from July-October. We compared our measurements inside the subestuaries to measurements by the Chesapeake Bay Program in adjacent estuarine waters outside the subestuaries. TP and dissolved inorganic P concentrations inside the subestuaries correlated with concentrations outside the subestuaries. However, water quality inside the subestuaries generally differed from that in adjacent estuarine waters. The concentration of nitrate was lower inside the subestuaries, while the concentrations of other forms of N, TP, and chlorophyll a were higher. This suggests that shallow nearshore waters inside the subestuaries import nitrate while exporting other forms of N as well as TP and chlorophyll a. The importance of local land use and the distinct biogeochemistry of shallow waters should be considered in managing coastal systems.
Estuaries, 1992
Human activities on coastal watersheds provide the major sources of nutrients entering shallow coastal ecosystems. Nutrient loadings from watersheds are the most widespread factor that alters structure and function of receiving aquatic ecosystems. To investigate this coupling of land to marine systems, we are studying a series of subwatersheds of Waquoit Bay that differ in degree of urbanization and hence ;ire exposed to widely different nutrient loading rates. The subwatersheds differ in the number of septic tanks and the relative acreage of forests. In the area of our study, groundwater is the major mechanism that transports nutrients to coastal waters. Although there is some attenuation of nutrient concentrations within the aquifer or at the sediment-water interface, in urbanized areas there are significant increases in the nutrient content of groundwater arriving at the shore's edge. The groundwater seeps or flows through the sediment-water boundary, and sufficient groundwater-borne nutrients (nitrogen in particular) traverse the sediment-water boundary to cause significant changes in the aquatic ecosystem. These loading-dependent alterations include increased nutrients in water, greater primary production by phytoplankton, and increased macroalgal biomass and growth (mediated by a suite of physiological responses to abundance of nutrients). The increased macroalgai biomass dominates the bay ecosystem through second-or third-order effects such as alterations of nutrient status of water columns and increasing frequency of anoxic events. The increases in seaweeds have decreased the areas covered by eelgrass habitats. The change in habitat type, plus the increased frequency of anoxic events, change the composition of the benthic fauna. The data make evident the importance of bottom-up control in shallow coastal food webs. The coupling of land to sea by groundwater-borne nutrient transport is mediated by a complex series of steps; the cascade of processes make it unlikely to find a oneto-one relation between land use and conditions in the aquatic ecosystem. Study of the process and synthesis by appropriate models may provide a way to deal with the complexities of the coupling.
The robust growth of coastal communities in the southeastern United States is putting unique pressures on estuarine resources. Urbanization of estuarine systems may alter ecosystem function and thus affect the spatial scale and magnitude of nutrient concentrations and primary production temporally and spatially. We examined the spatial and temporal patterns of nutrient and chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentrations in two shallow well-mixed estuaries, (1) a developed estuary, Murrells Inlet (MI), South Carolina, and (2) a relatively pristine estuary, North Inlet (NI), South Carolina. The summer chlorophyll a maximum in MI was characteristically higher than in NI, which may be indicative of eutrophication. Correlations between salinity and inorganic nutrients (N and P) suggest that nutrient import from upland sources may be more pronounced in MI during stochastic precipitation events. Although inorganic nutrient concentrations between the estuaries were similar overall, during a wet period, inorganic N concentration in MI was increased to a greater extent than in NI, while only minimal increases in inorganic P were observed in both estuaries. Chlorophyll a concentrations decreased from the dry to wet period. Geographic Information System (GIS) plots of intensive spatial sampling in MI indicated spatial gradients of nutrient concentrations within this estuary that appeared to be consistent over time. These observations were investigated in more detail using regression analyses to examine the influences of coastal dilution and nutrient sources on relationships between water quality constituents. Results 0022-0981/$ -see front matter D
Environmental Management, 2009
The watershed of the Neuse River, a major tributary of the largest lagoonal estuary on the U.S. mainland, has sustained rapid growth of human and swine populations. This study integrated a decade of available land cover and water quality data to examine relationships between land use changes and surface water quality. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis was used to characterize 26 subbasins throughout the watershed for changes in land use during 1992-2001, considering urban, agricultural (cropland, animal as pasture, and densities of confined animal feed operations [CAFOs]), forested, grassland, and wetland categories and numbers of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). GIS was also used together with longitudinal regression analysis to identify specific land use characteristics that influenced surface water quality. Total phosphorus concentrations were significantly higher during summer in subbasins with high densities of WWTPs and CAFOs. Nitrate was significantly higher during winter in subbasins with high numbers of WWTPs, and organic nitrogen was higher in subbasins with higher agricultural coverage, especially with high coverage of pastures fertilized with animal manure. Ammonium concentrations were elevated after high precipitation. Overall, wastewater discharges in the upper, increasingly urbanized Neuse basin and intensive swine agriculture in the lower basin have been the highest contributors of nitrogen and phosphorus to receiving surface waters. Although nonpoint sources have been emphasized in the eutrophication of rivers and estuaries such as the Neuse, point sources continue to be major nutrient contributors in watersheds sustaining increasing human population growth. The described correlation and regression analyses represent a rapid, reliable method to relate land use patterns to water quality, and they can be adapted to watersheds in any region. Keywords Agriculture Á Estuary Á Eutrophication Á Land use Á Longitudinal regression models Á Urban Á Watershed Human activities such as urban development and intensification of agriculture, driven by the need to provide resources for the expanding human population, are profoundly and pervasively changing the world landscape. Recognition of the strong association between land use and water quality, and between human health and clean water, has increasingly focused attention on the relationships between catchment characteristics and water quality (e.g., Basnyat and others 2000; Line and others 2002; Kelsey and others 2004; Holland and others 2004). These studies have shown that landscape assessment methods can provide a simple, timely, cost-effective approach for monitoring, targeting, and modeling ecosystem health in watersheds. Research in certain regions has demonstrated linkages
Impacts of Urbanization on Nutrient Concentrations in Small Southeastern Coastal Streams
Journal of The American Water Resources Association, 2003
Coastal watersheds in the southeastern United States are rapidly changing due to population growth and attendant increases in residential development, industry, and tourism related commerce. This research examined spatial and temporal patterns of nutrient concentrations in streams from 10 small watersheds (< 4 km 2) that drain into Murrells Inlet (impacted) and North Inlet (pristine), two high salinity estuaries along the South Carolina coast. Monthly grab samples were collected during baseflow during 1999 and analyzed for total and dissolved inorganic and organic forms of nitrogen and phosphorus. Data were grouped into forested wetland creeks (representing predevelopment reference sites), urban creeks, and urban ponds. DON and NH4 concentrations were greater in forested streams than in urban streams. NO3 and TP concentrations were greatest in urban streams. Seasonally, concentrations were highest during summer for TN, NH4, DON, and TP, while NO3 concentrations were greatest during winter. Nutrient ratios clearly highlighted the reduction in organic nitrogen due to coastal development. Multiple regression models to predict instream nutrient concentrations from land use in Murrells Inlet suggest that effects are not significant (small r 2). The findings indicate that broad land use/land cover classes cannot be used to predict nutrient concentrations in streams in the very small watersheds in our study areas.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2001
Historical changes in land use on coastal watersheds have increased rates of land-derived nitrogen loading to estuaries and altered their biogeochemistry and food webs. We used information on human populations and land uses within the watershed of Waquoit Bay, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, U.S.A., to model how nitrogen loads derived from atmospheric deposition, fertilizer use, and wastewater disposal have changed since the 1930s. Nitrogen loading into Waquoit Bay more than doubled between 1938 and 1990. The predominant source of nitrogen added to the bay changed from atmospheric deposition to wastewater disposal during the 1980s, reflecting the increasing urbanization of Cape Cod. Larger nitrogen loads increased nitrogen concentrations in the water, altering the assemblage of primary producers and resulting in eutrophication of the estuary. Biomass of phytoplankton and macroalgae increased, and areal cover of eelgrass (Zostera marina) decreased, with increasing nitrogen load. An increase...
Environmental Management, 1999
Land-use activities affect water quality by altering sediment, chemical loads, and watershed hydrology. Some land uses may contribute to the maintenance of water quality due to a biogeochemical transformation process. These land-use/land-cover types can serve as nutrient detention zones or as nutrient transformation zones as dissolved or suspended nutrients or sediments move downstream. Despite research on the effects of individual landuse/land-cover types, very little has been done to analyze the joint contributions of multiple land-use activities. This paper examines a methodology to assess the relationships between land-use complex and nitrate and sediment concentrations [nonpoint source (NPS) pollutants] in streams. In this process, selected basins of the Fish River, Alabama, USA, were delineated, land-use/land-cover types were classified, and contributing zones were identified using geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) analysis tools. Water samples collected from these basins were analyzed for selected chemical and physical properties. Based on the contributions of the NPS pollutants, a link-
Geophysical Monograph Series, 2004
Urbanization in the Chesapeake Bay watershed is having dramatic impacts on the streams and rivers that feed the Bay. Increasing imperviousness has led to higher peak flows and lower base flows. The movement of pollutants and other materials to receiving waters has increased and stream water temperatures have risen. These changes alter the structure and functioning of rivers, streams, and associated ripar ian corridors and result in changes in ecosystem services. We define a hydrologic disturbance index that indicates varying degrees of dis turbance on a reach-by-reach basis, dependent on the aggregate amount of urban ization upstream of each reach. For current conditions this index is more variable than for future conditions, because current land use in the study watershed is more vari able, containing mixtures of urban, agricultural, and forested land. In contrast, future land use is projected to be more uniformly urban, leading to a less variable but greater overall degree of hydrologic disturbance. Two effects of urbanization on fish are explored through ecological modeling: effects of streambed disturbance on food availability and effects of stream temper ature on spawning. We tabulate food availability as a function of bed-mobility for 30 different fish species. We show that additional stress occurs with additional urbanization of the watershed. We show that the urban-related increase in stream tem peratures may cause several warm-water species to actually gain opportunities to spawn in some cases. However, combining food availability and spawning day avail ability into a single index reveals highly stressful conditions for all fish species under the fully developed scenario.
Relationships among nutrients, chloride and biological indices in urban Maryland streams
Urban Ecosystems, 2007
Using a spatially extensive urban database constructed from the Maryland Biological Stream Survey (MBSS), we describe the relationships of nutrients in small-order streams to eight defined categories of percent catchment urbanization, correlations between chloride and conductivity in urban streams, and relationships between nutrients and chloride with two Maryland-specific indices of biotic integrity for benthic macroinvertebrates and fish assemblages. Stream nutrients become elevated with increasing percent catchment urbanization, followed by increases in all four measured nitrogen species and total phosphorus at catchment urbanization levels greater than 10%. There was a strong collinear relationship (r 2 =0.90) between chloride and conductivity (trimeans) across all eight urbanization classes, where Cl (mg/L)=−0.397+0.188*conductivity (μS/cm). Critical values for all water quality parameters with the two Maryland biological indices were derived using quantile regression, with significant regressions developed for 11 of 16 water quality parameters and the two biotic indices. For nitrate (NO 3 -N), the critical thresholds between fair and poor stream quality for the two Maryland biological indices were 0.83 mg/L (benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages) and 0.86 mg/L (fish assemblages). Increasing stream nutrient and chloride levels, associated with widespread catchment urbanization intensity, now affect many small streams in Maryland, with implications for decreasing water quality in major tributaries and the Chesapeake Bay.