Very free rational curves in Fano varieties

Journal of Algebra

Let X be a projective variety and let C be a rational normal curve on X. We compute the normal bundle of C in a general complete intersection of hypersurfaces of sufficiently large degree in X. As a result, we establish the separable rational connectedness of a large class of varieties, including general Fano complete intersections of hypersurfaces of degree at least three in flag varieties, in arbitrary characteristic. In addition, we give a new way of computing the normal bundle of certain rational curves in products of varieties in terms of their restricted tangent bundles and normal bundles on each factor.

Some Loci of Rational Cubic Fourfolds

In this paper we investigate the divisor C14 inside the moduli space of smooth cubic hypersurfaces in P 5 , whose generic element is a smooth cubic containing a smooth quartic scroll. Using the fact that all degenerations of quartic scrolls in P 5 contained in a smooth cubic hypersurface are surfaces with one apparent double point, we show that every cubic hypersurface belonging to C14 is rational. As an application of our results and of the construction of some explicit examples contained in the Appendix, we also prove that the Pfaffian locus is not open in C14.

Rationality questions and motives of cubic fourfolds

arXiv: Algebraic Geometry, 2019

In this note we propose an approach to some questions about the birational geometry of smooth cubic fourfolds through the theory of Chow motives. We introduce the transcendental part t(X) of the motive of X and prove that it is isomorphic to the (twisted) transcendental part h tr 2 (F (X)) in a suitable Chow-Kunneth decomposition for the motive of the Fano variety of lines F (X). Then we explain the relation between t(X) and the motives of some special surfaces of lines contained in F (X). If X is a special cubic fourfold in the sense of Hodge theory, and F (X) S [2] , with S a K3 surface associated to X, then we show that t(X) t 2 (S)(1). Moreover we relate the existence of an isomorphism between the transcendental motive t(X) and the (twisted) transcendental motive of a K3 surface to conjectures by Hassett and Kuznetsov on the rationality of a special cubic fourfold. Finally we give examples of cubic fourfolds such that the motive t(X) is finite dimensional and of abelian type.

Fano Hypersurfaces with Arbitrarily Large Degrees of Irrationality

Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 2020

We show that complex Fano hypersurfaces can have arbitrarily large degrees of irrationality. More precisely, if we fix a Fano index eee , then the degree of irrationality of a very general complex Fano hypersurface of index eee and dimension n is bounded from below by a constant times sqrtn\sqrt{n}sqrtn . To our knowledge, this gives the first examples of rationally connected varieties with degrees of irrationality greater than 3. The proof follows a degeneration to characteristic ppp argument, which Kollár used to prove nonrationality of Fano hypersurfaces. Along the way, we show that in a family of varieties, the invariant ‘the minimal degree of a dominant rational map to a ruled variety’ can only drop on special fibers. As a consequence, we show that for certain low-dimensional families of varieties, the degree of irrationality also behaves well under specialization.



We show that a wide range of Fano varieties of K3 type, recently constructed by Bernardara, Fatighenti, Manivel and Tanturri in [6], have a multiplicative Chow-Künneth decomposition, in the sense of Shen-Vial. It follows that the Chow ring of these Fano varieties behaves like that of K3 surfaces. As a side result, we obtain some criteria for the Franchetta property of blown-up projective varieties.

On integral points of some Fano threefolds and their Hilbert schemes of lines and conics

Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2

We prove some density results for integral points on affine open sets of Fano threefolds. For instance, let X^o=\mathbb P^3{\setminus } DXo=P3DwhereDistheunionoftwoquadricssuchthattheirintersectioncontainsasmoothconic,ortheunionofasmoothquadricsurfaceandtwoplanes,ortheunionofasmoothcubicsurfaceVandaplaneX o = P 3 \ D where D is the union of two quadrics such that their intersection contains a smooth conic, or the union of a smooth quadric surface and two planes, or the union of a smooth cubic surface V and a planeXo=P3DwhereDistheunionoftwoquadricssuchthattheirintersectioncontainsasmoothconic,ortheunionofasmoothquadricsurfaceandtwoplanes,ortheunionofasmoothcubicsurfaceVandaplane\Pi ΠsuchthattheintersectionΠ such that the intersectionΠsuchthattheintersectionV\cap \Pi V∩Πcontainsaline.InallthesecasesweshowthatthesetofintegralpointsofV ∩ Π contains a line. In all these cases we show that the set of integral points ofVΠcontainsaline.InallthesecasesweshowthatthesetofintegralpointsofX^o$$ X o is potentially dense. We apply the above results to prove that integral points are potentially dense in some log-Fano or in some log-Calabi-Yau threefold.

Derived categories of flips and cubic hypersurfaces

Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society

A classical result of Bondal-Orlov states that a standard flip in birational geometry gives rise to a fully faithful functor between derived categories of coherent sheaves. We complete their embedding into a semiorthogonal decomposition by describing the complement. As an application, we can lift the "quadratic Fano correspondence" (due to Galkin-Shinder) in the Grothendieck ring of varieties between a smooth cubic hypersurface, its Fano variety of lines, and its Hilbert square, to a semiorthogonal decomposition. We also show that the Hilbert square of a cubic hypersurface of dimension at least 3 is again a Fano variety, so in particular the Fano variety of lines on a cubic hypersurface is a Fano visitor. The most interesting case is that of a cubic fourfold, where this exhibits the first higher-dimensional hyperkähler variety as a Fano visitor.

Hilbert schemes of lines and conics and automorphism groups of Fano threefolds

Japanese Journal of Mathematics

We discuss various results on Hilbert schemes of lines and conics and automorphism groups of smooth Fano threefolds of Picard rank 1. Besides a general review of facts well known to experts, the paper contains some new results, for instance, we give a description of the Hilbert scheme of conics on any smooth Fano threefold of index 1 and genus 10. We also show that the action of the automorphism group of a Fano threefold X of index 2 (respectively, 1) on an irreducible component of its Hilbert scheme of lines (respectively, conics) is faithful if the anticanonical class of X is very ample except for some explicit cases. We use these faithfulness results to prove finiteness of the automorphism groups of most Fano threefolds and classify explicitly all Fano threefolds with infinite automorphism group. We also discuss a derived category point of view on the Hilbert schemes of lines and conics, and use it to identify some of them. Contents 5.2. Fano threefolds of index 1 and genus 12 30 5.3. Special Fano threefolds of genus 12 32 5.4. Explicit automorphisms groups 34 Appendix A. Some standard results on conics 39 A.1. Conics on surfaces 39 A.2. Normal bundles of degenerate conics 41 Appendix B. Lines and conics on Fano threefolds 43 B.1. Fano threefolds as complete intersections in homogeneous varieties 44 B.2. A correspondence between Fano threefolds of index 1 and 2 47 B.3. Lines, conics, and derived categories 48 B.4. Conics on a Fano threefold of index 1 and genus 12 50 B.5. Conics on a Fano threefold of index 1 and genus 10 51 B.6. Conics on a Fano threefold of index 1 and genus 8 55 References 57

Fano fourfolds of K3 type

arXiv (Cornell University), 2021

A. We produce a list of 64 families of Fano fourfolds of K3 type, extracted from our database of at least 634 Fano fourfolds constructed as zero loci of general global sections of completely reducible homogeneous vector bundles on products of flag manifolds. We study the geometry of these Fano fourfolds in some detail, and we find the origin of their K3 structure by relating most of them either to cubic fourfolds, Gushel-Mukai fourfolds, or actual K3 surfaces. Their main invariants and some information on their rationality and on possible semiorthogonal decompositions for their derived categories are provided.